Does Anyone Have Experience Of Using Lugol's Iodine Solution? For Deficiency/Methylation/Other


Senior Member
Yoiks !,
I can barely handle 2 drops, which I had today. I tried iodine loading years ago and developed palps., angst, worse insomnia.
Wish I could take more, it increases energy with increased norepinephrine release.
Will take it daily now after seeing just how poisonous fluoride can be.

I've had FBD too, iodine has helped, as well as reducing iron.

Glad for you to have survived breast cancer, sad you had it happen.
Thanks @Crux :)

I started on 1 drop of 2%, 2.5mg. I've worked up.

Started to shift enough bromide to be producing darker urine (no, I'm definitely not dehydrated whatsoever). Dr Flechas talks about finding brown sludge in the bottom of the container he used when he was collecting his teenage son's urine on a daily basis for one of his early studies (his son was one of his first study subjects). They traced the brown sludge to the BVO (brominated vegetable oil) in Mountain Dew. His son's school had 12 vending machines, 10 of which carried Mountain Dew. All 10 machines were more or less sold out of MD every day. His son was drinking several a day, in common with other students there.

Anyway, when I tested a 150mg dose last week, then returned to 100mg, after two days, my urine did the same as PatJ's, and went dark.

That only lasted a day on the 100mg dose, and hasn't returned since. So today I took 150mg again, and I'll wait and see if I chuck out more nasty brown stuff.

The recommended dose for "any serious health condition" is 100mg or more. Some people on Curezone are taking up to 500mg/d, which at this point, I'm not sure I'd want to do.

The iodine docs estimate that it takes 6 months at 50mg/d to reach sufficiency, and that a maintenance dose of 12.5mg/d is enough after that.

On the other hand, in an interview I listened to over the weekend, Flechas (who was hypo t and on meds for it, same as I am) said that he's still taking 50mg/d after more than a year, and also said it took him a year to get off his thyroid meds. He didn't say which thyroid meds he was on, or what dose.

I'm on a ridiculous dose of T3, 100mcg/d, plus an equally supraphysiological dose of hydrocortisone for hypoadrenalism. I would imagine that Flechas' dose of thyroid hormone was likely Synthroid or similar T4 preparation, and likely to have been a lot lower than my 100mcg T3. He made no mention of adrenal steroid meds. He also made no mention of treating any other pre-existent health condition, like cancer, or of systemic candida, which I also have a history of, nor of food and chemical sensitivities, which I also suffer from. There are other issues I'm dealing with, too (all too tedious to list here), and I gather from his interview that he was hypo t for less years than I have been. If his adrenals were unaffected, it strongly suggests to me that his thyroid wasn't left undiagnosed long enough for it to impact on his adrenals, which hypo t will do if it goes on for long enough.

So all of that leads me to believe that I need these higher doses, a) to normalise my thyroid, b) to normalise my adrenals, c) to eliminate my candida once and for all (and the delightful white tongue that accompanies that, yuk), d) to resolve the FBD in my one remaining natural boobie, e) to resolve my dry eyes, f) to resolve poor nutrient absorption issues from my stomach and gut, and g) a bunch of other issues that I can now identify as being symptomatic of iodine deficiency. Oh, and threatening type 2 diabetes, too, caused by the high steroids, "iatrogenic type 2 diabetes". I'm very keen to get that sorted out.

The salt protocol is extremely helpful with getting the bromide, chlorine, fluoride out safely, and reducing the unpleasant side effects of the detox - headaches, nausea, anxiety, moodiness, "dark thoughts", brain fog, etc. (I even finally made my first jar of sole a few days ago.)

When I hit 50mg, I was able to start reducing my T3 and my hydrocortisone, with no ill effect and quite spontaneously. I have never been able to reduce my T3, not once in the 10 plus years I've been on it, and hydro reductions have always caused me huge problems when I've reduced by the minimum 2.5mg.

