What do you define as "regular iodine"? Do you mean Tincture of Iodine?
Lugol's is ONLY elemental iodine together with Potassium Iodide, mixed in distilled water. No sulfur is added. I don't know enough about chemistry to know if iodine plus KI equals sulfur, but I haven't seen sulfur mentioned anywhere in relation to Lugol's solution.
The instructions for making Lugol's, which I plan to do, include only elemental iodine (I) and potassium iodide (KI) in distilled water.
Skin can be very sensitive to topical
undiluted Lugol's. It's quite caustic until it's diluted.
Tincture of iodine, which is elemental iodine in alcohol, not water, is toxic if taken i ternally, hence the skull and crossbones on the bottle. It is, however, safe to apply to skin.
Hope that helps