Bemer 3000


Sheesh, I lost my post. I had two thoughts. First, can you switch off your circuit breakers in the bedroom at night when you sleep? That should cancel EMFs during the time your body needs to heal most. Second, was your apartment really brand new--and recently built/renovated? You could be exposed to lots of toxic stuff from building materials, that includes formaldehyde outgassing from new kitchen and bathroom updates, caulking, laminated floors (ie if pergo) and so on. That can make people pretty ill.


Senior Member

Yes, my apartment is BRAND new. It was only finished a week before I moved in. I have thought about all those new fumes but didnt think they alone could knock me down so hard. I am sure they are a part of it. I cant move though until my lease is up in March. :( Being "bubble girl" gets old!

As far a turning off the breaker box, it is just too hot at night do go without air in Florida. There are also mold issues. Even the apartments that are not rented here have to have the air running all the time or mold will grow. I will do that when it starts to cool down though.

I am going to North Carolina for a month in October. The house I will be staying is not old and moldy but not brand new either. Also, it is way less humid there and I wont be in the middle of the rain forest like I am right now. There wont be a breaker box in my bedroom either. I am curious to see how that impacts my health too.

Thanks for your ideas!



Well I think mold and toxins did you in. Believe me, a brand new apartment can make you *very* ill. There is a lot of formaldehyde outgassing from the particle board that kitchen and bathroom cabinets are made of--enough to make you sick. There are glues that offgas, the paint offgases, the caulk, the carpet if there is carpet can be extremely toxic. Then add the extreme humidity you're talking about and the possibility of mold.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Michellle in the Sky with her protective Diamond necklace!

Hi, all--and thanks for the suggestions about the breaker box--had not thought about that, and though I have to move a large object to get to it, I will give it a try--good idea!

Jenbooks, the apartment is not new, but I think the carpet was maybe new--but that was 3 years ago --should be better by now? But so am I--at least for now...

Wayne, thanks for the suggestion about early morning and evening--will check when I get my meter.

I come to this stuff via Becker's The Body Electric, which is all about injury currents and how regenerative currents trigger cells into becoming dedifferentiated (I understand that as implying that in effect they become stem cells) and then, under the influence of regenerative currents, re-differentiate into the appropriate cells that rebuild damaged or destroyed tissue (did you know that a newt can regenerate half of its heart overnight?).

So when I posted a while back a brief reference to a study that suggested that PEMF, in the presence of a naturally occurring but in this case supplemented substance, could energize the mesenchymal [sp?] stem cells in bone marrow to regenerate bone, in the context of explaining how PEMF could benefit osteoporosis and the reunion of fractured bones, it fed into a hope that just possibly PEMF could actually slowly undo damage done by whatever cause.

All this in addition to the effect on cell and mitochondria membranes that might help them generate more ATP and deal with oxygen radicals and that stuff. At which point this feeds into discussions of the effects of various fatty acids on cellular membranes, and everything becomes too complicated for my little brain.

Becker does caution that anything that helps cells grow and differentiate might possibly also help cancer cells do the same. So far the large body of research does not seem to suggest that this is happening. But it is worth remembering that any powerful therapy is inherently potentially dangerous. (see Becker, Body Electric, pp. 178-180).

Just a thought--here we are communicating from opposite corners of this vast continent--BC, Florida, etc--and both (maybe) suffering from and enjoying the benefits of the magic of electronic communications. Technology is always a two-edged sword...

Don't let these musings slow anyone down, and we will be watching the skies for you, Michelle--I will be slowly paddling along in my kayak below.
Best wishes to all, Chris


Senior Member
MRS.. Bryant Meyers

Hi Chris & all

just wanted to mention that Bryant Meyers IS a distributor for MRS as I understand it.

I believe he has another website.. beyond the one where he compares the different PEM devices.. on which he offers the MRS for sale.

Just a point of information.


Senior Member

Hi Chris & all

just wanted to mention that my Bryant Meyers IS a distributor for MRS as I understand it..

I think that the "my" is a typo...some one asked me about whether you had bought a MRS or something from Bryant Meyers and that is why you said "my." Could you just clarify. :)

It is my understanding you have neither the BEMER, or the MRS or any affiliation with Bryant Meyers...