I've reduced my T3 by 20mcg, and my hydro by 10, then 20, now 30mg, which is quite astonishing! I may have to put one or other or both up again, but I treat it as a dynamic exercise and manage doses of everything according to results and effects/ side-effects. Nothing's set in stone. Everything can be adjusted as necessary :)

So although 100mg plus may understandably seem incredibly high to you, I do feel that the length of time I've been ill (really since 1965, more pronounced by the 1980's, desperate by the 1990's and completely bed-ridden by 1998/99) plus the breast cancer and the savage effect chemo etc had on my fragile system in 2007 (it made me disabled, essentially, and wrecked my adrenals - plus the fluoracil part of chemo was a fluoride, so that will have depleted my iodine levels further), all those things do warrant a high dose.

I take a couple of days off the iodine if I feel I'm detoxing too fast, and I'll probably keep changing from 150 to 100 to 150mg until I can't see or feel any more junk being expelled.

My goal is to reduce my T3 and hydro down to at least the standard physiological doses of 20mcg and 20mg/d respectively, if not come off them completely, and be well, with no digestion /absorption issues, no dry eyes, no threatening type 2 diabetes, no candida, no cystic tender lumps in my boob, no possibility of the cancer coming back or getting my other one.

I'm careful in my research, and I'm equally careful monitoring things, and also in taking the companion nutrients - 200mcg selenium x2/d, B2 100mg x2/d (I can't tolerate B2, so take FMN or R-5-P instead), 500mg niacinamide x2/d, c.400-600mg magnesium (malate, I've run out of citrate), 1500mg Vit C x2/d (minumum), plus a few other things I find helpful.

I've just ordered some NAC, I take molybdenum when I feel particularly toxic, I've just ordered another 1kg bag of glycine, and there are some other bits and bobs I wouldn't be without (Vit D, fish oils, Vit A, Vit E, Vit K2, DHA, potassium chloride - all chloride helps carry bromide out - my pink salt, silica, boron, 5-HTP, manganese, biotin, B1, P-5-P, lecithin......tried 5mg lithium orotate, but gives me intense eardrum pressure plus tinnitus, and makes me feel terrible, so fter just 2 attemots at a 5mg dose, I'm not taking that again!)

So, hopefully, I haven't missed anything critical and I'm only doing good things for my poor body. When I've reached my goals, I hope to be able to settle eventually on a lower dose of Lugol's. Meantime, I'm looking into making my own solution. It's an awful lot cheaper than buying it ready made.


Senior Member
In my personal experience

=B2 deficiency

=B6 deficiency

Unfortunately its not because of that, I take a P5P capsule and around 400mg of riboflavin daily for years now.
The sulfur allergy has been documented by Kaiser, in 1995 when I was in the hospital several months for a vehicle accident they had to bring in an allergy specialist after I got bad hives and swelling from septra.


Senior Member
To be open and clear , @Jigsaw ,

I was only describing what works for myself. It would have been better for me to emphasize that. :)

It was on earthclinic where I learned of iodine protocols , 8 or so years ago.
Before that, I'd eaten seaweed almost daily since the '80s.

Now that I've seen the decline in my health from not having iodine in recent months, I value it highly.

The folks at earthclinic take a wide variety of iodine supps. It's a highly individualized regimen.

I will look forward to reading about your experiences with the protocol, and wish you the greatest success !


Senior Member
To be open and clear , @Jigsaw ,

I was only describing what works for myself. It would have been better for me to emphasize that. :)

It was on earthclinic where I learned of iodine protocols , 8 or so years ago.
Before that, I'd eaten seaweed almost daily since the '80s.

Now that I've seen the decline in my health from not having iodine in recent months, I value it highly.

The folks at earthclinic take a wide variety of iodine supps. It's a highly individualized regimen.

I will look forward to reading about your experiences with the protocol, and wish you the greatest success !
Hey @Crux,

I wasn't having a go at you! :) I understand that high dose iodine looks, well, high, so I was outlining my reasons for taking it at the level I am.

