Dreambirdie, Hi IF--Thanks for posting this.
my pleasure.
I've been falling in a lot of setback holes lately,

me too
:Retro smile:
I'm finding that the FEAR of how I REACT to the hole is the worst part of it.

:Retro tongue::Retro tongue:

Oh our clever egos - a third level.
Once in meditation, I had a realization that "the reaction is optional." Now I just need to remember that.
I love it when remembering is enough. It's like magic - oh - I see the story - poof - it's gone - how nice.
One of my nicknames used to be 'the diplomat' as I wouldn't get reactive or flustered often, wouldn't get pulled into other people's stories, but could stay engaged, compassionate, fairly clear-headed, and even funny. And I used to think quickly on my feet - no longer. With ME/CFS I get the emotional lability symptom occassionally. One doctor explained it as critical thinking in the frontal cortex being a higher order function. When our energy is disappearing, it stops going to all non-essential for life functions. So the higher-order thinking is one of the first to go, leaving limbic-brain reactions - meeting anger with anger or fear.....Or getting teary, frustrated, not knowing how to handle something...........
I didn't know this person before. I try to strategize and only deal with challenging situations when I'm well rested, but life doesn't always oblige. So now am being my spiritual path at the reptilian level I guess. It's like George's signature. You are how you react. I'm getting to see more of my reptilian-brain reactions - and let them go. They are pretty powerful sometimes.
So - I guess it's an opportunity to bring that beautiful breathing space between impetus and action, to bring conciousness and choice to this level, to my reptilian brain. - hey - where's the at-peace-meditating smiley?