
Senior Member
ok so what happens if I take Calcium D glucarate but I am both low in estrogen and progesterone? Have severe estrogen dominance. I have been bleeding nonstop for several months now (six years if we count when this all started) and noticed that my belly swells up and then clots size of my uterus drop out continuously. Originally i concluded I have sulfur sensitivity since a piece of steak made me bleed more (and the smells coming out of me) but then figured out that the high estrogen must be circulating my system causing the instant bloating. I took high dose Calcium D Glucarate and bleeding started to slow down. Except now my blood is coming out a little watery. I don't know if this wateriness has something to do with the fact I just stopped high dose oregano oil to rid the hydrogen sulfide SIBO bugs. It caused my face to feel heated. I still haven't stopped bleeding but it is slowing..just a little concerned about the consistency of blood. Also can CDG hampering the high estrogen eventually allow the progesterone to rise on it's own?? Or is this wishful thinking? Judging by the rate it has slowed down, this may need some time. I fill a large pad in 5 hours as apposed to 1 hour before. My plan of action is to use this CDG, then somehow eradicate H2S sibo while looking into probiotics. Then need to undo the damage caused by benzo withdrawal 8 years ago with some BPC-157 peptide. I'm sure all this has damaged my vagus nerve and intestinal lining. Oh and add in Molybdenum. If only this bleeding would stop first so I can discern what is what. My last resort is to acupuncture except that doesnt allow me to see what is affecting my bleeding once it stops flowing and probably contributes to the estrogen not moving out.

PS. This happened after naturopath gave me sulfuric glutathione and then gyno gave high dose birth control pills almost killing me in 2018. Also cannot use DIM cause it makes things worse since it is a sulphur donating product.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I have been bleeding nonstop for several months now (six years if we count when this all started) and noticed that my belly swells up and then clots size of my uterus drop out continuously.


What does your doctor say about this as this can definitely be a symptom of something more serious happening?? I encourage you to urgently consult with him/her about this and if he/she brushes off your concerns, get a 2nd opinion asap.


Senior Member
You do need to see your doctor and tell them about the continuous bleeding, clots and also what happened with the BC Pill in 2018 also. It sounds like you need medical help. Self diagnosing and treating yourself could be dangerous. You may be anaemic also if bleeding continuously. @tootsieroll


Senior Member
Thank you for the guidance guys. I'm not sure how to multi-quote the replies! I get this situation is dire but you have to understand that this situation was caused by medical professionals. I have been to the ER and gyno many times because of it. Tranexamic acid does not stop the bleeding and gives me tight chest and leg cramps. Gyno gave me birth control so high that I went delirious and that took years to come down from. The anxiety and hot flashes took years to heal from. All while labs came back normal. Also no one tests for H2S sibo here in Canada. This all started after that oral glutathione supplement. After that, everything coming out of my orifices down there smelt sour. Same thing happened last year. Took B1 thiamine HCI+benfotiamine and then one night a steak, and started bleeding profusely again. I made a mistake prior for being on a carnivore diet for 6 months straight, no fruits or veggies. I'm sure i'm depleted of everything but B vitamins and other vitamins/minerals are needed to mop up H2S sibo and sulfur. So with my labs coming back normal, medical practitioners are just going to give me the same treatment I had. My gut/vagus nerve is a mess and needs healing. I am now currently on a low sulfur diet.


Senior Member
Maybe all the experimentation with different supplements and changes to diet might be exacerbating the problem or confusing what the underlying issues are?

If I were you I would ask my GP to refer me to a specialist in female hormones. I am not sure how that works if not in the UK though. Here we have clinics at hospitals for such things.

I thought that heavy or/and frequent bleeding might suggest a need for Progesterone though I am not sure and am not medically qualified so this is just a thought. I wonder if this could possibly be treated by a reputable hormone clinic with the right balance of hormone therapy but you would need a kind and experienced specialist and maybe hormone tests also to determine what is too high or low etc.

Any odour "down there" could also be due to hormone imbalance or so I have read.

How old are you? If menopausal, there is a good UK forum called menopausematters where members help each other through problems such as yours. Some younger people on there also.