The angst and palpitations etc that you experienced are from iodine pushing the toxic bromide, fluoride, etc, out. I myself tried taking 1mg iodine tablets from sea-kelp a year or so ago, and they made me feel so ill that I stopped taking them.

I actually thought I probably didn't need as much iodine as everyone else, because I'm on T3 and therefore, I reasoned, I didn't need those 3 molecules of iodine because I'm getting them in my meds.

How much more off-base could I have been???? D'oh!

I hope that by sharing this sort of info that other people who stop taking iodine because it makes them feel ill (which is obviously an understandable reaction) will come to understand that a) it's because toxic stuff is being replaced with non-toxic iodine, and b) detox can be massively helped by using the salt protocol (I've posted a spectral analysis of Himalayan pink salt elsewhere on the forum for anyone interested) plus the companion nutrients.

I'm annoyed with myself that I didn't find out how desperately important iodine is to every single aspect of healthy human function until March this year. I'm also more than a little peeved that not one of the innumerable "experts" I've nearly bankrupted myself seeing over the decades has EVER mentioned Lugol's, or iodine in any context other than the 125/225mcg RDA, and then only in respect of the thyroid.

So I feel that I have to share what I've found out and am still finding out, because if understanding all this helps even one other person with crappy "mystery" health issues like mine, then that's one less person living an enforced life of being isolated, stuck indoors or in bed, being dismissed by the medical profession, spending a fortune on supplements that ultimately help a little, at best, or make them feel ill at worst, being unable to work, feeling ill and depressed, etc etc etc. Chronic illness truly sucks. And I seem to be afflicted with the Help Gene, lol. Whenever I find something that works for me, and can find actual evidence that it helps most other people too, I need to let everyone know. I was the same in 2013 when I first found out about Vit D3 and K2.

I genuinely believe, at least at the moment, that iodine may prove to be a major missing link in human health. I think it's at least as important as D3.

I may, of course, change my mind later, but right now, that's where I'm at :)

I think everyone needs to research anyone's recommendations for themselves, and as my signature says, take nothing on trust, never automatically follow anyone's advice, including mine, and apply what they learn in the context of knowing their own body and its reactions to things. What works for one person won't necessarily work for everyone else.

(Even then I can still get caught out - I was advised to add lithium orotate into my regime, and after researching it and reading hundreds of user reports about how fabulous it was for anxiety, I bought three pots of 5mg LO. Absolute disaster for me!

Makes me feel violently sick and weak, gives me intense ringing in my ears that fades over a week or so, but still hasn't gone completely, makes my eardrums feel like they're about to burst - and has no effect on my anxiety levels. I don't understand why it's having this effect on me, and maybe it's moving toxins around like iodine does, which would be a positive thing, I really don't know yet. But right now, I'm steering well-clear because I feel terrible on it.)

Thanks for your good wishes, and right back at you, too :)


Senior Member
I wasn't having a go at you! :)

I see that, now I realize that my first response was more of a wet blanket than one of support. I still have what is called, ' disinhibition of the frontal lobes.' :lol:

I suspect the angst and palps. were from the release of norepinephrine that iodine does, as well as many things. I might have reduced caffeine, or other sources.

The detox is true, and in addition to displacing the toxic halides, iodine is antimicrobial. I need that.

I know what you mean about wanting to spread the news , do I know.

Since I learned of my own iron overload, I've wanted to blurt the news all over. It's hard to believe that something so essential for life can be so toxic. It's that our bodies are inefficient with the disposal of it, along with its metabolism.

I did find an abstract about lithium that may or may not apply, but it tends to slow or stop the efflux of iron from the brain.


Senior Member
I see that, now I realize that my first response was more of a wet blanket than one of support. I still have what is called, ' disinhibition of the frontal lobes.' :lol:

I suspect the angst and palps. were from the release of norepinephrine that iodine does, as well as many things. I might have reduced caffeine, or other sources.

