Does Anyone Have Experience Of Using Lugol's Iodine Solution? For Deficiency/Methylation/Other


Senior Member
3rd-i iodine has accurate mg/drop for a Lugol's mixture. They also have quite a range: 2%. 4%, 5%, 24% (30mg/drop), and 46% (58mg/drop); SSKI, and some blends with selenium or fulvic acid.

I'm happy with the 3rd-i instead of J.Crow Lugol's. It's less expensive but is equally effective.
Wow, super-strength!

Is that available in UK?


Forum Support Assistant
Is that available in UK?

It's from the US so Drug Enforcement Agency export controls limit the percentage that can be exported (iodine can be used in meth production.) I think the limit is 2.2%. He sells on though and I think the export controls apply to shipping anywhere outside the US, so maybe his Canadian customers haven't had many/any shipments seized by customs, or maybe the export regulations are more relaxed now (speculating.)


Senior Member
It's from the US so Drug Enforcement Agency export controls limit the percentage that can be exported (iodine can be used in meth production.) I think the limit is 2.2%. He sells on though and I think the export controls apply to shipping anywhere outside the US, so maybe his Canadian customers haven't had many/any shipments seized by customs, or maybe the export regulations are more relaxed now (speculating.)
Yeah, I saw it on, but no sign of it anywhere in UK :(

Shame, it looks like good stuff.


Senior Member
I'm a bid confused by the description of this Lugols Iodine Solution 12% 100ml product. Seems to be 5% but calculated differently as 12%.

It seems that the proper definition of Lugol's percentages is that you only count the iodine content, NOT the potassium iodide as well. That's what a lot of sellers are doing.

My 7% Heiltropfen Lugol's has 8.75mg per vertical drop.

There are solutions out there claiming to be 12%, and they aren't. They have a lower mg count per drop than my 7% solution does!

I'll dig out my Lugol's chart, which lists all the different concentrations along with their mg dose per drop, and will post it here for you. You just need to check the mg per drop with all the sellers that claim theirs is a 12%, a 15%, "made to the original Hukda Clark recipe", because so far, I haven't found a single one (aside from Heiltropfen) that has it right.

Hope that helps!


Senior Member
I'm a bid confused by the description of this Lugols Iodine Solution 12% 100ml product. Seems to be 5% but calculated differently as 12%.

Hi, here's the official Lugol's chart -

I've asked SO many Lugol's sellers on Amazon to clarify their vertical drop mg dose, and, would you believe it, almost none of them bother responding! Now why would that be......? Lol

Hope this helps.

I've just tagged you in a post about the mineral content of Himalayan salt, too, in case you're still getting bromide detox with iodine. How are you getting on?


Senior Member
In order to not derail the other thread I am replying here

Selenium has been shown in the studies by Abraham, Brownstein, et al, to negate the stimulation of thyroid antibodies.
Taking Selenium for several months didn't budge my anti-TG antibodies. Taking algae (+ Selenium) for 3 days lowered them but skyrocketed my TSH and it took me several months to recover.
Iodine is needed to make oestrogen and every other hormone.
I thought it was an aromatase inhibitor. Raising thyroid hormones with low estradiol was a disaster in my life.


Senior Member
In order to not derail the other thread I am replying here

Taking Selenium for several months didn't budge my anti-TG antibodies. Taking algae (+ Selenium) for 3 days lowered them but skyrocketed my TSH and it took me several months to recover.

I thought it was an aromatase inhibitor. Raising thyroid hormones with low estradiol was a disaster in my life.
Not as far as I'm aware, in fact the opposite since it is documented as improving production of all hormones, and necessary for hormone production full stop.

Iodine deficiency does mess up oestrogen balance and use, though. It throws the 3 main oestrogens out of whack, leading to increased oestrodial and an unfavourable balance between oestrodial and either oestrone or oestriol - sorry, foggy, can't remember accurately atm.

Iodine deficiency also means your receptors are way too sensistive to oestrogen, which may have been incorrectly extrapolated to mean that iodine has a negative effect on oestrogen levels.

If Se plus algae lowred your antibodies but raised your TSH, what were your T4 and T3 levels doing in response to the raised TSH?

Hope that helps :)


Senior Member
If Se plus algae lowred your antibodies but raised your TSH, what were your T4 and T3 levels doing in response to the raised TSH?
Immediately after:
TSH 15.02
FT4 0.99 (0.9 - 1.7 ng/dL)
FT3 2.45 (2 - 4.4 pg/mL)

One month later:
TSH 8.57
FT4 0.85 (0.9 - 1.7 ng/dL)
T4 5.36 (6 - 12.23 ug/dL)
T3 91.50 (80 - 200 ng/dL)
FT3 2.83 (2 - 4.4 pg/mL)
RT3 0.23 (0.10 - 0.35 ng/mL)
Last edited:


Senior Member
I've been taking a drop of 2% lugol's daily for a couple of weeks now.
I plan on continuing this indefinitely.

Reading about the toxicity of fluoride, and having an episode of hypothyroid symptoms was alarming.


Senior Member
Just a heads up for those planning to try Lugols.
Lugols iodine contains sulfur from the way its made compared to regular iodine.
The three times I used Lugols topically I got hives, I am allergic to sulfur containing supplements and antibiotics like Septra.


Senior Member
Just a heads up for those planning to try Lugols.
Lugols iodine contains sulfur from the way its made compared to regular iodine.
The three times I used Lugols topically I got hives, I am allergic to sulfur containing supplements and antibiotics like Septra.
Hi @pogoman
What do you define as "regular iodine"? Do you mean Tincture of Iodine?

