I, too, experienced the same in a similar situation to you, but that involved a chronic, rather serious lung disease. The most extraordinary thing is that after this amazing instant healing, and a return to health after 7 years of needing physiotherapy most days just to be able to keep working, I developed M.E.
Oh my goodness, you poor thing. I hope it hasn't affected your faith?
there have many false claims of healing, which I want to steer well clear of.
Yes. Once, I needed a CAT scan on my hip. My doctor said he thought that what had shown up on x-ray was a bone spur, but since the radiologist had raised some concern, they had to take a look at it. Well, I asked for prayer as that is always my first recourse. It did turn out to be a bone spur but then came this most strange conversation with one of my friends that went something like this:
"So the Lord turned the cancer into a bone spur?"
"No! It was always a bone spur. That's what the doctor thought from the beginning."
"Well why don't you tell people that it was a tumour and that God healed it?"
"Because it would be a lie."
"But it would increase people's faith."
"In what? A lie? And what happens to their faith when they learn the truth?"
Also it is outside of many peoples' experience and if it hadn't happened to me, I have to admit I woud be very sceptical - to say the least!
I understand that. In ministry, I saw a few real physical healings but most were inner healing --- which is just as valuable if it puts you at peace with yourself, your fellow Man and with God.
In fact, I am hesitating in posting this! It is very personal and might be alien to the beliefs of many. But, as you found the courage so shall I....(Gulp!)
I've never had a problem talking about the healing, but what I haven't generally shared is that I wanted a bit back. And not because I'm holy or good, or because I like to suffer, but because I wanted to be in solidarity.
Thanks for your encouraging post.
Someone with ME told me that she had prayed every day for God to heal her, but that she had then stopped asking for healing because she decided it was His will that she should suffer. I told her, "No, no! Each morning, pray for healing and then each night, if you are still sick, just know that it was God's will for you
for that one day. Then do it the next, and the next."
Have you put your name on the prayer list thread?