My wife and I took our 18 year old to see Dr. Brewer. Much has happened in the three months since we saw him last. We covered a significant amount of information which I plan to post, but I will need to do that in installments.
RealTime Labs has formed a scientific committee with eight members. All are MDs or PhDs. Brewer is on this committee. They have collected data on approximately 300 patients. Of this number Brewer has attempted to treat approximately 150 patients on the AmphoB/Chelating Px combo. About 1/3 could not consistently stay on it due to side effects from the AmphoB, including nose bleeds. (He is developing alternatives - more on this later).
Of the remaining 2/3 (approximately 100 patients) 94% have reported improvement and approximately 25% have returned to normal. These patients have been on the protocol on average about 6 months. The 6% that did not improve are not necessarily lost causes. Some might need more time, some might have bacterial infections holding them back. (Brewer believes that antibiotic resistant staph infections may be involved in many patient - more on this later).
Brewer will use this data to publish another paper. This might happen within the next couple of months or so. He recognizes that it will fall short as far as a lot of folks are concerned, since it is not a blinded study and improvement is measured subjectively. One thing that will be measured and reported scientifically is a drop in mycotoxin levels due to this treatment. This drop in mycotoxin level corresponds directly to improvement in reported symptoms.
He has discovered that it can take a very long time for extremely ill patients to improve. He recently saw a patient who had a slight, if any, improvement at six months.(This patient had been bed ridden with extreme abdominal symptoms including vomiting several times a week.) At one year on the treatment the patient is 50 to 60% improved and is continuing to improve.
We reviewed my daughter's laundry list of symptoms including anxiety, nausea, sensitivity to light, sound and touch and bladder and gastrointestinal discomfort. All of these issues have improved in one patient or another. Some patients have experienced a complete resolution of these type of symptoms.. Therefore, there exists a possibility of improvement in all these areas. (In fact my daughter did report improvement in some of these symptoms)
Six of Brewer's patients who became well attempted to discontinue treatment. All gradually relapsed over a long period of time but improved again upon retreatment. He does not know how things would be handled long term. Maintenance dosing might be required or the mold colonization might be completely eradicated if treated long enough.