That's very important information, so thanks for sharing. Have you found anything helped you to improve while you were overexerting?
Only the heavens know how I am going to pull this off then.... I just can't pull away from trying as hard as I can to meet my child's needs even when it feels like it is killing me. My personality trait refuses to allow me to give in to the impairments unless I'm overcome by it. That's when I start to feel bipolar because I feel like I'm being defeated by me.
No none at all really. Ketogenic diet looked like it was going to work really well initially, and it was the only treatment that ever had any effect on my symptoms and I went from housebound usually in bed back to mild ME, but I then just started increasing the exertion to get back some normal life with my career and I kept on overexerting and crashing and eventually the improvements became less and less.
The diet only extended time of PEM buildup and crash by a few days but it did not give me the improvements needed to be at a low enough severity level again where I could just continue on with my career, even part-time on a consistent basis. This illness and its severity for me just required way too much “down time” to recover to a point where I’m able to work again and it’s not predictable or manageable in such a way that you can make it work and be reliable at a job.
My disease course didn’t help either, as for years I could push through work mostly full-time with telework and other accommodations for a few days before each crash and then recover from crashes within a day or two and my baseline ME only got worse slowly for a long time.
But in the last two years (of eight) the constant overexertion and hundreds of crashes have changed something for the worse. Much more quickly crashes started taking longer to recover from, my ME baseline became far worse , and I eventually lost all ability to work and function. For a while now I’m mostly bedridden, and resting to recover where I used to feel like I can get back to work is long gone, it just doesn’t work anymore. Neurologically my brain feels like it’s been damaged from pushing through, it now feels totally broken, and sadly my story is very common on these forums.
So no treatment seems to help if you aren’t already pacing, resting a lot, and can control you exertion most of the time, and unfortunately depending on your ME severity and work situation that means being forced to give your career up. Work is the most consistently high exertion thing most adults do in life. Until one has this disease you just don’t get it, when your capacity for physical and most importantly mental exertion is totally broken, that you cannot do it no matter how much or long you fight. It’s like asking a person with Parkinson’s to stop shaking or a person with MS to get up and walk, and I know while ME isn’t a neurodegenerative disease like these, the symptoms are as severe or even worse and the effects on your brain are huge.
I have those same personality traits as you, I have fought, pushed through, forced to give up everything in order to keep working, picked myself up from crashes every single week for many years just to cling onto my career, and doing all of this was one of the biggest mistakes of my life, even though so many people here told me in the beginning what I’m telling you now.
Naturally, I can’t tell you with 100% certainty that if I proactively quit work or drastically reduced work and changed careers to a much less exertive one I would’ve had a different trajectory, but I can tell you based on my experience and others here can too that pushing through for a long time has a high probability of worsening your ME for a long time or permanently. I’m repeating what others here told me many years ago, eventually the false choice of pushing through will be taken from you.
And I haven’t even begun to talk of the psychological effects of doing what I did for years eventually had on me. I started as a person full of fight and optimism with no psychiatric or psychological issues. Dealing with the disease hell and loss didn’t even give me psychological issues for years. But after more years of this, with no treatments, no power or control and continued deterioration, my God you aren’t human if it doesn’t have a huge effect on you. Maybe if I took the proactive path it would’ve save me a lot of this.
I laugh sometimes when I read of news stories or research of people getting psychiatric issues from just having to be at home a lot more during the pandemic. ME would eat all these people alive.