Did you improve without the use of supplements/drugs?
Yes, just rest to about 90%.
Did you carry out any lab work before starting Valtrex?
I'm in the UK too. I got all my medical notes since I was born and read and read through them picking clues up.
I have used the NHS as much as possible so have had lots of testing but not any more specialist tests like in the USA and Europe can offer.
I use to get recurrent shingles so I get valcyte for that and supplement to a high level following Learners protocol.
Back in the 90s they said I had depression so got anti depressants. They did no good so I came off them.
I was tested at immunology and they discovered auto immunity, including panhypogammaglobulinemia and high level anti bodies against my thyroid. However the thyroid anti bodies have now dropped to a normal level, since taking valcyte.
Recently I have been looking at other symptoms and I think I may have cyclothymia which is a mild form of bipolar. I haven't always had this just when my health gets poorer.
What is interesting to me is that there are researchers who think EBV is possibly the cause of all the above conditions. And, auto immunity is a comorbid condition with bipolar.
I'm still pushing the NHS and they are going to to assess me for cyclothymia next week and they are pursing mitochondria testing, although I don't think this will progress as they only usually deal with patients who are in the next queue from death!
Some of the medication for bipolar is also helpful for some sufferers of ME/CFS, e.g. abilify.