Dr. Chia Produces New Form of Oxymatrine

Timaca, i saw you have greatly lowered your coxsackies levels on Oxy, i have lots of them too and will start oxy today and from reading your post you took them long time over 1 year< are you still taking them?
Hi Timaca,

I was wondering if your Coxsackie levels have lowered since you have been on the Oxymatrine?



Senior Member
what lab do you use to test for coxsackie titers. Dr chia seems to think anything but Arup labs are a waste of time.
A friend of mine who had hep c and did the interferon treatment etc felt like death warmed over for like 9months, she was useless, tired in pain etc lost some hair and she has kids (bad drug choices in the 90s came back to haunt her 20 yrs later unexpectedly) but she got thru it and now feels better than ever. It makes me wonder if the med system really needs to work on letting patients know how bad antiviral therapy can be and more importantly how to support people thru such a long period of being even more disabled while on the treatment.


Many people have trouble tolerating Interferon because of it's brutal side effects. It's actually a pretty barbaric treatment, but then if one has a virus that's gonna take out the liver, it may be worth the price. Until recently, treatment for HCV (HepC) has been combo therapy with a form of Interferon together with Ribavirin, and the successes were logging in around 30-50%. But early trial reports on the new protease inhibitors are showing much higher results. The true test is SVR (sustained viral response).....will they keep the virus down after going off the meds. HCV is epidemic and has plenty of research funding. Hopefully this will happen real soon with xmrv and ME/CFS.


Senior Member
ARUP lab is the best lab for testing coxsackie viruses (and echoviruses). For more info see: http://www.enterovirusfoundation.org/chronicinfections.shtml Scroll down until you see the info about ARUP lab. I've been tested at Focus Lab, Lab Corp and ARUP. ARUP did the best job of identifying my problem pathogens.

I've been on oxymatrine (and acyclovir) for a year and a half. I was on valcyte before that and some antibiotics too. I just came back from seeing my doctors and am not going to make any changes at this time in what I do. This is because in the last month, I've had better days than I've had since I've been ill (almost 7 years). So, no one wanted to rock the boat. If I plateau or get worse, we'll look at changing things....but for now, status quo, and I think that is the best choice.

Best, Timaca


Patient in training
is anyone trying this empirically, w/out testing, w/out a biopsy?

It seems it can be heavy going from the feedback I've read. I'd like to try it .. but can't see myself doing the stomach biopsy that Dr Chia normally requires.


Aquarius girl, I have just recieved blood results with my cox b2 being high and b6 being elevated. I will skip the biopsy and get started on Oxymatrine, For one the biopsy would certainly not occur in Canada.


Senior Member
Timaca and others,

It is my understanding from Dr. Chia that it takes some time on Oxymatrine for the ARUP Coxsackie titers to drop. In other words they do not drop in the first few months of treatment. In my daughter's case after three months B2 dropped from 1:640 to 1:320, B3 from !:640 to 1:80 and B4 stayed the same at >1:640. Any comment?




Senior Member
Hi Chris~
A one dilution change doesn't mean anything. So, a drop from 1:640 to 1:320 is not significant, meaning you can't tell if that is a true change or not. Give it more time, and see what happens. The B3 has dropped a decent amount. B4 hasn't changed, but I wouldn't be surprised if she has been treating just 3 months.

In my case, my titers after 13 months of treatment went: B3 1:320 to <1:10 B4 >=1:640 to 1:40 B5 1:160 to 1:40.

Treat her longer....see how her titers change (or don't), and most importantly, see how she feels. Good luck and best wishes for a full return to health.

Best, Timaca


Patient in training
Timaca and others,

It is my understanding from Dr. Chia that it takes some time on Oxymatrine for the ARUP Coxsackie titers to drop. In other words they do not drop in the first few months of treatment. In my daughter's case after three months B2 dropped from 1:640 to 1:320, B3 from !:640 to 1:80 and B4 stayed the same at >1:640. Any comment?



Chris, those are serious titers... Mine are at the highest 1:32, for B-2 and 1:16 for B-6.

I am into my second week of oxymatrine, feeling feverish and exhausted.

I wonder if anyone have been up to 6 pills a day?


Senior Member
I am on oxymatrine (white tiger) for about a month, 2 tabs daily. No big changes. what dosage do you take?


Senior Member
oew that is a lot! what protocol are you following? I thought 2 tab was Dr Chia's recommended dosage? Hmm now I am confused maybe I should increase the dosage?


Patient in training
I am actually following the instruction on the box- start with 1 a day for a week, increase by 1 pill every week until 6.

I am not sensitive to meds- like some CFS patients can be.

However reviewing this thread, I read CFS patients shouldn't go beyond 3 a day but fibro patients can go up to 6.

I should prolly phone my dr's office and ask her what I should do but she's at CFSAC...