Coronavirus: what your country is doing, how you feel & general discussion


Senior Member
Technically it is still better than nothing.
I didn't read the posts before this one and don't know if you discussed this but the scarf indeed seems to be effective.

Because it's not about protecting yourself from getting corona but rather about stopping corona from spreading in case you have it but don't show symptoms.

It's all about this transmission ratio R0 (or how else do you call it): right now it's between 2 and 3 which means that one person infects 2 or 3 other people. If you wear a scarf we may assume that it'll be closer to 2 or even 1 (with better quality masks) and given all other measures (social distancing) it may come down to below 1.

That's the general idea, I think...
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Senior Member
Why is there a crowd of people doing nothing? And what is a father of a child doing in the hospital, if he's not sick himself? And why is no one wearing PPE? :nervous:


Senior Member
Why is there a crowd of people doing nothing? And what is a father of a child doing in the hospital, if he's not sick himself? And why is no one wearing PPE? :nervous:

I’m afraid I can’t answer any of those questions but in the US, the president is surrounded by the Secret Service and a random citizen could never get that close to him (unless it was a planned meeting or event).


Senior Member
Lockdown is coming.

Abe to declare state of emergency from Wednesday amid surge in virus infections

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe intends to declare a state of emergency over the coronavirus outbreak in Japan, a government official said Monday, as a recent surge in infections sweeps Tokyo and other major cities.

The declaration is expected on Tuesday, and will take effect Wednesday, according to an administration source. Once declared, prefectural governors will be able to tell the public to stay at home and request the closure of schools and other facilities.

Abe is required to specify which areas will be targeted and for how long. Major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka will likely be targeted, the government official added.

The declaration, under a recently amended law, will come as Japan seeks to contain a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases, which poses a significant risk to life and to the Japanese economy, the official said.

A growing number of cases in which transmission routes cannot be traced have raised the alarm. Abe has warned of an explosive surge if people let down their guard, having conceded that Japan was barely "holding the line" against the virus.


Senior Member

Japan seems to be doing very well in terms of relatively low coronavirus deaths: 77 deaths so far, compared to 4,934 in the UK.

I suspect widespread mask usage in Japan has helped to keep coronavirus under control, in spite of no lockdowns yet in Japan. If lockdown is instituted, then that in combination with mask wearing in the populace may have a powerful effect against this virus.


Senior Member
I suspect widespread mask usage in Japan has helped to keep coronavirus under control, in spite of no lockdowns yet in Japan. If lockdown is instituted, then that in combination with mask wearing in the populace may have a powerful effect against this virus.

There is also extensive use of alcohol-based sanitizer every winter, it's available at the entrance to many stores.


Senior Member
The thread's title is: how you feel.

How do I feel? Hmm... I'm officially panicking.

I'm thinking over and over: how am I supposed to survive in the months/years to come?

Up til now my approach to surviving was to (to cut a long story short):
1. take very small jobs that provide me with some pathetic money, enough to survive
(NOW (during corona outbreak) there will be no such small jobs because they will have all the manpower they want and they don't have to deal with someone like me)

I also tried to reduce living costs accordingly to these pathetic earnings - beyond what is considered "normal": for example, instead of buying a new washing machine I repaired old one myself (using youtube videos); I recently installed infrared sensors to switch the lights on/off in the rooms which have two advantages: I can save half a dollar a day (possibly even a dollar a day) and I don't have to lift my arm to switch the lights on/off because there are days where it actually may hurt to do so. I even plan to install a small wind turbine to provide some additional heating during winter. But these are plans and dreams... considering that I can work 2 hours a day and I consider that "quite a good condition".

2. live off my savings what I managed to do for the last 5 years - when I couldn't get any small jobs at times. I guess I could continue that for another 5 years or even longer
(NOW I will have to live entirely off savings; so these will go fast; and it gets even worse - these savings may lose its value even faster because of inflation or even a total collapse of the economy)

3. I never could get any social benefit - the reason given by doctors and advisors: I look too well, I am too young to be sick (but NOW you can't even get to any doctor...)
I am kind of outside of system, can't get any help whatsoever, kind of treated as a person who simply doesn't want to work so not viable for any benefits.

4. I could never get any diagnosis (but NOW, similarly as above, you can't even get to any doctor... or do any blood test)

5. up till now when I felt really bad my now 76-year-old father used to help me; he drove me to town for example (but when he gets coronavirus he will die almost for sure because his health is deteriorating)

6. I will die too given my range of inflammatory conditions. Corona really makes it hard for those who have inflammatory conditions. That's why I always wear a gas mask and glasses when shopping.

