Bemer 3000


Senior Member
I noticed some one mentioned being treated with the BEMER 3000 on the thread about Mike's recovery. I didnt want to hijack that important thread so I thought I would start another one.

A very kind lady loaned me a BEMER 3000 about 2 weeks ago. At that time, I was about 6 months into the most awful I had EVER felt. After 27 years of this illness I could still work at least part time. The last year I had to give up my job, friends, any social life at all and have been mostly couch bound. I had horrible crushing fatigue, weakness and Vertigo and I was having numbness and weakness that affectd my ability to walk and even talk at times. I was nauseated and rapidly losing weight. (dont need to lose weight!) For the first time my depression was over the top! I layed in my apartment and cried for hours at a time. I had no hope and felt I had tried everything I could ever afford. Making it to the store once a week was a big deal and even then I dont think it was safe for me to drive the 10 minutes up the road. I felt such dispair that I cannot hardly describe the kind of dark feeling I just could not shake.

So, I got this BEMER 3000 and expected nothing. You can google it and the info isnt even all the impressive. I think they are being careful not to make too many claims.

By night 3 (there are daytime and evening settings) I hit the pillow and did not get up until morning. That has not happened to me in at least 10 years. I wake up 3-5 times a night and that is with taking a Klonopin. It was AMAZING. Each day since my mood has greatly improved. Even without feeling better physically I felt like I was taking the worlds best antidepressant. (I have resisted taking them but had a presription I had not filled yet) Every day I feel just a little bit better. They are slight improvements but they are clearly improvements.

I have to give this thing back next week and dont have the money (they happen to cost about 3,000.00) to buy one. I feel like it has certainly changed something and got things moving in the right direction. I have more hope and motivation for the other treatments I am doing now as well.
Hopefully I can work out a deal to keep it a little longer. Oddly enough, I am not even stressed about that now.

If you can find some one with one of these give it a try! I would love to hear any other feedback on it as well.

BTW, I do not sell them!



Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Thanks for posting this! Do you know what the technology of this machine is? Like how this treatment would be classified? Maybe we couldn't find someone locally who had this particular machine, but possibly something similar?



Hi Michelle,

I'm glad you posted this because I was the one who mentioned the BEMER 3000 and this is something new that I've tried. I've only had 2 sessions. My first session, I felt weak in the legs and dizzy afterwards. The neuro-chiropractor that I'm seeing told me that it is possible to feel worse on the BEMER, before you get better. After the second treatment, I felt more energized that day.

I'm looking foward to treatment # 3 on Monday.

Thank you for starting this thread ! It gives me more hope !


Senior Member

I think it would take me too long to explain the technology but it is very easy to find information on if you do a Google search. I also would not do a good job explaining it as I am not sure how well I really understand the technology. :confused:

As far as treatments at the Chiro office, I dont know if those would really do the machine justice. I have thought about it myself as I usually work as an Esthetician in spas and wellness centers. I was thinking that if I continued to feel the improvement, I would want to buy one to treat others. Problem is, I dont think I would have gotten the improvements (I could be wrong) if I didnt have it to use it the way I have for the last few weeks.

I use it every day. In the AM I started at a certain setting and bumped that setting up on week two (I did get sick right after I bumped up the setting for about two hours the next few days). I do another setting in the afternoon. Then I do the setting that helps with sleep right before bed. There is also an intensive applicator I put on my liver or on a spot that hurts through out the day as much as I need to.

Funny thing is, I was warned not to do it within an hour of drinking coffee (my one last gulity pleasure in a perfect diet!!!) because it would really give you a HUGE buzz. WELL, I have not had a huge buzz or even a slight buzz since I could remember so...I had to try it one day. YEP, it gives you a buzz alright. My house has never looked so clean! I guess it is because of the increase in micro- circulation. It got that caffeine moving everywhere! I havent done that since but I do put antimicrobial essential oils on my spine and on the bottoms of my feet now before I do a session and I drink a super green drink with ionic minerals in it.

I dont think this thing alone would cure anyone but it sure has turned me around without question and in a very short amount of time.



Senior Member
Wow, M1shelle,

That is amazing. Can't imagine what relief you must be feeling right now after how you were feeling before.

Welcome to the forums. :)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Michelle - Bemer 3000

Wow Michelle, that's a pretty remarkable story. Thanks for sharing, and congratulations on your significant improvements. I did look briefly at the Bemer 3000 website you posted (thank you). I wasn't able to ascertain whether this might be some kind of microcurrent device.

I bought a small microcurrent device called "Alpha-Stim 100" last year, and have found it to be very helpful for some of my neurological overstimulation issues. I'll probably start a thread on that at some point. There seem to be some similarities to the Bemer 3000, but probably doesn't have have the range of modalities incorporated into it.

I'll be interested to follow your progress on this. I do hope you can figure out a way to keep it available to yourself.

