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I had hellish, unrelenting generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for several years, and, having tried hundreds of supplements (as well as SSRI drugs and TCA drugs) in my frantic efforts to treat it, I recently found 3 supplements that seem to pretty much eliminate my anxiety!
It is quite amazing that just by taking these 3 supplements together, I have pretty much eliminated my moderate-to-severe anxiety disorder symptoms. I found NAG is considerably more potent than flaxseed oil and turmeric for reducing anxiety, so if you only try one of these supplements, I would suggest NAG.
Note that generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) involves mental tension and/or worry; in my case, there was no worry, just severe mental tension (feeling on edge or highly-strung). This anti-anxiety protocol worked very well to eliminate the mental tension.
Most of these supplements should start working within two hours or so of taking them; if you don't feel the benefits within a few hours, then they are probably not going to work for you.
Generally it seems NAG either works well for people, or it does not work at all.
On this thread there has been a lot of feedback from people trying this NAG to treat their generalised anxiety disorder (along with flaxseed oil and turmeric). Many people report excellent results. These feedback reports are listed below.
As you can see from the feedback listed below, on this thread, 29 people reported success with NAG for reducing anxiety, and 15 people reported that NAG did not work for them. Plus 6 people reported success with NAG on other forums. Thus that is a total 50 people trying NAG for their GAD, with 35 successes, and 15 failures.
So it works out that NAG has an overall success rate of 70% for reducing the anxiety of generalised anxiety disorder.
And around 50% of people trying NAG report a major or profound reduction in their anxiety levels.
NAG Success and Failure Stories on This Thread
Here are all the positive reports posted in this thread by forum members who tried NAG (click on the person's name to go to their original post in this thread):
Here are the reports from people who found NAG did not help their anxiety:
NAG Success Stories From Other Forums
Here are all the positive reports posted in other forums from people who tried NAG for their anxiety:
Supplement Sources
N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) can be bought online. I found the Jarrow N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine good value and good quality. Swanson N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine is reasonable value too.
You can obtain NAG about 3 times cheaper as a bulk powder.
Mechanisms of Action
➤ NAG inhibits hippocampal neuronal excitability (see also this paper). This might well explain its anti-anxiety effects, since hippocampal neuronal excitability has been linked to anxiety.
➤ NAG reduces Th17 cell production. Th17 cells release the cytokine IL-17, NAG may reduce IL-17. Now Th17 and IL-17 are linked to anxiety (see here, here and here), so by lowering Th17 and IL-1, NAG may reduce anxiety.
➤ IL-17 is also linked to blood-brain barrier breakdown, which can lead to brain inflammation and this may cause anxiety.
➤ Anti-inflammatory effects. NAG, turmeric and flaxseed oil are all anti-inflammatories, and they may work by reducing inflammation in the brain. Research has shown that brain inflammation is found in several mental disorders, including depression, bipolar and OCD, and high levels of bodily inflammation have been found in anxiety disorder. So the anti-inflammatory properties of these supplements may be the mechanism by which they eliminate anxiety. Note that glucosamine inhibits microglial activation.
➤ NAG is a component of mucin, the protective coating of the intestines and sinuses. The mucin coating fights infections, so if NAG helps produce more mucin, this may have an anti-inflammatory effect in the gut and sinuses, which will help lower overall inflammation in the body and brain, leading to less anxiety.
Further Reading
This thread is an update and advancement on my older anti-anxiety thread here: Non-Standard Anti-Anxiety Treatment, where I detail the mechanism by which I think brain inflammation may cause anxiety. Basically my theory stated on that thread is that: Inflamed brain ➤ chronic microglial activation ➤ excess glutamate production ➤ NMDA overstimulation ➤ induces anxiety state.
➤ The first and most potent anti-anxiety supplement is N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG), taken at a dose of 700 mg twice daily on an empty stomach or with food; the dose can be reduced once daily after a few weeks. You can go from terrible mental tension to relaxed calm within two hours of taking NAG.
