Thanks @CruxYoiks !,
I can barely handle 2 drops, which I had today. I tried iodine loading years ago and developed palps., angst, worse insomnia.
Wish I could take more, it increases energy with increased norepinephrine release.
Will take it daily now after seeing just how poisonous fluoride can be.
I've had FBD too, iodine has helped, as well as reducing iron.
Glad for you to have survived breast cancer, sad you had it happen.
I started on 1 drop of 2%, 2.5mg. I've worked up.
Started to shift enough bromide to be producing darker urine (no, I'm definitely not dehydrated whatsoever). Dr Flechas talks about finding brown sludge in the bottom of the container he used when he was collecting his teenage son's urine on a daily basis for one of his early studies (his son was one of his first study subjects). They traced the brown sludge to the BVO (brominated vegetable oil) in Mountain Dew. His son's school had 12 vending machines, 10 of which carried Mountain Dew. All 10 machines were more or less sold out of MD every day. His son was drinking several a day, in common with other students there.
Anyway, when I tested a 150mg dose last week, then returned to 100mg, after two days, my urine did the same as PatJ's, and went dark.
That only lasted a day on the 100mg dose, and hasn't returned since. So today I took 150mg again, and I'll wait and see if I chuck out more nasty brown stuff.
The recommended dose for "any serious health condition" is 100mg or more. Some people on Curezone are taking up to 500mg/d, which at this point, I'm not sure I'd want to do.
The iodine docs estimate that it takes 6 months at 50mg/d to reach sufficiency, and that a maintenance dose of 12.5mg/d is enough after that.
On the other hand, in an interview I listened to over the weekend, Flechas (who was hypo t and on meds for it, same as I am) said that he's still taking 50mg/d after more than a year, and also said it took him a year to get off his thyroid meds. He didn't say which thyroid meds he was on, or what dose.
I'm on a ridiculous dose of T3, 100mcg/d, plus an equally supraphysiological dose of hydrocortisone for hypoadrenalism. I would imagine that Flechas' dose of thyroid hormone was likely Synthroid or similar T4 preparation, and likely to have been a lot lower than my 100mcg T3. He made no mention of adrenal steroid meds. He also made no mention of treating any other pre-existent health condition, like cancer, or of systemic candida, which I also have a history of, nor of food and chemical sensitivities, which I also suffer from. There are other issues I'm dealing with, too (all too tedious to list here), and I gather from his interview that he was hypo t for less years than I have been. If his adrenals were unaffected, it strongly suggests to me that his thyroid wasn't left undiagnosed long enough for it to impact on his adrenals, which hypo t will do if it goes on for long enough.
So all of that leads me to believe that I need these higher doses, a) to normalise my thyroid, b) to normalise my adrenals, c) to eliminate my candida once and for all (and the delightful white tongue that accompanies that, yuk), d) to resolve the FBD in my one remaining natural boobie, e) to resolve my dry eyes, f) to resolve poor nutrient absorption issues from my stomach and gut, and g) a bunch of other issues that I can now identify as being symptomatic of iodine deficiency. Oh, and threatening type 2 diabetes, too, caused by the high steroids, "iatrogenic type 2 diabetes". I'm very keen to get that sorted out.
The salt protocol is extremely helpful with getting the bromide, chlorine, fluoride out safely, and reducing the unpleasant side effects of the detox - headaches, nausea, anxiety, moodiness, "dark thoughts", brain fog, etc. (I even finally made my first jar of sole a few days ago.)
When I hit 50mg, I was able to start reducing my T3 and my hydrocortisone, with no ill effect and quite spontaneously. I have never been able to reduce my T3, not once in the 10 plus years I've been on it, and hydro reductions have always caused me huge problems when I've reduced by the minimum 2.5mg.
I've reduced my T3 by 20mcg, and my hydro by 10, then 20, now 30mg, which is quite astonishing! I may have to put one or other or both up again, but I treat it as a dynamic exercise and manage doses of everything according to results and effects/ side-effects. Nothing's set in stone. Everything can be adjusted as necessary
So although 100mg plus may understandably seem incredibly high to you, I do feel that the length of time I've been ill (really since 1965, more pronounced by the 1980's, desperate by the 1990's and completely bed-ridden by 1998/99) plus the breast cancer and the savage effect chemo etc had on my fragile system in 2007 (it made me disabled, essentially, and wrecked my adrenals - plus the fluoracil part of chemo was a fluoride, so that will have depleted my iodine levels further), all those things do warrant a high dose.
I take a couple of days off the iodine if I feel I'm detoxing too fast, and I'll probably keep changing from 150 to 100 to 150mg until I can't see or feel any more junk being expelled.
My goal is to reduce my T3 and hydro down to at least the standard physiological doses of 20mcg and 20mg/d respectively, if not come off them completely, and be well, with no digestion /absorption issues, no dry eyes, no threatening type 2 diabetes, no candida, no cystic tender lumps in my boob, no possibility of the cancer coming back or getting my other one.
I'm careful in my research, and I'm equally careful monitoring things, and also in taking the companion nutrients - 200mcg selenium x2/d, B2 100mg x2/d (I can't tolerate B2, so take FMN or R-5-P instead), 500mg niacinamide x2/d, c.400-600mg magnesium (malate, I've run out of citrate), 1500mg Vit C x2/d (minumum), plus a few other things I find helpful.
I've just ordered some NAC, I take molybdenum when I feel particularly toxic, I've just ordered another 1kg bag of glycine, and there are some other bits and bobs I wouldn't be without (Vit D, fish oils, Vit A, Vit E, Vit K2, DHA, potassium chloride - all chloride helps carry bromide out - my pink salt, silica, boron, 5-HTP, manganese, biotin, B1, P-5-P, lecithin......tried 5mg lithium orotate, but gives me intense eardrum pressure plus tinnitus, and makes me feel terrible, so fter just 2 attemots at a 5mg dose, I'm not taking that again!)
So, hopefully, I haven't missed anything critical and I'm only doing good things for my poor body. When I've reached my goals, I hope to be able to settle eventually on a lower dose of Lugol's. Meantime, I'm looking into making my own solution. It's an awful lot cheaper than buying it ready made.