Bemer 3000

Mr. Cat

Senior Member
Nothern California
I just had a brief flirtation with both the Bemer 3000 and MRS 2000. I rented the Bemer for a week. During that time, I was pretty fatigued. At first, I hammered that fatigue 3 times a day with the pad, as well as hitting the chakras with the applicator device. I even went up to a 10 (the highest on the Bemer scale) once, as the practitioner recommended, but I think that tired me out more than helped. After several days, I noticed I did have more energy, but that energy seemed to be pooling in my head. It felt a little jittery and uncomfortable. Also, on days when I was really going at it with the applicator, I would wake up every hour or so at night, and wake up for good pretty early. I wasn't tired, though. I ceased renting the Bemer after a week because something didn't feel right about the energy I was feeling. When I told the practitioner I had rented it from about my experience, she said it sounded like I was sensitive, and that if I was going to continue, I should forget about the P programs, and just do 2 sessions a day at the 1 level. I decided not to do that for now.
I have to admit, I was swayed by the MRS 2000's slick presentation, enticing claims and testimonials, and Bemer-bashing on their web site, and visited an MRS 2000 salesman in my area for a test. He had little good to say about the Bemer. I told him I had been labeled as sensitive by the Bemer lady, and he at first gave me a dose of sensitive, followed by 10 (it goes up to 400), followed by 4 minutes at 25. Afterwards, I felt somewhat calmer, and was able to work fairly late that night with good energy. However, I'm not sure how much of that was attributable to the MRS 2000, as I had two-timingly used the energy-giving Bemer that very morning. I visited him again 2 days later, and he turned it up a notch, giving me 24 minutes at the 25 setting. After leaving, I had an onset of achy feeling and brain fog, and he said that proved that the machine was working, as it was no doubt a herxheimer reaction. He let me try it again the next day, this time with nothing higher than a 10. I could feel this energy slightly, but couldn't say it had any big effect. I went in feeling pretty fatigued, and was feeling pretty fatigued soon after I left.
In my area, the holistic practitioner offers Bemers for rent with a rent-to-own option. The MRS man does not. Neither company offers a money-back guarantee, and I didn't get a positive enough experience with the MRS to risk buying one. I would have been interested in experimenting for a longer period with the MRS, as when I stayed in the low intensity zone, it felt tolerable enough, with no strange energy aftereffects, as with the Bemer. However, 2 out of 3 times, it had no positive energy aftereffects either. I let the BMS man know I would be interested in renting if this ever becomes an option. In retrospect, as I am pretty fatigued right now, I sort of miss the energy I had with the Bemer, even if it was a little uncomfortable. If I get desperate, I may reconsider and re-rent the Bemer, but use it on a lower setting.


Senior Member
Wow, Mr. Cat...those were some intense settings you were using with the BEMER. I have never heard of using it that way. I started very slowly. I started just the number 4 two times a day (Trying to remember exactly, but something close). I used the setting 1 before bed. As far as the intensive applicator, I used P3 on the liver and sometimes on the base of my skull for Vertigo and brain fog. (Not before bed though. Too much stimulation) I would NEVER use the 10 on my head!! After a few days I worked up to the 5 and then the 6. Always the 1 at night. I then went back to the 4 for a few days and worked my way back up to 6. The goal is not to get to the high settings. I can now do a 4,5 or 6 one time a day on the mat and a P3 setting once a day. Again a 1 only at night.

Its unfortunate that the BEMER doesnt give standard protocols. They do have an accupuncture physician you can call during certain days and times that can give really useful information. It seems ridicuolous that some one would have a sick person start out using such high settings. It stirs up micro ciruculation and that alone can get too many toxins going.

The Bemer (and probably the MRS) are very useful tools. Too bad more people dont have access to them and there isnt better information available on correct usage! As fsr as the BEMER giving me energy....I never get up and feel energized. It just continued to help me over time and it was a slow increase in over all energy. Its not coffee in a mat!!

