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Bemer 3000


Senior Member
BEMER and stuff

I forgot to check back on this thread..

SD- Wow, you are using P3 twice a day? I have got conflicting suggestions on how to use my BEMER. I started with 3 in the morning and worked up to 5. I was told to cycle through that starting back at 3 and going as high as 6 in the morning. Then I use P1 or P2 in the afternoon and 1 in the evening.

I was also told that 10 is the best for the immune system by one person and some on else said that would be too much stimulation.??? I Have heard P3 with the intensive applicator is anti inflammatory. Is that what you have been told?

Joey- Keep in mind that when I say my immune system is back to "normal," it is low normal. Mine hangs at around the high 4's and had nose dived to 2.6. It came back to 4.7. My Neutrophils were really low too and they doubled putting them into normal as well. I cant say that the BEMER has blasted my immune system into a range that I would like it to be. When you are at 2.6 though, any increase is good!!

Jen- So far my 2 days at the beach condo have not affected my allergies one way or the other. I still think there is more than allergies going on with my sinus issues though. I know it will take longer than two days to see how being away from my home affects my health in general. Being at the beach hasnt been bad for the spirits at all!! :)


Senior Member
Any Bemer or MRS updates? I would love to hear how this therapy is going. Thank you!


Senior Member
Me three. I've learned a lot from reading this thread, and would be interested to hear updates.

Forgive me if some of you have already mentioned this, but has it helped with neuropathies? One of M1she11e's posts seemed to imply it.


Senior Member
Sorry, I havent checked this thread sooner.

I still love the BEMER. I am dealing with a NEW set of issues. I had a sinus infection, then they said allergies, and now I have "silent acid reflux." It has been very frustrating. I also was doing a detox protocol that wiped me out.

As far as the BEMER, I do not believe on its own it would heal me. I would not be without it though. It absolutely stopped my numb and weak legs dead in its tracks. I have suffered with some numbness in the side of my face for the last week after taking a ton of MSM. The BEMER didnt seem to affect it right away but after stopping the MSM and continuing with the BEMER it is going away now too.

This is how I feel about the BEMER... it has me off of the couch. I was couch bound 80 percent of the time when I started it. (about 80 percent) I am couch bound maybe 30 percent of the time now. If I have pain, the BEMER helps relieve it very quickly. It improves my mood. I look healthier when I get done with a session. If I forget a session here and there I start to feel it.

Soooo, it has not cured me. It will not kill of the virus' etc. I do believe it helps the cells to absorb nutrients and get rid of toxins, it helps to keep me alkaline, it increases micro-circulation (which is powerful if you are not very active due to this illness) and it has helped my immune system. Those are all things that allow your body to heal. I call it my battery charger. I absolutely feel it when I forget a session and I take it with me if I spend the night else where.

I hope that helps!



Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Sorry, folks; I have not been using the MRS 2000 for some time for a whole bunch of reasons which I won't detail now and here. But I am still researching these PEMF things, and promise an update comment one day fairly soon--being a bit vague because I have ordered a newish book on the MRS 2000 that looks interesting and informative ( I was able to spend 15 mins with it), though written by someone very close to the thing (Joel Carmichael, a naturopath), and would like to read that before trying to comment on my current understanding of these things. Best, Chris


Senior Member
Yes, thanks from me too. I appreciate your measured evaluation of what's going on with the Bemer, i.e. that it isn't a panacea but it's giving you significant help (thanks also for the info about your neuropathies). Going from 80% couch-bound to 30% couch-bound is a big change in life!
I have questions as to your experience using the MRS 2000 or the Bemer 3000. I have had pretty severe CFS, with all the symptoms (heart issues, sensitive to light, sound, and noise, extreme fatigue, tinnitus, shaking in body, etc, etc.) Do you think the MRS 2000 or Bemer 3000 really can help my body or would the currents, or PEMF used be like trying to beat a dead horse back to life. I hope you can understand what I am saying. I can see where a machine like this can help those whose bodies are able to receive the PEMF's, whereas my body is seriously broken and I don't know if this machine would be helping or causing more harm. What do you think?


