Hi, I have been suffering from me/cfs since 2014. As a lot of you I’ve been trying many different treatments from medications to spiritual and lifestyle change, however nothing seems to work that well. However, for the last month or two I am experiencing some emotional changes. Sometimes I am able to feel the love for the world same as I had before I got ill, despite feeling tired. I also was able to cry on a few occasions, and that is something I wan’t able to do almost never from the moment I got sick. I hope that theese things will lead to something positive.
Anyway, I got curiois is this “emotional blunting” something other people experience with this illness or is it unrelated. Before I got sick I was extremely sensitive, emotional and emphatetic. I enhoyed listening to music and actually cried of joy many times while listening to it. And now I can hardly ever experience that feeling
Anyway, I got curiois is this “emotional blunting” something other people experience with this illness or is it unrelated. Before I got sick I was extremely sensitive, emotional and emphatetic. I enhoyed listening to music and actually cried of joy many times while listening to it. And now I can hardly ever experience that feeling