Senior Member

Hi michelle, and all

It was a typo Michelle. I have edited that post. I do not have an MRS or Bemer or any similar device. I'm just kinda curious about them.

By the way, here's another device that is supposed to work along the same lines. I just stumbled across it on the web. I have no affiliation and have not used it and don't know the first thing about it.

Here's a link to a webpage where Bryant Meyers discusses the pros and cons of these devices.

He seems like an independent expert giving an independent run-down of these devices but .... I have no clue if he is or not. If you google Bemer, you get directed to this webpage...but I think he is a distributor for MRS 2000.


Senior Member

Aquariusgirl- Thank you for the clarification. It is a long story as far as the misunderstanding. I just didnt want to speak for you. ;)

I have been researching more because Chris' info has me interested, because I feel I dont know enough about this machine for posting such dramatic changes, AND because my mom and her husband were convinced to buy the MRS2000 by Bryant Meyers. (they dont have any extra cash either)

First of all, I was directed to speak to a Joshua Berke who is a consultant for BEMER but is a doctor with his own practice. What a great guy! He really knows his stuff. He said he does not sell any machine and both the BEMER and the MRS2000 are good. His site (not where his practice is, but he trains and lectures on Bioenergetics, including PEMF's and low level laser.

You can call and talk to him only at certain times as he is a doctor and has a full time practice. I went on that site too (Infinity Health Source in CA) and not only is he a great guy who REALLY knows the workings of the human body, but he is CUTE too...:rolleyes:

Anyways, I hope this helps anyone who is searching this technology. It is so hard to know what to spend your money on.

Oh, and he told me I could make my own structured water with the BEMER (or the MRS...). I love Penta and the like so I was happy about that. Those structured waters are not cheap!

We talked about alot of things but he got into the whole body PH thing. He does not like all the alkaline water and taking baking soda etc. He explained but it zipped right by me...:eek: Anyway, the good PEMF machines correctly balance the body PH.

We talked about Hydrogen bonds and ions and...okay he talked and I listened. If you want to talk to some one who knows his stuff without the BS, I would go to the AFB site and contact Joshua.



I am highly skeptical of Bryant Meyers' review. I wouldn't be surprised if he is a distributor for MRS or gets a commission on clickthroughs. He doesn't cite research in a convincing way. He also only reviews Bemer and MRS--what are the others? Also, am I to believe he actually bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of machines and tried them all? Who has that kind of money to throw around.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Meyers stuff

Hi, all; I did indicate doubts about Meyers--I put it that way because the review is not dated, and it seems at least possible that he wrote the review before taking a position with MRS--which I was aware of. So I indicated doubt, but not total disbelief---the guy may be an honest guy happy to make some money selling something he believes is good.

It is disturbing that the MRS, and maybe the Bemer too, is sold on a kind of pyramid scheme--you can become a seller and then rope in other sellers and make more money as you take a commission on the units sold by those selling under you. That helps explain the exorbitant price these things fetch.

But I think it is important to focus on what they can do for us, and that seems to be a lot. Machines working on the basic principle have now been reuniting broken bones for many years, and I will quote from Naomi Shupak's (she is a bona fide academic) review of their therapeutic uses (I gave the ref a while back).

"To date, of the articles included in this review, magnetic-field stimulation was shown to be effective for treatment of bone disorders (osteotomies, non-union bone fractures, congenital Pseudoarthrosis, bone formation, hip arthroplasty), joint disorders (including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis), rotator-cuff tendonitis, spinal fusions....pelvic pain, neurological disorders (e.g. mutiple sclerosis, tinnitus), nerve (median-ulnar, peroneal, sciatic) regeneration, endocrine ophthalmopathy, cancer, focal ischemia, cardiac and myocardial protection, and human standing balance."

Not bad--and she is using a huge list of published articles as the basis for that claim. Alas, not good for everything: "as yet inconclusive for conditions such as osteoporosis, venous leg ulcers, imbalance of the neuroendocrine system..and pain."

Oh, and they are used on race horses too, and there is real money there--they must help!

