Cortisol brought me back to life.


Senior Member
I think that cortisone acetate is also widely used in the UK. I do not know the brand though. Some countries use CA as the primary medication for treating adrenal insufficiency, while others rely much more on hydrocortisone


Senior Member
Would high dose Licorice or grapefruit juice provide similar benefit to increase cortisol?
Grapefruit juice no -although CYP3A4 is involved (minorly) in cortisol metabolism.
Licorice root yes, however, licorice is quite bad for long-term kidney health. Furthermore, it agonizes the mineralocorticoid receptor and leads to potassium wasting.


Senior Member
@thingsvarious would cortisol therapy help a hypothyroid loose or gain weight? I'm hypothyroid and weigh 20kgs more than normal for my height 6ft3 frame. Weight is mostly around belly and waist. Thanks


Senior Member
@xploit316....Hello. I have no idea of your age or sex, but it seems that females gain weight in the belly and waist as a matter of Mother Nature in their 70's, if not 60's. Rather frustrating, but that seems to be the way it goes. I can be below normal, and yet that stubborn belly fat continues. A nuisance for sure.

Your weight gain around that area may be due to your hypothyroid condition, I'm not saying it isn't, but the other is also a possibility and a real one.

Also, both grapefruit and licorice (the real thing) can be highly dangerous for people who are taking a lot of vitamins, meds, etc. So please be careful. People are correct. Wishing you well. Yours, Lenora.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Would high dose Licorice or grapefruit juice provide similar benefit to increase cortisol?

This study seems to indicate that they can prolong the cortisol availability so if your body is still able to make it, those things might help it last longer in your system:

would cortisol therapy help a hypothyroid loose or gain weight?

I think cortisol is much more likely to make you gain weight.
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Senior Member
This study seems to indicate that they can prolong the cortisol availability so if your body is still able to make it, those things might help it last longer in your system:

I think cortisol is much more likely to make you gain weight.
I agree to both.
However, with licorice aldosterone (MR) will be mimicked (which is bad). While on it, my aldosterone was zero


Senior Member
I have heard recommendations to try small doses of pregnenolone or progesterone quite a few times now. Some (select) people seem to do amazingly well on small doses of pregnenolone (10-50mg) or progesterone. Likely, because these steroids are converted into neuroactive metabolites (neurosteroids).

Personally, I have never done proper experiments with these in isolation, however, as more people keep telling me about their beneficial effects, I might do a 10mg pregnenolone experiment soon. I´d be interested in any experiences (please comment below so others can benefit as well)


Senior Member
I have elevated urine free cortisol.

I had a magic period where I tried pregnenelone for a few months one time but it went away.


Senior Member
Many people keep emailing me how to best test for cortisol. Well, thats complicated. Generally, cortisol is incredibly hard to test for. I have seen an elevated cortisol many times in total cortisol, but often CBG is high. Generally, a good indicator of adrenal health is DHEA-S. Other than that, in my experience, urinary and salivary cortisol are not worth much. The best may simply be a trial and error of a small dose of HC (e.g. 5mg). If you strongly feel it, you may assume that cortisol is low. If you feel nothing, then cortisol is likely not your problem. Read more about this topic at


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Generally, a good indicator of adrenal health is DHEA-S. Other than that, in my experience, urinary and salivary cortisol are not worth much.
I take DHEA, so I don't find it a useful measure for my adrenals. I have used both 24 hour saliva and urine cortisol tests and found them tremendously helpful in guiding my hydrocortisone dosing. And having my doctor prescribe it.


Senior Member
What is your dosage and timing?
Yes, saliva and urine can be helpful for intra-individual comparisons, however, interpreting them in terms of where one falls in relation to others, should be taken with a huge grain of salt, in my opionin


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
What is your dosage and timing?
15mg every morning
Yes, saliva and urine can be helpful for intra-individual comparisons, however, interpreting them in terms of where one falls in relation to others, should be taken with a huge grain of salt, in my opionin
I don't care where I fall in relation to others. I care how I function and whether or not I need to take hydrocortisone, and if do, how much and when, which is what the test has been useful for.

For example, this showed I didn't need hydrocortisone on waking, and the dose I took at 10am was helping, but that I needed a little more mid afternoon when I felt sleepy.
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Senior Member
An update to my problems: I'm now adjusted on my new meds and I'm doing well. Still haven't lost all of the weight gained, but I'm reaching my goal.

No more hospitalizations for the past 2 yrs., thank goodness.

My one irritation, apart from really bad allergies (helped by OTC fluonase...which used to be by prescription only) is a headache that travels everywhere with me. I don't know the cause and it's just a nuisance. My neurologist is suspicious of migraines, but I'm not willing to enter full treatment at this time. Personally, they feel more like allergic-type headaches.

Pain without any real meds, but I'm learning to live with it. I just can't do anything, but I know that's a common complaint. Even riding in a car is a major setback. Pest!!!

This was just an FYI commentary. I hope you're fairly well yourselves. Yours, Lenora.
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Senior Member
15mg every morning
I don't care where I fall in relation to others. I care how I function and whether or not I need to take hydrocortisone, and if do, how much and when, which is what the test has been useful for.

For example, this showed I didn't need hydrocortisone on waking, and the dose I took at 10am was helping, but that I needed a little more mid afternoon when I felt sleepy.View attachment 45620
I am glad you found what works for you. You are also right about endocrinology being a little more about symptoms than numbers, however, many symptoms are very unspecific (e.g. sleepiness) and could be due to lots of things (of course, taking some cortisol -whether causal or not- will help with sleepiness).


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
I am glad you found what works for you. You are also right about endocrinology being a little more about symptoms than numbers, however, many symptoms are very unspecific (e.g. sleepiness) and could be due to lots of things (of course, taking some cortisol -whether causal or not- will help with sleepiness).
That's why comprehensive hormone testing is essential


Senior Member
Could someone list all the reliable hormone tests I'd need to have to determine if I require Cortisol/hormone therapy? I've had my thyroid tested multiple times (T3 and T4 levels - all within range), so would be looking for tests other than these.
(I say *reliable' in that I've had cortisol spit test some years I have - I think - and have since read these tests are not regarded as definitive or consistent enough to prove anything).