It helps me with the main metabolic issue that I have, which is producing energy in a normal way. It is likely to have other effects too, such as reducing inflammation, but the former is the most obvious effect I have noticed.
RE: the liver damage, I have noted that several times in this thread, as it is definitely something to watch out for. However, I also take trazodone, which is known to have similar effects (i.e. reversible hepatoxicity), so my policy is to use both of these very effective medications for as long as I can, and use no more than I need to live my life in a normal way, for as long as liver damage does not occur, in which case I will stop using the causative agent. Since both cause reversible hepatoxicity if caught early enough, the takeaway for me is to be alert to this effect rather than discarding the most effective medications I have tried for ME.
RE: the liver damage, I have noted that several times in this thread, as it is definitely something to watch out for. However, I also take trazodone, which is known to have similar effects (i.e. reversible hepatoxicity), so my policy is to use both of these very effective medications for as long as I can, and use no more than I need to live my life in a normal way, for as long as liver damage does not occur, in which case I will stop using the causative agent. Since both cause reversible hepatoxicity if caught early enough, the takeaway for me is to be alert to this effect rather than discarding the most effective medications I have tried for ME.
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