NAG should not be confused with glucosamine sulfate, which will not work for this anti-anxiety purpose. NAG may be inadvisable in Lyme disease, as theoretically it may feed the Borrelia bacteria (see here). NAG can aggravate asthma. If you are on warfarin, glucosamine can increase the risk of bleeding (see here). Glucosamine may raise intraocular pressure (see here). NAG is usually shellfish derived (however Swanson NAG is derived from fermented yeast, though Swanson say they cannot guarantee it is shellfish free).
➤ The second most potent is flaxseed oil (aka linseed oil), one level tablespoon (15 ml) daily. 15 ml of flaxseed oil is 13,000 mg in weight. Flaxseed oil is best absorbed when taken with food. It is the alpha linolenic acid (ALA) in flaxseed oil that I believe has the anti-anxiety effects (flaxseed oil is 55% ALA; chia oil is 64% ALA).
➤ The third is the herb turmeric, at a dose of 1000 mg twice daily, best taken on an empty stomach (but if it causes irritation, take with food). This herb can be bought cheaply as turmeric powder for cooking. 1000 mg equates to just under one level teaspoon of powder.
Turmeric is not to be confused with curcumin (turmeric contains curcumin, but turmeric has many other active ingredients, including: ar-turmerone, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, atlantone, and zingiberone; I suspect the ar-turmerone in turmeric may have the main anti-anxiety effect, as ar-turmerone is thought to reduce microglial activation). So don't buy curcumin thinking it is turmeric; they are not the same.
It is quite amazing that just by taking these 3 supplements together, I have pretty much eliminated my moderate-to-severe anxiety disorder symptoms. I found NAG is considerably more potent than flaxseed oil and turmeric for reducing anxiety, so if you only try one of these supplements, I would suggest NAG.
Note that generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) involves mental tension and/or worry; in my case, there was no worry, just severe mental tension (feeling on edge or highly-strung). This anti-anxiety protocol worked very well to eliminate the mental tension.
Most of these supplements should start working within two hours or so of taking them; if you don't feel the benefits within a few hours, then they are probably not going to work for you.
Generally it seems NAG either works well for people, or it does not work at all.
On this thread there has been a lot of feedback from people trying this NAG to treat their generalised anxiety disorder (along with flaxseed oil and turmeric). Many people report excellent results. These feedback reports are listed below.
As you can see from the feedback listed below, on this thread, 29 people reported success with NAG for reducing anxiety, and 15 people reported that NAG did not work for them. Plus 6 people reported success with NAG on other forums. Thus that is a total 50 people trying NAG for their GAD, with 35 successes, and 15 failures.
So it works out that NAG has an overall success rate of 70% for reducing the anxiety of generalised anxiety disorder.
And around 50% of people trying NAG report a major or profound reduction in their anxiety levels.
NAG Success and Failure Stories on This Thread
Here are all the positive reports posted in this thread by forum members who tried NAG (click on the person's name to go to their original post in this thread):
I took some NAG that I ordered. Within an hour I felt a significant reduction in anxiety, and also started to feel mucous drain from my sinuses. The gains are still holding, except that I've been trying to do as much as possible since the anxiety has diminished, so am a little wiped out.
I've also been dealing with constipation lately, and I've been a lot more regular since I started the NAG as well, so it seems to be working on my gut as well.
Hello there
I have been taking CoQ10, with Omega 3 oils, plus a heaped teaspoon of tumeric twice a day, and 1x NAG 750gm twice a day...
And I am feeling HUGE benefits!! I read all of this and how you are being helped with anxiety, which i have, but wouldnt be my first priority to remedy, but i was interested in the inflammation side of it all and that the NAG works on the gut. I have been taking this regime for 7 weeks now and I am hugely happy over the results.
I have been on the Jarrow brand NAG (750) for two days now and it has made a big difference in my symptoms right away. I have had the same effect that Hip talked about where it has reduced inflammation in my sinuses (I can never find anything that actually does that!) and I have a lot more energy.
I have also tested NAG and I found it's mechanism largely the same, acne cleared within a week and less anxiety. However it caused me some slight stomach discomfort
Hi Hip, I got a hold of the 3 supplements NAG, Flaxseed oil and Curcumin.
