Coronavirus: what your country is doing, how you feel & general discussion


Senior Member
Interesting post. I've heard from lots of people that thought the air in northern Italy was particularly healing, and said that the Italian dolomites and also even the city of florence had great air. But they felt awful in rome and much of southern italy.
North Italy is a big plain (Padana plain, the red area in the picture) surrounded on the North and sides by a mountain range (the Alps). The Padana plain has a very humid climate. It's also a highly industrialized and cultivated area. Rice cultivation is typical, to give you an idea as to how humid it is. It used to be basically a big swamp. Now it's mostly reclaimed, but it's a land of endless darkness, fogs and smog, as they like to point out in the South. :rolleyes: So the places you mention are all outside the Padana plain (Dolomites are part of the Alps, Florence is much souther, in Central Italy). We don't breath good air here :depressed:


Senior Member
The high school prom must go on, so Danville girl puts on a sheltered-in-place version

No virus was about to keep Natalie Reese from her high school prom, even if she had to hold it in her living room all alone.
That’s what happened on Saturday in Danville. Actually, Natalie wasn’t exactly alone. She now has 644,500 online followers around the world, ever since fate thrust her into the role of de facto prom queen of planet Earth.
“I’m not really the prom queen,” she said. “Everybody is the prom queen. And king. This is about everybody.” . . .
Natalie spent a few seconds being disappointed, then she decided to do something about it. Last week she shot a video of herself putting on her prom makeup and pink dress and then stepping into her living room to dance with her father, Bryan, the only dance partner readily available. It got 11 million views and charmed the world more profoundly than any cat video. . . .
Natalie’s prom went viral faster than the virus went viral.
How great it was, Natalie said, to give the world a break and to give shut-out prom goers a way to take part.
“This whole thing is sort of insane,” she said. “But it’s part of history. It’s what we have now. And everyone is looking for a reason to smile. I’m glad if I could held give that to people.”
Photo of Natalie and her family at her virtual Prom.


Senior Member

In the midst of great loss and suffering that this virus has caused, it is nice to every so often switch the news channel from doom and gloom to something a bit more uplifting and heart warming.
Why get one puppy when you can get three? On Thursday, Tim Tebow and wife Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters introduced fans to the newest additions (plural!) to their “happy family,” a trio of dogs named Paris, Kobe, and Chunk. The football-turned-baseball star, 32, debuted the pets on Instagram, deeming them the “Tebow Pack” and dedicating an individual post to each of the puppies. . . .Tebow’s welcoming of the new pets comes four months after the athlete said goodbye to his dog Bronco. . . .“One of the toughest goodbyes,” wrote Tebow when sharing a tribute to Bronco. . . .
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Senior Member
Has anyone on PR actually been diagnosed with the coronavirus, or are people self-diagnosing or assuming they have it?
You don't get tested unless
1) you have fever AND had contact to someone with confirmed COVID-19
2) you were in a risk area (like South Tyrol).
So no, my roomate and I weren't tested. We don't get tests. So yes, we can only guess, which is unsatisfactory.

Corona yes or no, these breathing problems suck big time.

Edit: I never ever had symptoms like these in my life before. That's not a proof that it's corona - I could have gotten some other virus I never had in my life before, right?
My sibling and her family have COVID-19 (anosmy and ageusia, plus other symptoms), and we share several symptoms, including the breathing problems. We all have asthma.
You need to work with what you get...
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Senior Member
Coronavirus In Ohio: Battelle Pioneers Technology To Clean And Reuse PPE

Several large metal shipping containers are lined up in a warehouse on Columbus’ West Side under a large American Flag. Their doors are ajar, and workers stream in and out, power tools buzzing.

These are no ordinary shipping containers: They represent a huge scientific breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19.

“We’re looking at the Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System that we’ve developed to be able to decontaminate PPE for health care workers on the frontline,” says Battelle researcher Will Richter.

The Critical Care Decontamination System is the first of its kind, capable of cleaning up to 80,000 pieces of PPE (personal protective equipment) at a time. Battelle's system was designed to be modular so it can be easily shipped, and scaled up – the more units in one area, the more rapidly they will be able to clean mass amounts of PPE and return them to the hospitals. . . .

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Again the thing that terrifies me is the idea that it was a) this easy to get an ordinary flu illness that wasn't even covid (and should have a lower RO) even while being extremely cautious re sanitization and stuff , and b) that some ordinary flu virus could floor me this badly.

Your concern is certainly understandable...

I got a stomach flu in early Dec (I seem prone to this, 5 times in 2 years went to emergency on Round 4 and that was an awful experience).