Lugol's is ONLY elemental iodine together with Potassium Iodide, mixed in distilled water. No sulfur is added. I don't know enough about chemistry to know if iodine plus KI equals sulfur, but I haven't seen sulfur mentioned anywhere in relation to Lugol's solution.

The instructions for making Lugol's, which I plan to do, include only elemental iodine (I) and potassium iodide (KI) in distilled water.

Skin can be very sensitive to topical undiluted Lugol's. It's quite caustic until it's diluted.

Tincture of iodine, which is elemental iodine in alcohol, not water, is toxic if taken i ternally, hence the skull and crossbones on the bottle. It is, however, safe to apply to skin.

Hope that helps :)


Senior Member
I've been taking a drop of 2% lugol's daily for a couple of weeks now.
I plan on continuing this indefinitely.

Reading about the toxicity of fluoride, and having an episode of hypothyroid symptoms was alarming.
I'm up to 100mg/d, in two divided doses of 50mg at 8am after breakfast, and the other 50mg around 11.30am with my coffee (you can add Lugol's to almost anything EXCEPT ornage juice, because Vit C changes the iodINE content into iodIDE. Different body tissues have a preference for either iodINE or iodIDE - everyone therefore needs both forms, not just iodIDE.)

I started at 2.5mg/d towards the end of March. I had to go slowly because of detoxing bromide and fluoride. I'm happy to be up to 100mg now, and as I'm dealing with FBD and am a breast cancer survivor, I plan on keeping it at that level until otherwise indicated.

If you're interested in fluoride, iodine, bromine, etc, have a listen to this radio interview on Radio Liberty by Dr Jorge Flechas, one of the 3 main iodine doctors. It's fascinating.


Senior Member
Immediately after:
TSH 15.02
FT4 0.99 (0.9 - 1.7 ng/dL)
FT3 2.45 (2 - 4.4 pg/mL)

One month later:
TSH 8.57
FT4 0.85 (0.9 - 1.7 ng/dL)
T4 5.36 (6 - 12.23 ug/dL)
T3 91.50 (80 - 200 ng/dL)
FT3 2.83 (2 - 4.4 pg/mL)
RT3 0.23 (0.10 - 0.35 ng/mL)

Can't get my head round this atm, @Gondwanaland, bromide detoxing to the point of brown pee, so brain fog quite strong today.

Will reply about your blood tests when I can make sense!


Senior Member
I'm up to 100mg/d, in two divided doses of 50mg at 8am after breakfast, and the other 50mg around 11.30am with my coffee

Yoiks !,
I can barely handle 2 drops, which I had today. I tried iodine loading years ago and developed palps., angst, worse insomnia.
Wish I could take more, it increases energy with increased norepinephrine release.
Will take it daily now after seeing just how poisonous fluoride can be.

I've had FBD too, iodine has helped, as well as reducing iron.

Glad for you to have survived breast cancer, sad you had it happen.


Forum Support Assistant
I tried iodine loading years ago and developed palps., angst, worse insomnia.

According to Dr. Brownstein: Heart palpitations are a sign that B2 and B3 are needed. They help to transport iodine throughout the body. The other cofactors are important as well: selenium, magnesium, vitamin c (taken a couple of hours away from the iodine), sometimes iron and B6, niacin, B2 and B3.

Boron is supposed to help get fluoride out of a body but I've only read quick references to its use.


Senior Member
According to Dr. Brownstein: Heart palpitations are a sign that B2 and B3 are needed. They help to transport iodine throughout the body. The other cofactors are important as well: selenium, magnesium, vitamin c (taken a couple of hours away from the iodine), sometimes iron and B6, niacin, B2 and B3.

Boron is supposed to help get fluoride out of a body but I've only read quick references to its use.

I followed the Docs to the letter. I would also add potassium to their list.

Iodine is good for me, but not in such high doses.


Forum Support Assistant
It's good that you've found the dose that works for you.

For anyone who may be reading this thread and is especially sensitive to iodine, Lynne Farrow (author of The Iodine Crisis) found that Heel Dosing is a way to get iodine into especially sensitive people. For some people the amount they slowly absorb through the heel skin is enough to help them considerably.


Senior Member
It's good that you've found the dose that works for you.

For anyone who may be reading this thread and is especially sensitive to iodine, Lynne Farrow (author of The Iodine Crisis) found that Heel Dosing is a way to get iodine into especially sensitive people. For some people the amount they slowly absorb through the heel skin is enough to help them considerably.
That's ultra-low dose.


Senior Member
Hi @pogoman
What do you define as "regular iodine"? Do you mean Tincture of Iodine?

Lugol's is ONLY elemental iodine together with Potassium Iodide, mixed in distilled water. No sulfur is added. I don't know enough about chemistry to know if iodine plus KI equals sulfur, but I haven't seen sulfur mentioned anywhere in relation to Lugol's solution.

The instructions for making Lugol's, which I plan to do, include only elemental iodine (I) and potassium iodide (KI) in distilled water.

Skin can be very sensitive to topical undiluted Lugol's. It's quite caustic until it's diluted.

Tincture of iodine, which is elemental iodine in alcohol, not water, is toxic if taken i ternally, hence the skull and crossbones on the bottle. It is, however, safe to apply to skin.

Hope that helps :)

Yes, tincture of iodine was fine.
There was an iodine thread two or three years ago where some of us were trying topical iodine.
I bought some Lugols 5% and got itchy eyes and hives on my arms within an hour of applying it, no skin problems where it was applied.
Had to take benadryl to get it to stop so definitely an allergic reaction.
I did some research then and there was mention in older texts that Lugols contained some sort of sulfur compound, that was enough for me.