So one of my beloved dogs has this absolutely nasty habit of eating stuff he finds on the ground, including (and possibly preferentially) cat poop.

It's been impossible to prevent him from doing this, as I'd have to glue my attention exclusively onto him the whole time we're out, even when he's on the leash. If there's something "tasty" around he'll wait until my attention is elsewhere and snatch! Just like a little kid going after the cookie jar. He's good at it, so most of the time I don't see him do it. And unfortunately there are a lot of feral cats in my neighborhood, and people frequently throw food (not just bread and nuts, but other kinds of food ) out to "feed the birds and squirrels", etc. So it's been an ongoing problem through the years.
Whenever he gets a hold of a particularly "toxic pile" he gets diarrhea and other bad symptoms. He apparently got into something really bad on Monday or Tuesday a.m....I came home from work to poop in the house on Tuesday night, and despite a large dose of immodium he woke me up that later that night with a nice little present in my bedroom floor.
Since the c.butyricum has a good reputation as a remedy against diarrhea from c.diff, I decided to try it on him after he woke me up in the night. The "dog probiotics" I give them have a lot of lactobaccilli strains in them and don't seem to do squat (no pun intended) for times like those.
I gave him a cap of AOR3 after I cleaned up the mess, before we went back to bed. That helped a lot, but things were still not quite normal when I walked them after getting up to start the day.
So that morning with his breakfast I gave him a Miyarisin tab, a multi-strain bifido capsule, some gelatin powder, and a teaspoon of potato starch with his food.
Worked like a charm! Things firmed up very nicely, very quickly. We've not looked back.
So now I'm giving both my dogs the c.butyrium, PrescriptAssist, etc., and a lot of the same gut gut fibers I'm taking, albeit at lower doses and less frequently (like every other day instead of daily). I'm not giving them *all* the crazy fiber like LAB, but they're getting resistant starches, gelatin, and inulin, little bit of MCP, etc. Stuff I know is not toxic to dogs.
Interestingly, this seems to have lessened his interest considerably in stuff that's laying around on the ground. Been watching him closely since Wednesday morning and he hasn't tried to eat anything yet. I've read that a dog that exhibits persistent coprophagia is usually trying to get gut bacteria he's missing, so maybe this will do the trick for my guy. He was a rescue so there's no telling what he was fed or what kinds of antibiotics he had before he came to me. I myself used to give him metaclopromide whenever he got the runs, which I'm sure didn't help his system. I've had him on dog probitiocs sporadically over the years, but except for one brand that I can't get any longer, none of them seemed to do much. Hopefully this course of action will help us resolve this nasty problem entirely. Wish I'd started doing it long ago.
Posting here because: c.butyricum to the rescue!