Hi @PatJUseful documents:
* This document from grizz on CureZone has some interesting info and sub-links.
* Stephanie Buist's Iodine Supplementation guide. This is an updated version (Rev.2a).
When I started taking iodine (J.Crow Lugol's 2%), with the cofactors, I experienced lower back pain, heart palpitations, mild head pounding at times, and pallor for a few hours after taking a drop of 2% iodine. Apparently these were signs that the kidneys and liver were having difficulty getting rid of toxins (bromide detox).
Pulsing the iodine (taking every two days), taking milk thistle for liver support, and the salt loading protocol as described by Stephanie Buist ND (in her useful and informative Iodine Supplementation guide) was useful. From her guide:
After the initial symptoms I then developed arm pimples and skin rash, runny nose, cold body and extremities (cold only for a few days).
At one point I started having kidney pain again and realized that I was detoxing bromide that was in some trace mineral drops I had started a couple of days before. I stopped taking the trace mineral drops and the kidney pain disappeared within a day or two.
After a drop or two of 2% every day or two for a few weeks I increased to 3-8 drops depending on how I felt. Then within a few weeks went up to 24 drops (~72mg/day). I took 100mg/day (split into 3-4 doses per day) for roughly a month and then noticed extreme fatigue after each dose so I dropped down to 50, then 25, then 15 before the fatigue resolved. The fatigue may have been a good sign. or a sign of low iron, or something else.
I spent several months at 12mg/day, then eventually dropped down to 1 drop per day (~3mg).
I'm going to increase again and see what happens.
Benefits at various times included:
* Increased libido (which decreased at very high doses)
* More energy
* Deeper, more sustained sleep
* Eyes no longer bulging (this varied, I think I bounced between hypo- and hyper-thyroid at various times as my body adjusted to the extra iodine)
* Baby soft skin
There is a lot of information in SB's document but this is especially interesting:
I'm just finishing up Lynne Farrow's Iodine Crisis (found a nice free pdf online
I thought the 2% Lugol's has 2.5mg (1mg elemental iodine, 1.5mg potassium iodide) - are you takimg one drop to be 3mg because the dropper method isn't necessarily the most accurate system of measurement?
Thanks for sharing your iodine journey so far. It's difficult, isn't it, when you hit big detox/side-effects. So many positive stories about pushing through, or pulsing, or salt-loading, or a combination of all of those (plus, obv, the recognised companion nutrients like B2, B3, mag, C, etc). But when something makes you worse for a long time, and none of those things are working to resolve the problems, I agree with you, I think it's time to reduce and pick it up again after a break.
Does Stephanie Buist recommend a 48 hour break to give over-burdened kidneys and liver a chance to flush halogens out? Farrow and Brownstein do.
Re bromide in baked goods, Mountain Dew, etc. Am in UK, and we banned bromide from dough in c.1990-something, and I don't drink canned drinks, ever. I also have a waterbed, so I don't think that's going to have bromide in the mattress, because the mattress is a big plastic bag. Who knows. I do know that bromide and fluoride are a huge problem, and I do know I've definitely been pushing bromide out, because my sweat and pee changed odour - bromide (I read) is Greek for "Stench" or "Stink like a goat", dependimg on who you read
I also know absolutely that the chemo and/ the radiotherapy I went through in 2007-8 definitely definitely depleted the iodine in my skin at least - I went from tanning from looking at a picture of the sun to being completely unable to tan at all. I was on E-CMF, the F being Fluoracil, which is a fluoride. (Having said that, you also can't tan if you are D3 deficient, and I have tanned deeply and more easily since I repleted D3. Maybe iodine repletion would improve that further.)
Oh, flippng brain-fog.....
Had got up to x5 drops of 2%, so 12.5mg. Took a further x5 drops at lunchtime today, so 25mg, which equals x4 old Minims of iodine, still salt-loading. Waiting to see how I respond to that. Going purely on instinct and just felt I needed more today.
Also find molybdenum v helpful when toxic. I use Chem Defense by Source Naturals. Has B2 and reduced glutathione in it too.
Brain has left the building, I'll have to stop now, because I suspect I'm waffling. Soz!