Best, Wayne



LOL, first glance I thought....Oh great, now someone thinks driving a BMW will cure CFS, lol.


lol, i thought "Beemer", also!...

i WILL say that vibration/sound does tend to give me energy and, if my senses aren't on the highest overload on a particular day (range is bad to awful!)... driving my new(ish) car with a surround stereo can actually feel pretty darn uplifting. (even if i can't go very far or feel the whole pedal--shh, don't tell). so in essence, maybe an actual Beemer might have it's place here, too!;)


Senior Member
I think a Beemer could always have a place. :)

Sound and vibration energizes you, eh? That is the opposite of me, even as I am much healthier than I was before.

So bombing around in your car is good therapy for you? :D



Well, (as is typical with me and/or CFS) to answer whether sound and vibration generally help me... it's a yes and no.

In general, I do very poorly with noise or vibration of any kind (at home, in a restaurant, etc.)... I am WAY more hypersensitive about sounds than anyone else I know (just ask my neighbors!). A next door neighbors' stereo bass sounds weren't only distracting and discomforting to me, but the vibration literally made me more dizzy (than usual)!

I can't focus on paperwork in a public place for the life of me. Totally overstimulated.

But oddly, on the days when I don't have a (bad) headache and my nerves aren't quite as raw as usual (and i LOVE music and i used to dance!)... I love music while washing a few dishes and especially/oddly some intense rock on the car radio. I get really up from this. But I can't keep in on for long.

Now, because of my imbalance, not the music, though, I am kept from driving far.

I am SOOOO appreciative of these few short times I can pump up the music, having had migraines every day for a solid three years straight at one time (no music for years then, and it broke my heart)!. I still get them, but usually I have breaks in the clusters now. Praise GD!!!!!! As I can't TAKE anything for them anymore (used to be able to take Vicodan or even Ibuprofin).

But don't even get me started on "touch" or "smell"! lol;)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
But don't even get me started on "touch" or "smell"! lol;)

Hi Helene,

I was wondering if I could get you started on "touch" or "smell". :)

Honestly, to a large extent I've learned to accept my difficulties with sensory overload when it comes to smells, sounds, various overwhelming stimuli, etc. But touch is something that still puzzles me.

One example, when I put my head ever so lightly up against my partner's head, it can sometimes feel disconcerting and lead to an intensification of my chronic headaches. Other touches (at times) can be equally disconcerting.

Still stumble on that one a bit and so far haven't been able to come up with a resolution for myself. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Wayne


Senior Member

Unfortunately (or fortunately? :D) you are not as weird as you think you are. Or at least, you are no weirder than the rest of us around here. :D

Sounds have the same effects on me and many of us here.


Don't have the touch supersensitivity myself but I don't think it is uncommon either. Must be hard to live with that one.



I had another BEMER3000 treatment today. Before the treatment, I was coughing from my allergies. After the treatment, the coughing started disappearing and I had more energy. I feel more energized with each and every treatment. I'm so impressed, that I'm considering purchasing one of these devices !


Hi Helene,

I was wondering if I could get you started on "touch" or "smell". :)

Honestly, to a large extent I've learned to accept my difficulties with sensory overload when it comes to smells, sounds, various overwhelming stimuli, etc. But touch is something that still puzzles me.

One example, when I put my head ever so lightly up against my partner's head, it can sometimes feel disconcerting and lead to an intensification of my chronic headaches. Other touches (at times) can be equally disconcerting.

Still stumble on that one a bit and so far haven't been able to come up with a resolution for myself. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Wayne


I used to think I was crazy (even as a CFS people go!) with the sensation of touch feeling so uncomfortable. Yes, I noticed it most, also, when I would be close with a partner, laying near them. I didn't want to admit it to myself at first, but I had to. It wasn't feeling GOOD ;(... so after a few minutes of trying to tell myself that it was nice... I could no longer stay in such an awkward position. Very hard to get this across to another person easily, too.

After reading other CFS/Fibro message boards over the years, I discovered that MANY people with fibromyalgia have this experience! (well, i'm now told that i have Myofacial Pain Syndrome, not Fibro, but ANYway)... It's the old "stereo dial on high" for EVERY one of the senses, for many of us.

I've been single for awhile, but I worry about that issue, too, Wayne.

Hang in!;)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Helene - Touch / Lady In Britain

Hi Helene,

Thanks much for your reply. I hadn't realized so many with CFS/FM deal with this issue of touch. I do recall reading about the young woman in Britain who had ME and was cared for by her mother. They both had become fairly well known because they were in such conflict with the medical authorities there.

Anyway, she died this past year at around age 30 or so. What struck me was that she apparently was unable to be touched for the last several years of her life. It was just too painful for her. I'm sure it was painful not having touch either.

Luckily for me, I seem to go through cycles where I can appreciate and enjoy touch. Other times it's not so easy. Like most other special things that come and go in the lives of people with CFS/FM, I find it important to enjoy those special moments when they come along.

Thanks again for your reply.

Best, Wayne


(I apologize for derailing this thread! It was to focus on the Bemer!).

But, quickly:


If there's one thing that we may gain a little of having to live with all this, I do believe that it might be the acquiring of GRATEFULNESS for the smallest of things! (run-on sentence!). but you know what i mean!

Yes, many of my issues are at different levels on different days, and for that I am trying to be glad. Thanks for putting things the way you did!