Two months it took to digestion went bad, my stomach stopped emptying...digestive issues...and I had access to herbs that helped. When I got it- before, I was fainting, POTS-like was happening...all those symptoms got real bad. I did a bit better- this tachycardia...that I noticed.

On numerous occassions in my life (I'm now in my mid-60s.)...I thought the flu of the moment- could kill me. Sure that would be it- happened on any number of occasions....but I am still here.

So this feeling- isn't uncommon...that your experiencing- so please hang in there...

(regarding the testing, I think its too unreliable...false negatives, they are using a variety of untested tests...its sounds like testing chaos)

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member

As an Early Bee Gees lover- I'd so wish I could assemble a compilation....from the Psychedelic Bee Gees years...

For example:

The New York Mining CORONA Disaster.....

"In the event of Corona happening to Me, there is something I would Like you all to see: its just a Photo graph of someone that I knew....Have you Seen, spare Toilet Paper, Mrs. Jones?"


Really and Sincerely I Tried....(Robin Gibb)..."to Not Get it" (Corona)


"Gee I'm Going Back to Massachusets.

Only there's a Quarantine, I failed to see"

And so on.


Senior Member
Japan not planning to declare state of emergency but will expand entry bans


Japan has no plan to declare a state of emergency from April, its top government spokesman said on Monday, seeking to dispel mounting fears a recent spike in coronavirus cases could lead to a first-ever lockdown of the capital, Tokyo.
As the number of infections grows globally, however, Japan will raise its defenses against imported cases by banning the entry of foreigners travelling from the United States, China, South Korea and most of Europe, the Asahi newspaper reported on Monday.
Non-Japanese citizens who have been in any of those places in the previous two weeks will be barred, the newspaper said. The government may also ban travel to and from some countries in Southeast Asia and Africa, it said, citing unidentified government sources.
Richmond, VA
I don't believe that anyone from PR, with the exception of @debored13, has had an actual COVID-19 and were self-diagnosing based on symptoms (but I could definitely be wrong on that)!

I finally got a "presumptive positive" COVID19 diagnosis from my Infectious Disease doctor. She wants to get me in for antibody testing once that is available. Full timeline here.

My ME/CFS symptoms started flaring up Saturday and Sunday (Days 13+14), but started high dose valacyclovir, which seemed to take care of it. Feeling back up to 100% today (Day 15). It seems like COVID19 really decimates the immune system in the second week, which opened the door for EBV to creep back in.

Wife is on Day 11 and seems to be recovering in the typical roller-coaster fashion. She should be back to 100% later this week, but had largely the same symptoms, just quite a bit milder.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I don't believe that anyone from PR, with the exception of @debored13, has had an actual COVID-19 and were self-diagnosing based on symptoms (but I could definitely be wrong on that)!
Thaks to the alert preparedness of our gov't, it's virtually impossible to get a COVID-19 test in most parts of the US unless you can prove contact with a diagnosed COVID patient or have just arrived from an embargoed country.

So we're all left doing what, luckily, we've had a lot of training for: observing our symptoms, researching, and treatign the best ways we can.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
You don't get tested unless
1) you have fever AND had contact to someone with confirmed COVID-19
2) you were in a risk area (like South Tyrol).
So no, my roomate and I weren't tested. We don't get tests. So yes, we can only guess, which is unsatisfactory.

It's pretty much the same over here in the US .... shameful. And particularly shameful over here because we had plenty of warnings and international examples of the capabilities of this scourge that were all ignored, then denied, then reviled, then laughed at, until NY ....


Senior Member
I think I may have had it. I was unsure because it was late December, but I have since heard of others having what sounds like it in December.

It was not like a cold or flu and I did not get a high temperature, because I think, my immune system does not have the ability to do that anymore. I had a cough and it very quickly went into my lungs and I thought that it was a viral chest infection but was probably pneumonia because I was pretty ill and at one point, I thought that I would have to go to A&E with my breathing, which is the last place on earth for me with my chemical sensitivities.

After the worst went away I walked to my local shop just a few minutes away and my chest became very tight so that it was painful. That made me think I had had pneumonia.

I was left with a cough and some wheezing and very very worse with my ME and it lasted for three months before I felt I was starting to recover.

Then last week, I began coughing, feeling ill and chilled. I began treatment straight away, which I had used in the past ie vitamin C and garlic along with a few other things that I had not done with the last episode, thinking I could give my immune system some exercise! Wrong!. Anyway three days sorted it out and the wheeze and cough had gone too. I think maybe the virus had not run itself out and reappeared.

So now I have to guess whether it has been corona and the first episode makes me think it has been.
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