Firstly, OMG! N-Acetyl Glucosamine is amazing within 2-3 hours of taking it, all of my physical symptoms of my GAD vanished like nothing else and has been sustainably for the past 10 days. I really feel like I've finally found a solution thanks to you.
Well, its only been a couple days but the effects have been constant. The Amazing part is that I have been on Various Benzo's and Anti depressants and none have been this strong and calming.
Hip, I started using N-A-G at 1g 3x per day and the anti-inflammatory effect has been amazing. I have persistent sinus inflammation (and burning mouth) and it is the only supplement so far that has helped. I also have anxiety and insomnia. I have noticed some improvement with anxiety, but not help with insomnia... yet. I am hoping the benefits keep coming from taking the N-A-G, perhaps by gut healing. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for starting this thread!
Wow, OP this has calmed my nerves. Thank you for sharing.
Just want to say thank you for providing the information here, the NAG has really helped me!
Member Negcreep got anxiolytic results, but later reported he was unable to take NAG due to stomach side effects because of his pre-existing gastritis:@Hip, I've taken Jarrow's NAG 700 mg on three non-consecutive days. It is quite anxiolytic and sedating. It kinda knocks me out for a couple of hours after I take it. I think I should switch to nighttime dosing. I'd like to be able to take it early in the day, though, because my anxiety peaks in late morning - early afternoon.
@Hip I've received my Jarrow 700mg NAG and started on 700mg twice a day.
I can say that for me NAG definitely has a psychoactive effect. Mild relaxation and a noticeable decrease in anxiety related symptoms within a couple of hours of taking it. No real side effects at all so far.
ppointed as it was definitely having an effect, and I wanted to test it much further.
You know something? I think this NAG, flaxseed and curcumin is actually working! I have quite severe anxiety, PTSD, major depression and fibromyalgia and since taking this in the past few days, I feel like I have been taking some kind of balm of contentment - finally, after trying so many things, the bottles of this and that have runneth over my house. Thank you so much!!
So it's been a week now and its been pretty positive so far.
Hey guys just wanted to post that turmeric which I bought at local store had been super amazing for my anxiety. I have been taking it for 2 days so far but man let me tell you after an hour of taking it, my anxiety decreased like 90%. It was a huge relief.
Member chiefrocka found NAG reduced anxiety, but it caused digestive issues.Hi Hip,
First I really want to thank you for the miracle combination (NAG, curcuma and flaxseed oil) that really helped me!!
So within a few days of taking NAG I started noticing that it did seem to help my anxiety but that I was also having digestive issues. I wasn't sure if it was NAG at first since I took a few other supps with it but when I cut out NAG 2 days ago I haven't had a digestion issue since.
I'd really just like to thank Hip for this post and the information provided. I've lived on the edge of hell for 3 years with chronic, paralysing anxiety and have quite literally tried EVERYTHING to come back to normal...and 1 hour after taking the NAG, I knew myself once again. I now sleep undisrupted. I'm attentive. I can work without fearing bottoming out...and I can now look forward to life - as opposed to living under a heavy cloud of impeding dread.
Thankyou so very much.
I recently added 375mg NAG once a day (in the morning first thing) and it seems to be doing something. My anxiety has gone down quite a bit
Thought you might be interested @Hip: Two relatives of mine who don't have cfs both have Generalised Anxiety Disorder diagnoses & medication (which doesn't seem very effective for either of them). I bought NAG,Turmeric & flaxseed oil for one of them to try - but they don't appear to have had much effect. However, the other person tried 3 NAG capsules over 36 hours and is quite convinced they had a very positive anxiety-decreasing effect.
i tried NAG brand Jarrow this morning, took half a pill on empty stomach. I definitely felt something within an hour.
i felt less anxiety but also very spaced out, my eyelids were heavy felt heavy and i felt depressed, disconnect from reality. It's not totally unpleasant but not pleasant either.
took 750 of NAG. I like I’m back to me again
Thanks for the thread!!!!!!