The detox is true, and in addition to displacing the toxic halides, iodine is antimicrobial. I need that.

I know what you mean about wanting to spread the news , do I know.

Since I learned of my own iron overload, I've wanted to blurt the news all over. It's hard to believe that something so essential for life can be so toxic. It's that our bodies are inefficient with the disposal of it, along with its metabolism.

I did find an abstract about lithium that may or may not apply, but it tends to slow or stop the efflux of iron from the brain.
What is your experience of iron overload/ toxicity?

I've started taking iron again, as it is frequently recmmended to take alongside the ither iodine-companion nutrients.


Senior Member
What is your experience of iron overload/ toxicity?

I figure iron overload has been the main cause of my disease. This includes : fatigue, neuropathy, dizziness/unsteady gait, sibo, partial pituitary failure, hypogonadism, infections, osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, cognitive disturbances, and more.

I believe it's iron deposition in the brain that may cause the neurological symptoms, I, and other people experience, since people with MS, for instance, have some of the same. People with MS, Parkinson's, ALS, Alzheimer's, etc., have excess brain iron deposition.

I've started taking iron again, as it is frequently recmmended to take alongside the ither iodine-companion nutrients.

I've read that some people have found they have lower ferritin when taking Iodine. I haven't read that it actually lowers iron, but that it may increase metabolism, thus increasing the body's utilization of iron.

It may be that the lowered inflammation from Iodine use would also lower ferritin.

I must admit that iron supplementation scares me, as it's associated with increased cancer growth and infection.

BTW, I'm still getting better while taking Iodine. I think I've suffered from fluorosis since childhood. My front teeth , now gone, used to have white spots. I thought it was from braces. Now I see that fluorosis causes brown, pitted staining, which I have on my molars. No dentist could,(or would) , figure it out.

After reading more about fluorosis, I'm more than surprised that fluoride is marketed and enforced. It's just poison.

Iodine is , in part, my self-defense.


Senior Member
I figure iron overload has been the main cause of my disease. This includes : fatigue, neuropathy, dizziness/unsteady gait, sibo, partial pituitary failure, hypogonadism, infections, osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, cognitive disturbances, and more.

I believe it's iron deposition in the brain that may cause the neurological symptoms, I, and other people experience, since people with MS, for instance, have some of the same. People with MS, Parkinson's, ALS, Alzheimer's, etc., have excess brain iron deposition.

I've read that some people have found they have lower ferritin when taking Iodine. I haven't read that it actually lowers iron, but that it may increase metabolism, thus increasing the body's utilization of iron.

It may be that the lowered inflammation from Iodine use would also lower ferritin.

I must admit that iron supplementation scares me, as it's associated with increased cancer growth and infection.

BTW, I'm still getting better while taking Iodine. I think I've suffered from fluorosis since childhood. My front teeth , now gone, used to have white spots. I thought it was from braces. Now I see that fluorosis causes brown, pitted staining, which I have on my molars. No dentist could,(or would) , figure it out.

After reading more about fluorosis, I'm more than surprised that fluoride is marketed and enforced. It's just poison.

Iodine is , in part, my self-defense.
Quite so. Iodine is protective against fluoride absorption - if your levels are high enough for the iodine to get to the shared recptors before the fluoride does, or to push out whatever fluoride and the other halides are currently occupying those receptors.

Fluoride is a very toxic industrial by-product.

From memory, and I stress that I haven't looked at this part of fluoride's history for abot 20 years, I seem to remember that a company in America were dumping their waste fluoride onto open land, back in the early part of the 20th C., which caused every living thing within a 5 mile radius to die. Birds, plants, wild animals (I have a feeling cows came into it somewhere, but I need to go and find the info again to check).

Company were duly fined, heavily. Company continued to dump fluoride, got fed up with being fined, employed a "scientist" to come up with "reasons" why fluoride wasn't toxic, and more "reasons" saying that fluoride was in fact beneficial.

Which he did.

