Why? dust mold grow in dust, or does the test find the mold toxins? This is interesting as I've always been allergic to mold and to dust, and I never thought the two could be connected. I feel so ignorant on this topic

These tests are expensive. I think I should do the medical tests first to see how much of a problem it is. I'm not sure which is best to pursue first.
Thanks, that makes it clear why the general $10 test from Lowe's is worthless for us sensitive people.
The ERMI tests for DNA. I think this catches mold fragments as well. It does not test for mycotoxins. Mold spores settle in dust. They can feed off of it if the humidity is right for them.
I do not know why Shoemaker puts so much stock in the ERMI but he goes to gret lengths to connect it to mold illness. You can see the video presentations he has regarding ERMI and connection to mold illness labs on his resource page.
We had air samples and the inspector used a moisture meter. The moisture meter (infrared camera is better) detected moisture behind tile in shower. Then the inspector checked the air inside the wall cavity which showed elevated asper/pen, but no stachy.
Molded materials after remediation showed the stachy growth. It is rare to find stachy airborne and in dust unless there has been a lot airborne to settle. Stachy is s sticky dense mold spore that does not take flight so readily.
We later did find stachy in vacuum sample of carpet leading out of master bathroom after the remediation, which was properly (as can be) handled by locking the area off, using scrubbers, hepas, back flow of air. I dont know if the stachy was there all along, but doubt it.
Post remediation 1 spore per cu meter was found in LR which is one level below master bath and I think this too was from remediation.
I think most of our stachy stayed enclosed in the knee wall of the shower, which if so would mean the toxins, vocs, bacteria, endotoxins.. whatever else is in mold stew somehow escaped. I dont see how the spores were able to escape through the crack in the tile grout.
Point being, stachy is not easily found but I would suspect it where there is sustained moisture.. the drywall behind the tile did not even get wet.. it was the facing of the kneewall. It was exposed to moisture when we took showers and somehow was able to use that moisture to continune to grow.
No other tests ordered. I looked at the results and the exact report reads "HLA-DRB1 08 (DR8) and HLA DRB! 11 (DR11). The doc said DR11 was potentially a problem but he needed to see if I had something under VEGF to be sure. I'm wondering if he made a mistake trusting memory.
From the book, Mold Warriors, these HLA types have 11 in them:
11-7-52b (associated with macrons)
11 or 12-3-52b ("dreaded" multisuseptable)
If your numbers are correct, I dont see where the 8 comes in.
VEGF is just one measure of several that Shoemaker recommends. I dont know of a specific connection between low or high VEGF and the DR11 un less Shoemaker has info he has not yet released. His newest PDF has been linked on this thread...
My VEGF was in normal range and my EPO was elevated.. EPO will cause VEGF to rise. Usually EPO is triggered by high altitudes therefore less oxygen?
Doc said that combined with high c3a indicated a recent exposure, which I did have, as we found green mold growing on the back of the dresser in the guest bedroom where I sometimes sleep when I'm having a bad night. I'm now interested in getting both of those retested, as they ought to have normalized if no recent mold exposure. Perhaps I should wait as I had another mold exposure in a house on campus in mid October. I've had sinus stuff going on ever since. Any idea how long before these numbers normalize after an exposur e?
Thanks Soulfeast for your detailed and very helpful response.
In Mold Warriors, Shoemaker does implicate c3a with recent mold exposure. Im confused on this one because its seems her focused more on c4a in later presentations.. perhaps to do with chronic mold exposure but Im not too sure about that. He uses c4a which is highly correlated with TGF-b1 to retest for mold exposure.. you take csm then wait a week after the round and test c4a, if it is up you are still being effected by biotoxins in your environment. If it is down but up 4 weeks after stopping csm therapy then most likely due to a "living" source, meaning biological like lyme.
Im curious now to go back and read his more current pdfs on c3a.