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Complete Symptom Relief and CFS Remission Since Starting Nitric Oxide Supplement


Senior Member
The cheapest way for several people to test this MRI NO2 BLACK supplement would be for one person to buy a box of 180 capsules, and then sharing it equally between themselves and 3 other people, by mailing 45 capsules in an envelope to the 3 others. These 45 capsules represent 4.5 days supply.

Since @gregh286 found complete cessation of ME/CFS symptoms after just 1.5 days on this supplement, so a 4.5 day supply should presumably be more than enough to notice its benefits, if they do occur for other ME/CFS patients.


Senior Member
That mitochondria information really helped me make the decision to try this. I have minor high blood pressure so I think this will not be risky for me.

I just ordered some. I'll keep you posted.



Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
@panckage , if the cheaper one would work the same way, but just be slow-release, you should get some idea if it should benefit you or not by purchasing the cheaper product. If it doesn't work, then you know not to buy the more expensive product.

The L-arginine alpha ketoglutarate product that Hip pointed out is £9.99. The product in the original post is quite a bit more. If I'm going to buy one to test, it'd be the cheaper one. If it did not work, all one would spend is the £10.

If @Hip is right, and it's not that ingredient that's responsible for the effect, that's another story, but I wrote that before Hip posted that the L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate might not be what's so helpful in this supplement.



Hoarder of biscuits
My experience with medications and supplements that are slow-release vs. immediate release are vastly different.

I have taken the following to treat the pain of erythromelalgia (similar to neuropathic pain):
Regular magnesium (all types of immediate release forms) doesn't work nearly as well as Slo-Mag and similar extended-release forms of magnesium
Immediate-release venlafaxine doesn't work nearly as well as venlafaxine XR

The immediate release forms were all meh; I do much better with extended-release forms.

Battery Muncher

Senior Member
I think if we try it, try the actual product @gregh286 reccommended.

Then if it works, we can try messing around until we figure what is having the actual effect.

That way we can compare experiences better, without introducing lots of complications (e.g. different people buying different products and using different doses etc.)


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
I guess that those who think they fit the proper subgroup should be the ones to give it a try. I'm assuming that would be anybody that has a combination of high lactic acid and/or low NO symptoms.

Other than using one of the NO saliva tests that's available for purchase, to determine if it's even an issue, does anybody have a good source for a list of symptoms for these conditions?


Senior Member
Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
Yes, it's always hard to gauge changes in your level of severity of ME/CFS.

I tend to find the ME/CFS scale of mild, moderate and severe the most useful and simple way of describing ME/CFS. Descriptions of these three levels of severity of ME/CFS are given here.

If any treatment gets you up one level of this scale (eg, say from severe to moderate, or say from moderate to mild), then I tend to think of that as major improvement in ME/CFS.

What would you say your level of ME/CFS was before taking this "MRI NO2 Black" product, and what is it afterwards?

Based on this my average day would have been classified as mild. On bells scale i would have been 60-70....now 90-100.
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Senior Member
Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
I guess that those who think they fit the proper subgroup should be the ones to give it a try. I'm assuming that would be anybody that has a combination of high lactic acid and/or low NO symptoms.

Other than using one of the NO saliva tests that's available for purchase, to determine if it's even an issue, does anybody have a good source for a list of symptoms for these conditions?

Yea my d lactate levels at rest were 2.8 mmol. Norm should be around 1.0. Would say with high degree confidence my lactate levels are much lower now than 2.8mmol. Lowering lactate is instrumental in lowering fatigue.

Tbh i am not at all that surprised this has worked on me....as i mentioned before i always found sauna....hot baths etc always helped me it was just a matter of finding something that can act 24 hours a day.
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Senior Member
I've been on here a few years. Like most I have tried nearly every supplement there is, mostly a lot of rubbish.
On Feb 5th I started a product called MRI No2 Black.

I ran out around 10 days ago and symptoms started returning promptly.....a blessing in disguise as I was taking a lot of supplements and that was the only one i stopped before CFS come back....allowing me to pinpoint the actual beneficial supplement with high confidence.

Its a No2 booster with Actinos technology to keep the No2 longer in system.

I always suspected a blood vessel/dilation issue as dilators always provided relief,,,hot weather,,,humid weather,,,sauna.....hot baths,,,,,,red wine....etc.

This product will most likely work in the sub group that gets good relief from alcohol.