Upshot was that company could then GET PAID for having the government buy their fluoride "for public benefit", vis a vis tooth decay. Total scam.

It was somewhere in Joel Wallach's literature....I must go back and check.

But meanwhile, anyone who doesn't believe that fluoride in mg per litre amounts (I think Hip said that 1ppm was equivalent to 1mg per litre) isn't harmful (which in my opinion it is, because one of the damaging things it does is block iodine receptors, leading to hypo t), needs to ask themselves this:

If fluoride genuinely prevents tooth decay, and the majority of people drink fluoridated tap water and or use fluoride toothpaste, plus have fluoride dental treatments, why is the level of tooth decay getting higher instead of disappearing altogether?

I got dental fluorosis during chemo, when my teeth got so sensitive I couldn't even eat fruit at room temperature. It just hurt too much. I was given 2800ppm toothpaste, which certainly fixed my sensitivity, but after just a few weeks/ months, I had horribly brown-striped teeth. That was 10 years ago, nearly, and they still haven't recovered completely. And wow, 2800ppm, if I've remembered Hip correctly, equals 2.8 GRAMS per litre. No wonder I went stripey :cry:

And what if iodine has the same function in teeth as fluoride? They act on the same receptors, plus iodine is needed for healthy bone, and teeth are bones, so it wouldn't be a surprise. :nerd:

I have endless disgruntlement/ dismay/ pity/ scorn/ derision from dentists over fluoride. My last one, who was a really lovely, bright, warm, open woman, and technically highly competent, gave me a mouth guard to see if my weak teeth were breaking off because of bruxism (not a mark on the guard after two weeks, so, no, not bruxism) and suggested I rub some fluoride toothpaste onto my teeth before putting the guard on, so "the fluoride has a chance to sink in and protect your teeth overnight."

I just did a snort-laugh, you know, like pigs do, Lol. :oops: "Like I haven't got enough thyroid issues as it is.! Nah, thanks, but.....nah." And bless her, she looked at me with actual pity.

Meantime, she asks my advice about her son's ADHD, her weight gain, tiredness and dry skin, along with fatigue and brain fog :jaw-drop: How very ironic!
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Senior Member
I've read that some people have found they have lower ferritin when taking Iodine. I haven't read that it actually lowers iron, but that it may increase metabolism, thus increasing the body's utilization of iron.

It may be that the lowered inflammation from Iodine use would also lower ferritin.

I must admit that iron supplementation scares me, as it's associated with increased cancer growth and infection.

BTW, I'm still getting better while taking Iodine. I think I've suffered from fluorosis since childhood. My front teeth , now gone, used to have white spots. I thought it was from braces. Now I see that fluorosis causes brown, pitted staining, which I have on my molars. No dentist could,(or would) , figure it out.

After reading more about fluorosis, I'm more than surprised that fluoride is marketed and enforced. It's just poison.

Iodine is , in part, my self-defense.

I figure iron overload has been the main cause of my disease. This includes : fatigue, neuropathy, dizziness/unsteady gait, sibo, partial pituitary failure, hypogonadism, infections, osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, cognitive disturbances, and more.

I believe it's iron deposition in the brain that may cause the neurological symptoms, I, and other people experience, since people with MS, for instance, have some of the same. People with MS, Parkinson's, ALS, Alzheimer's, etc., have excess brain iron deposition.

Sounds like a reasonable correlation. Have you seen research indicating high iron levels in all these conditions?
There are many different theories as to what causes each of those symptoms and each of those disease states. I haven't got any experience of iron overload, so am interested in finding out/ learning more.

All I WILL say is that when I was being prescribed PPI drugs for acid reflux, I became anaemic as determined by blood tests. I was also deficient in a ton of other minerals, because that's what PPIs do. A decrease in stomach acid equals a decreae in absorption of nutrients.