So OK, they don't cure everything, though there is some evidence for their being useful for osteoporosis and leg ulcers and certainly pain--can testify to that for myself. And not all these things were done by machines like the ones we use--hospitals use specialized zappers for broken bone fusion, I believe. But still pretty impressive!

Just how they work is still not completely clear as she acknowledges, and neither is the optimal wave form and so on, but progress is being made--her essay is dated 2003. So let's forget about Meyer's dubious position and enjoy the benefits of some remarkable if over -priced machines. But if they continue to work as they seem to be doing for those of us lucky enough to have access to them, cheap at the price. One can pay more and get less--much less.

Best to all, Chris.


Senior Member

I am glad you are getting results and out kayaking! Even having the desire to try again is big. I pulled out my golf club in the living room and swung it a couple of times the other day. I WAS gonna sell them to buy some more immune stimulants! Not ready to go back out and hit the ball, but actually felt that desire again. That alone feels SO good!

Thanks again for all the info. I certainly dont think the BEMER is a cure all. I still am in disbelief that it is doing all it is for me. Even Joshua (the expert I talked to) talked about other things that needed to be done for ones health along with the BEMER. I feel that it helps everything else I am doing just work better. I believe it is also doing SOMETHING that nothing else, this far, has been able to do for me. :confused: I feel like it jumped started the dead battery, and now I am able to drive but still have some squeaks, rattles and a small puff of smoke coming out the back! All bad stuff but cant get anywhere if the battery doesnt work. (what a dumb scenario!!)

In health!


Hi Chris, I wasn't trying to put you on the spot and appreciate your info.
Anybody know how that other gal who was using a Bemer at her practitioner's is doing? I forget her name at the moment--she had a pic with blond hair.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Electrical Energy & BEMER 3000

Hi Michelle, Hi All,

I've been meaning to post something that I heard a few years ago and that may be pertinent to this discussion about Bemer. I've explored and used many different things over the years which involved electrical impulses. This would include 1) ionic foot baths; 2) Rife machine (that was lent to me); 3) Alpha Stim; 4) Zapper; 5) I'm sure there were others.

I once talked on the phone with a guy who was selling various devices like this, and when I mentioned that I always seemed to do better using just about any of them, he mentioned that he has heard the same thing from others with CFS. He stated pretty categorically that it was because we are all short of "electrical energy" in our bodies. So no matter what any specific device was designed to do, one affect of it was to give our bodies extra electrical energy, and this alone could make a big difference.

Now, I can't say whether this is true or not, but I suspect there is at least an element of truth to it. I think one of the reasons we may be short of "electrical energy" is because many of us have serious nutritional deficiencies, including often severe mineral deficiencies in our cells.

I've heard that a person can put the end of an extension cord in distilled water (without minerals) and would not get electracuted if they were to stand in this water. Turns out it's not water that conducts electricity, but the minerals in the water that do.

So it makes sense that if our cells are very deficient in minerals, then we would indeed have a lack of electrical conductivity in our bodies and cells. I was wondering if the BEMER 3000 might actually be helping you to some degree based on some of the above information.

I might just add that I started taking a supplement (Indium; a trace mineral) just before I left Oregon a couple weeks ago. I'm still experimenting with it, but I notice a difference in my body within minutes of taking only one or two drops. Apparently, indium is able to help the body increase the absorption rate all other minerals (apparent on average of about 50% or so), and help alleviate some of the symptoms we may experience from mineral deficiencies.

Just thought I'd add this to the mix. :)



Senior Member
A couple of people have asked me how I am doing on the BEMER. I figured that since my last dramatic recovery post I should update.

I started getting what seemed like a sinus infection about the time I really started feeling good. I had never had a sinus infection before but I was at the doctor's for something else and he noticed my head was stuffed and that I had a 102 temp. My white blood cell test had come back about 2 months prior at 2.6. This made the doctor concerned and he put me right on an antibiotics. I just wanted to get back to feeling good after having a taste of it so I went ahead and took the antibiotics.

I have continued to fight "this sinus thing" for the last 2 months or so. The doctors went through every antibiotic there was and I got sicker and sicker along the way. I will say though, it was cold/sinus kind of sick more than it was CFS sick. (make sense?) Alot of the symptoms that the BEMER seemed to relieve like numbness, weakness, insomnia, and depression have not came back.