Of course, these few problems might have happened to me at any time and still may. But not all at once, and not without any way out as it seems to be now.
For example:
1. If my current company wouldn't give me any job I could try to find another company (now: next to impossible because there are no companies hiring and nobody will want me the way I am if they have so many healthy and willing employees).

For many years I've tried to return to working as a programmer - but sth always stood in the way: in 2002 (I was still studying back then) there was the dot com bubble so I could never get any job. Then there was 2008: I told myself: now I have to get back to programming. Nope - real estate/financial crisis hit. Couldn't get any remote job (it had to be remote back then). Then there was 2012 and another crisis. And after that my condition got so bad that I stopped thinking about it.

And now I'm wondering whether it is even worth considering at all if all of these programmers are going to be laid off soon. There would be a lot of catching up for me to do after so many years. The problem in a broader sense is also that I actually wanted to work with hardware (like programming wind turbines) but to do that you have to be there (ie. at a factory), you can't do it remotely. If I want to work remotely, I have to do web programming, for example. And I seriously hate web programming. But I love to work with algorithms, squeezing every bit of efficiency out of hardware. So that is another problem.

2. I should have secured my savings in some way - I am not that good in these matters - so what should I do now when everything is falling apart? Financial advice needed... For the last 2 months, instead of dealing with finances, I've been gathering supplies (I have 1,5 cubic meters of frozen food, for example, drugs for 6 months, many facemasks, etc.) and I tried to improve my condition even further but I failed (some of you might have read elsewhere that I improved almost completely but that lasted only for like 2 weeks and now I'm back to my old "normal").

There are so many ridiculous hints out there... like investing in stock right now to save the value of your savings because the stock is sure to go up (but which one and when - that's another problem, US stock exchange will surely go down, considering that it's only a beginning of corona outbreak)

4. Actually, I hate to visit doctors anyway. Been there, done that - so many times. And it always backfired.
The only way out of this whole mess would be to actually get much better.... without doctors' involvement.
And so the question remains: how to get diagnosed or generally get better in the times of corona outbreak when even without this outbreak it's simply impossible. Needless to say I tried like all the supplements that I could think of...

Any thoughts on any of the above items?


Senior Member
For the last 2 months, instead of dealing with finances, I've been gathering supplies (I have 1,5 cubic meters of frozen food, for example, drugs for 6 months, many facemasks, etc.)..

The most likely outcome from the economic outfall of all the meassures taken and all the helicopter money, will be a financial crisis none of us have experienced or are prepared for. The currencies will most likely be replaced, which for some time will cause turmoil. If such a very likely situation really manifests, you'll exceptionally prepared with 1.5 cubic meter of frozen foods. Much, much better then most.

And after there'll new opportunities.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
How do I feel? Hmm... I'm officially panicking.

Hi @Mick -- As difficult as your current situation is, I want to thank you for sharing your sincere and heartfelt sense of panic and turmoil you're going through. -- Your account reminds me of some of my own turmoils over the years.

What I've learned for myself is that outer circumstances aren't as important as how well I do at maintaining at least a semblance of equinimity. Not always easy, but each new challenge seemed to force me to find newer and even better stratagies to maintain a sense of calm.

I wish you all the best as you try to navigate yourself through these dificult times. And that you can find at least a "semblance of equinimity" in the process. -- Be well! :hug:
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon


Senior Member
I wasn't sure where to post this, but this thread seemed as good as any. The following link will take you to a COVID-19 story, and how the illness progressed in a relatively young and health man. Here's his story:

Justin is the first person I know to have covid-19, and I thought it would be helpful to share his story and how we handled it because, sadly, I think this will be relevant to some of you in the coming weeks.
"Next the doctor listened to my lungs, turned around, and said “I need a covid test” which came as a surprise. I asked about the flu test and she said “this is definitely not flu”. Coronavirus gives your lungs unique sound and the disease can also be seen in chest CT scans. I would ordinarily not have been tested given my age and health but they wanted to detect community spread given my limited contacts and the fact that I was one of the first cases in the area. I’m lucky to have been tested."

I think we need to congratulate this doc. The patient is one of the first in his area, and the doc immediately knew is breathing was typical of a covid , and tested him despite he was not feverish.
Hopefully this patient won the battle, but it could have turn badly or him!


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
My state (New Mexico), is communicating with us through the occasional Emergency Alert on our cell phones (just got one and it must have spiked my cortisol levels as it is so loud and piercing), and on television where programming is interrupted and a very loud Alert crawls around the screen. Here is the one I just got:

Covid-19 Update: STAY HOME. Health order now through April 30.
Move information at