So I was prescribed stupid-large doses of iron tabs. My IBS, which until then had been mostly fairly dormant for the previous 15 years, flared up monstrously. So I stopped the iron, and the PPI drugs. Bugger that for a game of soldiers. :p


Senior Member
I've read that some people have found they have lower ferritin when taking Iodine. I haven't read that it actually lowers iron, but that it may increase metabolism, thus increasing the body's utilization of iron
Yes, me too. Do you think it might be the production of new blood cells and haemoglobin that increase the need for and use of iron? When more T4 and T3 are produced, metabolism increases, which would mean more new cells being made, and more elderly ones being destroyed and replaced.

It may be that the lowered inflammation from Iodine use would also lower ferritin.
What, via increased thyroid/ metabolic activity generally?

I must admit that iron supplementation scares me, as it's associated with increased cancer growth and infection.
How so? Is that associated with high levels? Or high in relation to other nutrients?

- And iodine is massively anti-cancer because one of the gazillion things it does, aside from being probably the very first antioxidant we ever evolved when we started living on land and started breathing air, is induce apoptosis.

BTW, I'm still getting better while taking Iodine
:D :thumbsup:
Really happy to hear that! Am hugely into iodine and all its many benefits at the moment. Amazing stuff. How much in mg are you taking? What improvements have you noticed? Feel free to PM :)


Senior Member
And what if iodine has the same function in teeth as fluoride? They act on the same receptors, plus iodine is needed for healthy bone, and teeth are bones, so it wouldn't be a surprise. :nerd:

It looks like iodine is needed for bones and more :

Here's an article about an area with high fluoride and low iodine. What it did to the kids -

Meantime, she asks my advice about her son's ADHD, her weight gain, tiredness and dry skin, along with fatigue and brain fog :jaw-drop: How very ironic!

Your reply was :nerd: .

Have you seen research indicating high iron levels in all these conditions?

Yes, here's an article that covers a vast array. It's from '09, older, but excellent. Dr. Douglas Kell is straight out of Manchester :

Another :

Alzheimer's :

So I was prescribed stupid-large doses of iron tabs. My IBS, which until then had been mostly fairly dormant for the previous 15 years, flared up monstrously. So I stopped the iron, and the PPI drugs. Bugger that for a game of soldiers. :p

Iron is the favorite of microbes :

Here's a recent article about iron and breast cancer :

It looks to be a good idea to carefully assess iron needs.


Senior Member
:D :thumbsup:
Really happy to hear that! Am hugely into iodine and all its many benefits at the moment. Amazing stuff. How much in mg are you taking? What improvements have you noticed? Feel free to PM :)

I'm taking 2 drops of 2% Lugol's daily now. I tried 3 the other day. Detox, pain aches, insomnia. Will wait to try anymore.

The improvements seem to be those of an increase in thyroid hormone : Increased energy, less muscle pain, normal hair loss, skin less dry, better cognitive function with memory.

Mood is up, I'm laughing more !:woot:


Senior Member
I'm taking 2 drops of 2% Lugol's daily now. I tried 3 the other day. Detox, pain aches, insomnia. Will wait to try anymore.

The improvements seem to be those of an increase in thyroid hormone : Increased energy, less muscle pain, normal hair loss, skin less dry, better cognitive function with memory.

Mood is up, I'm laughing more !:woot:
I had to start low, too. 2% Lugol's is 2.5mg/dp.

Now up to 52.something, 7%, x6 dps @8.75mg/dp :thumbsup:

Are you using either sole or salt loading to help get the bromide expelled safely?


Senior Member
Quite so. Iodine is protective against fluoride absorption - if your levels are high enough for the iodine to get to the shared recptors before the fluoride does, or to push out whatever fluoride and the other halides are currently occupying those receptors.

Fluoride is a very toxic industrial by-product.

From memory, and I stress that I haven't looked at this part of fluoride's history for abot 20 years, I seem to remember that a company in America were dumping their waste fluoride onto open land, back in the early part of the 20th C., whic caused every living thing within a 5 mile radius to die. Birds, plants, wild animals (U have a feeling cows came into it somewhere, but I need to go and find the info again to check).

