Detection of Mycotoxins in Patients with CFS


Senior Member
@hunter1899 -- binders won't get the mycotoxins out of your head. I'm trying iodine -- Lugol's -- in water. Dr. Sarah Myhill rec's iodine for fungal and mycotoxin issues. Sinuses are starting to drain after years, if not decades of dry, thick, clogged mucus/fungal issues.

Then after that some binders might help for the gut. Several people in this thread talked about them years ago...

I can't remember which mycotoxins came back positive in my test, as it was 5-6 years ago (already)!.


Senior Member
@hunter1899 -- binders won't get the mycotoxins out of your head. I'm trying iodine -- Lugol's -- in water. Dr. Sarah Myhill rec's iodine for fungal and mycotoxin issues. Sinuses are starting to drain after years, if not decades of dry, thick, clogged mucus/fungal issues.

Then after that some binders might help for the gut. Several people in this thread talked about them years ago...

I can't remember which mycotoxins came back positive in my test, as it was 5-6 years ago (already)!.

This is what’s confusing me. So not even the cholestyramine will work on the head? Can you give me more details on how to do the iodine treatment and how long you did it until you saw results?

Also, it feels less like I have mucus that needs to drain and more like it’s inflamed in my forehead and eyes. Is this the same for you?


Senior Member
This is what’s confusing me. So not even the cholestyramine will work on the head? Can you give me more details on how to do the iodine treatment and how long you did it until you saw results?

Also, it feels less like I have mucus that needs to drain and more like it’s inflamed in my forehead and eyes. Is this the same for you?
My head "clears" from time to time, but is stuffed up 80% of the night/day. So I have thick mucus to drain, but at rare times it feels thin, and the iodine is supposed to help thin it. I'm assuming I'm deficient since it's so thick.

It's a work in progress, and will probably take months, maybe a year. I put a few drops in a half glass of water and use a syringe to squeeze it up into my sinuses.

I'm not certain the cholestyramine would work systemically, but since it's mainly a binder, I'm assuming it will bind only what it's in contact with. It may help your forehead/eyes though if it helps lower the overall burden?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
It's a work in progress, and will probably take months, maybe a year. I put a few drops in a half glass of water and use a syringe to squeeze it up into my sinuses.

So you dilute the iodine in water and then squirt a few drops of that water up your nose?

How is it going so far, has it given you anything beyond nasal discharge, like improve your CFS or given you a Herx reaction?

And is the idea if you breathe that in some of it will get into the lungs to kill fungus there?


Senior Member
So you dilute the iodine in water and then squirt a few drops of that water up your nose?

How is it going so far, has it given you anything beyond nasal discharge, like improve your CFS or given you a Herx reaction?

And is the idea if you breathe that in some of it will get into the lungs to kill fungus there?
I haven't been consistent enough, but a YEAR later, will now start doing it every day, probably 2-3 times a day if I can. I bought a sinus pulse irrigator to hopefully get the stuff higher up in my sinuses.


Senior Member
i took calcium and felt great for the first day then i felt incredibly bad. lymph nodes swollen, psychotic like symptoms, head pressure, just awful. could it be related to oxalates? or does calcium make the mold worse?


Senior Member
most of us have calcium channel issues. i e we let in too much calcium into our cells. it can definitely make you feel kinda crazy.