The combination NAG+flaxseed oil really works for me to lessen an anxiety / panic attack.
Out of desperation, I tried the NAG, turmeric & flax seed oil combo this summer. It’s been about 8 weeks now and it is really working well for me. I developed terrible anxiety and panic attacks (without prior history) over a period of 6 months when my primary doctor was convinced I had uncontrolled depression.
I’m not typically a believer that supplements are very useful, but I was really desperate. And it worked. The regimen also improved my gut symptoms and I can now eat without fear of spending the rest of the day in bed. My headaches and muscle pain have also improved. I am very thankful for this posting and all the information it included.
Hip Thanks for recommending the NAG. I am finding it takes away an odd, edgy, nervousness.
I can vouch that the NAG seems to wash away the worrying type mental activity.
I just wanted to pop in and say that NAG has improved my quality of life dramatically. I had suffered from intense panic attacks for about five months, everyday. They worsened before bed and would wake me up in the middle of the night. It felt like my brain was just shutting down. Klonopin or Ativan only helped to take the edge off. I was reluctant to spend more money on a supplement since I’ve spent so much already and few have helped at all. My first day on NAG showed a huge improvement. Within an hour all of the anxiety was completely gone. Now I take it every night before bed and haven’t had any issues. THANK YOU to all who recommended it! I originally heard about it from @Hip. I can’t thank you enough. My life is so much better with it.
Bought and took some NAG as I'm going through some acute life stress and haven't got much control over it. Felt a lot better after taking 700mg NAG.
So I tried the NAG 700 mg this morning, weird supplement for me and I don't really know what to make of it. I took one capsule first thing in the morning, I noticed it made me feel less anxious and there was a bit less of an inflamed feeling in the usual suspects in my head. My senses felt a bit clearer too but mentally it made me feel a bit off. Not depressed but a bit dull and gloomy.
After carefully reading about anxiety and brain inflammation on this topic, I made some connections and decided to give NAG, NAC, and glycine a try. And WOW. I am now completely cured of anxiety and have stopped the psychiatric medication.
Here are the reports from people who found NAG did not help their anxiety:
Member Parismountain said he bought NAG, but did not report his results, so it may be a failure:
Splurged and bought 3 supplements, Tumeric, NAG and flaxseed oil. That oil doesn't taste so well. Only my fifth day so we'll see how it goes.
Member sregan found NAG helpful for sleep, but did not report benefits for anxiety:I had no luck with NAG, even with higher dosages for longer time. It did nothing for me. I have not tried curcumin, but I took Curamin and it did nothing as well.
Member est_sunshine bought NAG but did not report on results, so this may be a failure.I am trying this again. Not going full dose like last time. Took about 1/4 of the 750 mg cap and slept pretty well. (not as good as my first try with the full cap). I'm hoping this helps my sleep more than anything. Maybe it will help my gut also. Going to try to stay at this dose and increase as I can or decrease if anxiety returns.
Member 123pdeme tried NAG but did not report positive results, so this may be a failure.Hey Hip, my NAG just arrived will try it on the weekend, will have to slowly increase it though so will let u know how it goes in a while.
I'm currently only just started on Jarrow NAG. I got 750mg felt good, took another 750mg and there was some GAD returning. I'm kind of up and down with GAD atm, I don't know whether I will be calm or not day to day at present. This morning the GAD was fairly strong and by the afternoon it had dropped off significantly.
Member jordan2tagg bought NAG but did not report on results, so this may be a failure.Hey Hip, thanks for sharing your experience with various supplements. I tried NAG and I still cant decide if its working or if its just placebo, I'm using 1400mg twice a day. I felt like its working for first days, but now I dont notice anything, maybe its tolerance or maybe I just got used to it.
Hi Hip, I received my order from iHerb and will take the supplements flaxseed oil, NAG and choline as mentioned in your post.
Unfortunately NAG didn't work for me. I think my anxiety/palpitations/light & sound sensitivity etc are probably due to depleted adrenals and part of the ME/CFS rather than a separate anxiety issue.
Dear Hip, Haven't really notice any noticeable difference so far on the NAG.
