Those Bemers
Hi; I have had a second session with an MRS 2000, the locally available close cousin to the Bemer 3000; after the first one (in the afternoon) I felt tired but then slept OK; after this longer session late in the evening I felt very relaxed while it was going, but got home and slept not well and feel tired and down todayI note that fatigue after an early session is not unusual.
I intend to have more sessions (I can pay for them by the minute), and will report anything interesting. In the meantime I can suggest some reading for anyone interested in how these PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) things worksome of this I have read, some not.
The basic theory is articulated by Robert Becker in two now rather old but fundamental books, Cross Currents and Body Electric. I have both on orderthey are not expensive, and the guy seems to be genuinely brilliant and for real in a world that gets pretty shady at the edges.
Then I found an interesting technical paper by Marko S. Markov, one of the basic researchers in this field, which has been largely dominated by Russians and East Europeans (the West is beginning to play catch-up): this is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy : History, State of the Art and Future at (hope that worksanyway, the author and title should find it if not). Note that he is focusing on the Curatron, another version of this basic kind of mat.
Then there is an interesting piece focused on Lyme disease, but it overlaps into CFS and FM, and has a long bibliography which I have not explored yet: The Beneficial Effects of DC Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields at ; again, if this link does not work, try the title.
There is not much that I have found specific to CFS, but there is this on MS:
Effect of BEMER Magnetic Field Therapy on the Level of Fatigue in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized, Double-Blind Controlled Trial, from The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol.15, No 5, 2009, 507-511. They found a modest but significant improvement in basic fatigue over 6 months.
I dont know if any of this is going to interest anyone, but being interested myself, I thought I would post this.
Lets keep sharing experiencesthis forum really can be useful! Best wishes and health to all, Chris