Company were duly fined, heavily. Company continued to dump fluoride, got fed up with fined, employed a "scientist" to come up with "reasons" why fluoride wasn't toxic, and more "reasons" saying that fluoride was in fact beneficial.

Which he did.

Upshot was that company could then GET PAID for having the government buy their fluoride "for public benefit", vis a vis tooth decay. Total scam.

It was somewhere in Joel Wallach's literature....I must go back and check.

But meanwhile, anyone who doesn't believe that fluoride in mg per litre amounts (I think Hip said that 1ppm was equivalent to 1mg per litre) isn't harmful (which in my opinion it is, because one of the danaging things it does is block iodine receptors, leading to hypo t), needs to ask themselves this:

If fluoride genuinely prevents tooth decay, and the majority of people drink fluoridated tap water and or use fluoride toothpaste, plus have fluoride dental treatments, why is the level of tooth decay getting higher instead of disappearing altogether?

I got dental fluorosis during chemo, when my teeth got so sensitive I couldn't even eat fruit at room temperature. It just hurt too much. I was given 2800ppm toothpaste, which certainly fixed my sensitivity, but after just a few weeks/ months, I had horribly brown-striped teeth. That was 10 years ago, nearly, and they still haven't recovered completely. And wow, 2800ppm, if I've remembered Hip correctly, equals 2.8 GRAMS per litre. No wonder I went stripey :cry:

And what if iodine has the same function in teeth as fluoride? They act on the same receptors, plus iodine is needed for healthy bone, and teeth are bones, so it wouldn't be a surprise. :nerd:

I have endless disgruntlement/ dismay/ pity/ scorn/ derision from dentists over fluoride. My last one, who was a really lovely, bright, warm, open woman, and technically highly competent, gave me a mouth guard to see if my weak teeth were breaking off because of bruxism (not a mark on the guard after two weeks, so, no, not bruxism) suggested I rub some fluoride toothpaste onto my teeth before putting the guard on, so "the fluoride has a chance to sink in and protect your teeth."

I just did a snort-laugh, you know, like pigs do, Lol. :oops: "Like I haven't got enough thyroid issues as it is.! Nah, thanks, but.....nah." And bless her, she looked at me with actual pity.

Meantime, she asks my advice about her son's ADHD, her weight gain, tiredness and dry skin, along with fatigue and brain fog :jaw-drop: How very ironic!

Not the link I was trying to locate, but very similar info.


Senior Member
Are you using either sole or salt loading to help get the bromide expelled safely?

Salt loading is my favorite pastime. :love:

The only supplement on the list I avoid is ascorbic acid. It increases iron absorption, and I've had really painful abdominal cramps from it, yet no diarrhea. Food vitamin C is ok.


Senior Member
What is sole?
Sole is:

Saturated natural salt-water, often made with Himalayan salt.

You add salt chunks to non-tap water in a glass jar, no metal cap or other metal parts, and leave overnight. When it's properly saturated, there will still be undissolved rocks at the bottom of the jar. Some more dissolve over time, and you keep the jar topped up so that there are always some visible salt rocks.

You dilute 5ml of sole in a 250ml/ 8oz glass of water, and drink first thing. It has all the minerals from the salt, an electrical charge because that's apparently what happens when salt meets water (don't ask me, I didn't do chemistry at school), and the diluted solution comes up as 1% salt. That's supposedly the same as the natural / optimal concentration of salt in our intracellular fluid.

Hence, in theory at least, it supplies all the 89 minerals needed for optimal health, and the electrical charge works with the cell gradient, which means the minerals can get into cells easily.


Forum Support Assistant
Here is an article: "Century-old fertility technique may reduce need for IVF". It discusses the use of iodized poppy seed oil. It compares water vs. oil for flushing fallopian tubes to increase the chance of pregnancy but I wonder how much influence the iodine is having.