To clarify, 2/3 (or about 100 patients) were able to tolerate the treatment. Of this number, 94 percent, 2/3, that's quite a lot.
To clarify, 2/3 (or about 100 patients) were able to tolerate the treatment. Of this number, 94 percent, 2/3, that's quite a lot.
Brewer now believes antibiotic resistant staph infections may be a cofactor in many patients. (I believe Shoemaker refers to this at MACRONS - multiple antibiotic resistant, coagulase-negative staph). He does not seem to think there really is a very good test for it as it can locate too far up in the sinuses to culture without anesthesia.Playing the devil's advocate here. Is it possible that what is going on in Brewer's patients is that they are effectively indirectly treating MARCONs due to the fact that the spray prescribed contains EDTA? Did Brewer rule out MARCONs (or other biotoxin producing bacteria) in the patients presumably being treated for fungal infections?
About 1/3 of patients can't tolerate the Amph B. Bleeding is one of the issues that is causing problems. Brewer now has about 50 patients on Nystantin. It is not quite as good as Ampho B in the test tube. It does have the advantage that it does not seem to bother the sinus at all. It also does not absorb at all (I think a small amount of Ampho B does absorb), so it is possible to take it multiple times a day.Curious how Brewer folks are dealing with bleeding?
To clarify, 2/3 (or about 100 patients) were able to tolerate the treatment. Of this number, 94 percent improved.
About 1/3 of patients can't tolerate the Amph B. Bleeding is one of the issues that is causing problems. Brewer now has about 50 patients on Nystantin. It is not quite as good as Ampho B in the test tube. It does have the advantage that it does not seem to bother the sinus at all. It also does not absorb at all (I think a small amount of Ampho B does absorb), so it is possible to take it multiple times a day.
It is too early to know how effective Nystantin will be. However, a number of Nystantin patients have had die off reactions and the percentage of such patients is similar to the percentage of Ampho B patients that had die off reactions.
He now only has about 15 patients on Intracanazole. He feels it can work but it isn't nearly as good as Ampho B.
About 1/3 of patients can't tolerate the Amph B. Bleeding is one of the issues that is causing problems. Brewer now has about 50 patients on Nystantin. It is not quite as good as Ampho B in the test tube. It does have the advantage that it does not seem to bother the sinus at all. It also does not absorb at all (I think a small amount of Ampho B does absorb), so it is possible to take it multiple times a day.
It is too early to know how effective Nystantin will be. However, a number of Nystantin patients have had die off reactions and the percentage of such patients is similar to the percentage of Ampho B patients that had die off reactions.
He now only has about 15 patients on Intracanazole. He feels it can work but it isn't nearly as good as Ampho B.
No one in my family had low grade fevers or sweats. Brewer never mentioned this, but there wouldn't have been a reason to so I really can't say if any of his patients experienced this. My 18 year old has had swolen glands which became worse when she started mupericin. In fact the mupericin has started a significant die off reaction with her.Ifish.. wow. Either I have a bad flu or I'm not going through the die off phase. I had a honeymoon period if this is the case. I am still bleeding but not as bad. I have blood in mucus, but it's not bloody as before. Stopped the steroid. I am now rinsing with baby shampoo, xylitol and saline/baking soda packets when I get up. This does help clear things out and though burns, feels relieving. Then a few hours later I use chelating px and my abx. Then evening ampho b. I am not sure if this is die off and not just a flu since my son also came down with something. This is just dragging on and I have never sweat like this or had a low grade fever continually be an issue. I am lucky if I get a fever and if I do have low grade it does not last. This feels different. So wondering if you have experienced of heard of others having low grade fevers with this and sweats.
Interesting that Dr. Shoemaker apparently treats for biofilms, but uses antibiotics instead of antifungals, at least according to ggingues at the bottom of this page:
Skiii,So glad to have found this, and to hear updates and how others are doing.
I've been on binders for 2.5 months and just got the prescriptions for AmphoB and EDTA, that I will start soon. Trying to expect and prepare for the worst, though my doctor wants me to start very slow.
Ifish- I am similar to your older daughter, I have chronic muscle aches/knots, fatigue, sleep and memory issues but live a fairly full life.
How quickly did the fatigue/aches hit? I have a job on the 26th that I'm trying to plan around. Also, does Brewer recommend anything to help against the die-off symptoms? I'm still taking binders which is fine with me, my bodies does not detox efficiently and anything to help get them out of me quicker is ok. Also doing saunas. I'm also wondering how long I will be on protocol, knowing I am on the healthier side of patients and also that I tested positive for Ochratoxin A- I was encouraged to read that Brewer's had the most success removing that!
Brewer told us of a study comparing the ability of different antibiotics to break up biofilm. Vancomycin and Cipro had zero effect on biofilm. Mupericin reduced biofilm by 95%. It is my understanding that Dr. Psaltis from Australia believes that mupericin might be more effective than Chelating Px in breaking up biofilm. In my current regimen, I use mupericin, Chelating Px and Ampho B.I find that interesting that he uses antibiotics for the biofilm. The whole idea of biofilm is that it protects against antibiotics. One would need something to break up the biofilm, such as EDTA, and then antibiotics and antifungals to kill what is inside. I take all 3.