By 36 hours later I was a new person....complete symptom relief.
Fatigue gone, thirst gone, feet warmer, no tingling in hands,
I wake up totally refreshed now. My body wakening me ready to tackle the day ahead.

Over the past month I have gone back to surfing, golfing and so on without payback.
I have encouraged my closer friends I have met here etc with CFS to try it now since I have around 6 weeks in the clear with the exception of the running out "blip"..... too long for a "fluke" period. I will ask them to report their findings.

I would encourage anyone to try it and maybe we can do a poll later, prehaps better to all use same product to rule out brand variance.

Fluge and Mella haven't taken out a patent for no2 treatment in CFS for nothing.

I take 5 tablets twice a day. (equivalent of 10g daily of Arginine AKG.)

I look forward to more people trying it and joining me in the land of the living.

Anyone with CFS knows that "lactic" feeling on the legs etc....it lifts pretty quick, obviously the higher vasodilation creating easier lactate clearance from cells.
Bye for now.

BTW i still trying to figure out why we should have this No2 issue. Arginine is a potent Nk cell activator,.....so is it a NK issue. Do we have low epinephrine/norepinphine creating a low vasodilatory situation? Is low Taurine involved. I think we are closer than ever to finding answers with the Rituximab study well under way, OMF tests and so forth.
I think thats we crash hard under a stress situation as the vessels "tighten" up even more creating a tougher metabolic state and higher lactate. Personally, I'm persuaded towards weak adrenal output but time will tell, the No2 is "bypassing" this weak epinephrine state,


Senior Member
If my symptoms then are feeling bloated, nauseous, poor appetie, headaches, constipation and tiredness, is this supplement still worth a try?


Senior Member
Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
If my symptoms then are feeling bloated, nauseous, poor appetie, headaches, constipation and tiredness, is this supplement still worth a try?

Sounds like you have quite a tough gut condition. Maybe if you resolve gut issue first before this.
NO2 black wont help gut....it serves as a hemodilator.....lactate reducer....NO booster and improved blood flow
Did you ever try garden of life SBO probiotic? Excellent for gut issue.


The wise nematode hibernates
I generally feel worse after a hot bath or in humid weather. However I have been drinking a glass of red wine every evening for the last 4 evenings and I've had a good last 4 days. Sore muscles isn't one of my symptoms, I don't feel that lactic feeling in my legs or anywhere else, although I've done nothing to provoke such a feeling anyway (don't even go for short walks). I've ordered a blood pressure measurer so I can monitor things carefully if I try the pills (which I probably will). I've told my wife I'm planning to take body-building pills washed down with red wine in the near future, just so she knows what to tell the ambulance crew.


Senior Member
Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
I generally feel worse after a hot bath or in humid weather. However I have been drinking a glass of red wine every evening for the last 4 evenings and I've had a good last 4 days. Sore muscles isn't one of my symptoms, I don't feel that lactic feeling in my legs or anywhere else, although I've done nothing to provoke such a feeling anyway (don't even go for short walks). I've ordered a blood pressure measurer so I can monitor things carefully if I try the pills (which I probably will). I've told my wife I'm planning to take body-building pills washed down with red wine in the near future, just so she knows what to tell the ambulance crew.

Yea red wine is excellent vasodilator. Amino acids washed down with red wine whilst sitting in a bath sounds familiar. Baths drop blood pressure and raises HR.


Fine, thank you
Other than using one of the NO saliva tests that's available for purchase, to determine if it's even an issue, does anybody have a good source for a list of symptoms for these conditions?

Amazon reviews suggested that these were very unreliable.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Amazon reviews suggested that these were very unreliable.
The vast majority of reviews seem positive. Overall both items I linked to earlier have 4.5 star ratings. For some reason several of the bad reviews are at the top of one of the pages which may give a skewed impression.

Ultimately, I can't really vouch for the quality of these products, as I've never used them, but it seems like there are very few options available for at home testing.

Caveat emptor...


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Anyway, I guess I'll give this a shot as I have reason to believe that I have issues with both lactic acid and NO.

I decided to forgo the test strips and went ahead and just ordered the NO2 Black. I have a Prime account so it should probably get here by this Thursday.

Hopefully I'll have something to report back by early next week.


Senior Member
New Orleans
I take 5 tablets twice a day. (equivalent of 10g daily of Arginine AKG.)
Just to clear up in my mind. You take a total of 10 tablets of the No2 Black ? If I am looking at the correct product , directions call for 3 tablets a day.

Thanks for all your info on this. Billt