Senior Member
marin co, ca
i was able to borrow a bemer. today was my first whole day. last night i had a whole night sleep for a change after using it. i have maximum stress in my life so after getting up this am , getting stressed for a while , i got on the bemer and everything toned down. i have kept doing that doing the day and it works. for the initiates, i used p3 about 7 tonight and i could not finish the 8 minutes. i felt too stimulated. i am still energized an hour later. i will need to do another session or two of level one in order to get into sleep mode. this machine does alter you. i would love to discuss the particulars of treatment with those of you trying it.
I feel the Bemer is just a good preventive and I believe your blood can always use a boost. Check a Bemer website and do the compare apples to Oranges between different pmft devices. I have lot of bemer feed back to share. I have a friend with Cerable palsey sorry about the spelling and the Bemer helped her a lot. It is late I am tired so good nite will check back later.


Senior Member
dotidoityuma, I hope you will come back on and tell more. I'm getting educated by everyone's experience on the Bemer.
I am renting this new Bemer Classic, an update from the Bemer 3000plus. Have CFS since 5 years now. Have not yet gained any results, so thinking of switching over to MRS2000. That would mean a huge invetment again since already spent 1000€ on Bemer rentals, which would be refundable on purchase.

Having a hard time to find any real 'not sellers' comparisons on these two machines.

Please share any info,



Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Hi, Freesurf; I have been unable to find out anything significant about the newBemer Classic, but believe the 3000 is really rather similar to the MRS--slightly different waveforms, but similar frequencies and Tesla strength--from what I know, you would be unlikely to get your money's worth by giving up your investment in the Bemer for a new MRS. But that is just my thought based on what I have learned. And I would be grateful to be directed to any website with real info on the new Bemer. Best, Chris


Senior Member
Hey all,

I still love my BEMER. I have had some ups and downs but the BEMER always helps. I still go through times I dont use it as consistantly. I will miss a day or two or do just one session a day. I always feel the change. I still have some really awful days and I am dealing with viral issues that are helped with FAMVIR. I ran out of FAMVIR and was fighting insurance to get more. During this time the only thing that kept me from completely becoming house bound was the BEMER.

There are times I look REALLY tired. On these days all the smokes and mirrors do nothing to conceal my fatigue. Almost every time I go use the BEMER though, I look in the mirror and I can tell a difference. My glossy red eyes are a bit clearer, my dark circles arent quite so dark and I have more color. I dont notice this big energy boost. I just feel a change and see a change for the better.

It is still THE BEST investment I have ever made in my health and I am so thankful I have it!!! NO, I do NOT sell BEMERS! I also dont know how the BEMER compares to the MRS. I just know that the MRS guy is a very smooth talker! I think they are both probably good???

In health,
When I am consista
As it is for now, I bought myself a MRS2000+. Expensive, but hoping it will make a (the) difference. I tried the new Bemer classic for 2 months and didn't reallty feel any differance. Neither ups or downs. Maybe, just maybe made me sleep worse, restless and stressed during nights. Kept waking up EVERY single night at 4am, rolling around in bed to 7am and then falling asleep till I had to wake up. Making my day a misery... I have heard it has a tendency to do that for sensitive peaple. I don't even consider myself sensitive, but since my CFS I have actually become one. Sensitive to caffeine, alcohol (i still have my glass of wine, food and wine is my passion, and my occupation), medications, drugs et.c. Went on a Indo trip few years ago. Got really bad side-effects of the malaria meds, didn't get any on my countless trips before CFS.

What it for sure did to me was clean up my blood, which is a REAL benefit. I saw it with my own eyes. I have pictures taken through a microscope showing the real deal. Before, after 4 weeks of use, and after 8 weeks of use. How long it will take for my body to correct all the errors with clean and energized blood actually transferring oxygen somewhere, will remain to be seen.

Now i have been on the MRS20000+ for about a month. I do feel something after a session, which is good i guess. The effect though isn't all positive. I can feel really tired and feverish after a session. One thing it might have done is bring back my so beloved ability to sleep for as long or late as i want. Wonderful ;)

My girlfriend (yes I managed to keep her although my illness, she must be super patient and understanding, lol!) tried the MRS one day when her back was hurting like h.... We were going out for a dinner. After 8 minutes the pain was TOTALY gone. After only one session with the smaller intensive cussion. I though she must be joking. But no, and it didn't even come back... I am a bit sceptic about these things, but it must have done some good?!

I am also trying now on this alcalic diet. Not 100% but say 60-70%. My body has turned from acidic (bad) to alcalic after about a month (measuring my pH levels). This should give a boost to the immune system and energy levels. And if I would have weight issues it sure would get rid of those. When your body is acidic it is stressed out and the metabolism doesn't work as it should. I have heard fantastic things about alcalizing your body, hope it will kick in soon.

Some good info

I'll put out more info when something actually happens. Until then all the best.