On top of this, I had a reaction to the nasty antibiotic Levaquin. I ended up with severe Achilles tendon issues after 3 pills. It has been 3.5 weeks since I stopped the Levaquin and am just now able to walk a little. This has been a huge set back!!! To what degree the BEMER has helped with this I dont know. I am lucky they have not ruptured like many who suffer from the affects of Levaquin. (Anyone who doesnt know the dangers of this drug, I strongly urge you to do some research before EVER going near it...)

I finally went to the ENT and she said I actually have major allergies. After months of antibiotics, she thinks it was always allergies. Now I am on prescription antihistamines. It has not even been a week on them and I am feeling better. I am doing alot of natural stuff and hope to wean off them but am getting relief for now.

With all of that said, my latest WBC reading was in normal range. SO it seems when I started feeling better and my immune system started working again I developed allergies and maybe an infection???

I still love the BEMER. I still believe it helped me recover from some very tough issues that had me bedbound for months and months. If my Achilles were not messed up, I would not be house bound at all now. It just happens my body is now dealing with much more due to the allergies and the Levaquin issue.

So, I will update again when I can walk normal and have my sinus issue under control. I dont expect the BEMER to fix everything but I believe it is doing something very positive for my body beyond a doubt.



Thanks M1chelle. Still think you should get out of that home. The combination of all the chemical offgassing from new construction and the mold in the area is probably what made you so ill. If you could leave for a healthier home & continue with Bemer you might do really well.


Senior Member

I think you are right. I just dont have anywhere to go. I am going to stay at a condo on the beach for a week or maybe closer to two weeks. Im hoping that gives me a little time to see what kind of resolves. I know that isnt much time but it might be enough to impact the sudden allergy situation.

If I REALLY notice a difference while I am gone, I will be more motivated to do whatever it takes to get out of this house as much as possible until my lease is up in March.

Thanks for the encouragement and taking an interest. It would be great if a move out of this place and continuing with the BEMER could at least get me back to where I was just over a year ago. I find it no coincidence that only a few weeks after moving in I went from about a 5.5 (with a 7 teaser thrown in from time to time) to a 1.5 or 2.

Lets see what a couple of weeks at the beach with the BEMER does for me...
(No mold, but the place isnt brand new either. The owners of the condo Im staying in are very health minded and have the latest and greatest air filtration systems as well)



"With all of that said, my latest WBC reading was in normal range. SO it seems when I started feeling better and my immune system started working again I developed allergies and maybe an infection???"

Hi M1chelle,

I'm so happy to hear that you are enjoying your BEMER as much as I am. When I start feeling tired in the afternoons, my body immediately knows what to do and the BEMER tends to pick me back up again. I'm happy that I purchased it. How many times do you use it a day ? I use it twice daily and the setting I use is P3.

When I relapsed and began the Marshall Protocol, my allergies disappeared but as I was making progress on the protocol and other therapies, they came back again. I believe it was because my immune system was shut down when my illness was at its worse. So although the allergies are a pain in the rear, I think it may be a good sign that your immune system is coming back. Its like having a fever when you have the flu... its a good thing. I was thrilled a couple of months ago when I had an infection and my temp was elevated !


Senior Member

Wow WBCs back to normal??? I never enjoyed that even with my Bionic. Still hovering around the low 4's, 5's one time in the last 2 years. That's quite a selling point! Of course it could be due to the sinus infection and allergies, but then you look at the breakdown of WBCs and see if the eisinophils are out of control. If they're not, the allergies hypothesis breaks down. Also, the fact that you're fighting an infection to begin with, troublesome as it may be, is also a sign that your immunity is shifting in the TH1 direction.

All good I say :)

I agree with Jen about trying another place. It may not need to be a permanent move, but at least something to give your immune system a break.



I just had a CBC done only weeks ago and my WBC was slightly high. ; ^)


M1chelle--glad you are getting away for two weeks and to a healthy environment.

I was shocked what my 2 weeks away showed me about the mold in my home. I had so many symptoms improve I had attributed to lyme. In a way they may be due to lyme as it so derailed my immune/neuro/detox systems I can't handle mold toxins.

It gave me more courage to try and move and that is going to be hugely difficult.