Oh, I know Gujarat! I have visited Ahmedabad many, many times! Lug-bhug

five or six. Is your father from Gujarat?
I worked with SEWA (Self Employed Women's Association) there. The most amazing Gandhian, trade union model, grass roots organization of women anywhere, any time! (Ok, I'm not exactly impartial about any of this!!!) And, Gandhi's Ashram is there! The one from where he started the salt march. Gujarat is such an interesting state in so many ways.
I agree with all you say, Dr. Yes! I do not actually debate Buddhism but it is done with great enthusiasm in Sanghas and virtual Sanghas around the world from Lord Buddha's day to this. It is an exercise of the ego, for sure, and not a game I play except as a demonstration sport: this is what a Buddhist forum is like, lug-bhug.
So, yes, yes, yes to all you say!!!
Did you say, earlier, that your father was Jain? I have such enormous respect for Jains. Have you visited the big Bird hospital in Delhi. It moves me. Delhi moves me. India knocks me right over!
Thank you for all your beautiful views with which I concur most heartily!
Now I'm trying to remember some Gujarati!

So far, lug-bhug zilch
ETA You know, I was so taken with the spirit and meaning of everything you wrote that I totally forgot to say that my excitement at the mention of Gujarat was punctured by regular bouts of laughing out loud! You are wonderfully funny!