Thought you might be interested @Hip: Two relatives of mine who don't have cfs both have Generalised Anxiety Disorder diagnoses & medication (which doesn't seem very effective for either of them). I bought NAG,Turmeric & flaxseed oil for one of them to try - but they don't appear to have had much effect. However, the other person tried 3 NAG capsules over 36 hours and is quite convinced they had a very positive anxiety-decreasing effect.
Your protocol did not worked for me.
I've tried the NAG + flaxseed oil + turmeric for the past week and it seems to have a different effect on me. I get a boost of energy after taking the 700mg of NAG for 8+ hours until the next dose. Unfortunately at the same time there is a definite increase in anxiety and brain fog. I lose the tired behind the eyes feeling and feel awake yet a bit zombified/uncoordinated.
I did try this NAG + Curcumin and flaxseed oil but it seems it increased my anxiety to a great extend.
I have taken Jarrow NAG 700mg caps twice daily + 1tb spoon flaxseed oil twice daily + 1G caps turmeric twice daily for a week now... No change in my anxiety, ADHD and OCD symptoms.
My wife has never noticed anything from NAG. Maybe turmeric and maybe flaxseed but not enough to be able to clearly say they help.
NAG Success Stories From Other Forums
Here are all the positive reports posted in other forums from people who tried NAG for their anxiety:
Mjehhhhh says: January 2 said:
Tom says: October 26 said:I tried some n-acetyl glucosamine this morning (just one 750 capsule) for the first time, and the beneficial effects on my anxiety were astounding- comparable to xanax, which I’ve tried a few times.
Source: here
Billy Riordan says: February 27 said:Hi Hip,
I received my bottle of NAG, and have been taking 1tablet(750mg) in the morning on empty stomach for the last 4 days. I am starting to feel less anxious, starting today.
Source: here
wild4sports says: July 1 said:Just wanted to point out that, I have been taking NAG by Jarrow, that I read up about on the site, and it has done amazing for my anxiety.
Source: here
Tabitha says: April 8 said:
Jared says: April 30 said:Just wanted to thank you for your classic thread on NAG, which pops up everywhere. It completely changed my life and my whole family’s. Seriously, thank you!
Source: here
Supplement Sources
N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) can be bought online. I found the Jarrow N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine good value and good quality. Swanson N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine is reasonable value too.
You can obtain NAG about 3 times cheaper as a bulk powder.
Mechanisms of Action
➤ NAG inhibits hippocampal neuronal excitability (see also this paper). This might well explain its anti-anxiety effects, since hippocampal neuronal excitability has been linked to anxiety.
➤ NAG reduces Th17 cell production. Th17 cells release the cytokine IL-17, NAG may reduce IL-17. Now Th17 and IL-17 are linked to anxiety (see here, here and here), so by lowering Th17 and IL-1, NAG may reduce anxiety.
➤ IL-17 is also linked to blood-brain barrier breakdown, which can lead to brain inflammation and this may cause anxiety.
➤ Anti-inflammatory effects. NAG, turmeric and flaxseed oil are all anti-inflammatories, and they may work by reducing inflammation in the brain. Research has shown that brain inflammation is found in several mental disorders, including depression, bipolar and OCD, and high levels of bodily inflammation have been found in anxiety disorder. So the anti-inflammatory properties of these supplements may be the mechanism by which they eliminate anxiety. Note that glucosamine inhibits microglial activation.
➤ NAG is a component of mucin, the protective coating of the intestines and sinuses. The mucin coating fights infections, so if NAG helps produce more mucin, this may have an anti-inflammatory effect in the gut and sinuses, which will help lower overall inflammation in the body and brain, leading to less anxiety.
Further Reading
This thread is an update and advancement on my older anti-anxiety thread here: Non-Standard Anti-Anxiety Treatment, where I detail the mechanism by which I think brain inflammation may cause anxiety. Basically my theory stated on that thread is that: Inflamed brain ➤ chronic microglial activation ➤ excess glutamate production ➤ NMDA overstimulation ➤ induces anxiety state.
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