CCI SURVEY – for all ME/CFS patients tested for CCI and related conditions (please answer whether tested positive or negative)


Senior Member
Thanks @Tiffyshea. In the end it all comes down to finding that one doctor who can help.

I'm not greatly in favor of chiropractors myself (one really messed me up years ago), but I have found a few osteopaths who have helped immensely. Ice always helps.....and has saved me many times over the years.

Best of luck and I hope things don't get worse for you. Let me re-phrase're on the road to recovery. Good for you! Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Anyway, just another person's anecdotal story to help out anyone who might be wondering what to do!

Hi @Tiffyshea -- Thanks much for your comprehensive description of your CCI related experiences. I sent your link about the "Somatic Movement" to my wife, and she's very interested in it. I'm also interested, and will likely be following up on some of your tips and insights. -- Thanks again! :thumbsup:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I do a set of 4 exercises on a power plate 3 days a week,

I had access to a power plate machine for a while and it made me get very sick every single time even if I only stood on it for two minutes.

Acupuncture, massages, vibrators, power plates ALL make me get quite sick and I can hardly tolerate it.