In health,

Mr. Cat

Senior Member
Nothern California
Well I tried the MRS another time, after waking up super early with a lot of energy the morning after my last report. He gave me a very low setting again, but I was pretty wired afterward - for about 3 days, with up and down fatigue/energy fluctuations! It was a little uncomfortable, to be honest, but preferable to the brain fog. There was some emotional fluctuation as well in the last 5 days or so - deep depression and an elated state, and during my MRS adventure, I pretty much lost my appetite for a couple of days, so perhaps neurochemicals were being fiddled with, or released from their brain-fog stupor. I also felt feverish a couple of days after using it, though this could have been due to a herxheimer reaction. So much weirdness for me on this thing, but my girlfriend noticed immediately my increased energy and clarity. I still haven't bought one, and no one rents them long-term around here, so I definitely want to talk to my acupuncturist first to see what she says about PEMF and my sensitive constitution. I've certainly never heard of anyone else having the reactions I've had.


Senior Member
For anyone that might be interested in photon therapy, I had tremendous success with the bionic 880 for my lyme and co-infections but eventually had to move on because there is no nosode for my predominant infection.


Senior Member
I just bought a BEMER 3000 and brought it back with me from Asia. Have been using it a few times a day and I like it. It has given me more energy and lessens some symptoms.

If you are in the NYC area and want to try it PM me here.


Senior Member
Chicago suburbs
Keenly, I just ordered an iMRS-2000 to rent for a month, so if I end up liking it, perhaps I'll buy yours since it's cheaper.

Can you tell us about your experience with the MRS? How'd it go for you? Why are you selling it now?


Senior Member
Wow, Mr. Cat...those were some intense settings you were using with the BEMER. I have never heard of using it that way. I started very slowly. I started just the number 4 two times a day (Trying to remember exactly, but something close). I used the setting 1 before bed. As far as the intensive applicator, I used P3 on the liver and sometimes on the base of my skull for Vertigo and brain fog. (Not before bed though. Too much stimulation) I would NEVER use the 10 on my head!! After a few days I worked up to the 5 and then the 6. Always the 1 at night. I then went back to the 4 for a few days and worked my way back up to 6. The goal is not to get to the high settings. I can now do a 4,5 or 6 one time a day on the mat and a P3 setting once a day. Again a 1 only at night.

Its unfortunate that the BEMER doesnt give standard protocols. They do have an accupuncture physician you can call during certain days and times that can give really useful information. It seems ridicuolous that some one would have a sick person start out using such high settings. It stirs up micro ciruculation and that alone can get too many toxins going.

The Bemer (and probably the MRS) are very useful tools. Too bad more people dont have access to them and there isnt better information available on correct usage! As fsr as the BEMER giving me energy....I never get up and feel energized. It just continued to help me over time and it was a slow increase in over all energy. Its not coffee in a mat!!

In health,

Michelle actually his experience with pEMF and in particular the BEMER mat is not so different from mine, as I have been telling you I have been hitting it hard too, setting 10 about 24mins a day and it is helping. Seems to be causing a mild detox but other than that I am really functioning better from it. The winter here in my area is milder this year so I cannot give it ( the BEMER ) all the credit.

Again I am in the NYC and ready to zap anyone in my area who wants to try it out for free lol. I already have a few PR members on my list. I like the mat, it should be worth a try.


Senior Member
Hey Jasper- There is a lot of conflicting information from BEMER on how to use the thing for sure. Mr Cat seemed to have a bad experience on the high settings but I know that you seem to be having some success. I guess its about what works...

I was told to start at 4, work up to 6 and never go above 6. I was told to do a P setting in afternoon because it has peaks of 10. 10 is supposed to be the most stimulating to the immune system so some peaks of 10 would stimulate the immune system but not over stimulate. I was told that auto immune people should never go over 8. The intensive applicator has always helped me on P3 when I have pain. I was "told" that it is the most anti-inflammatory.

The BEMERS distribution head to the United States is right here in Florida. When I went to pick my BEMER up, the BIG guy that runs the United States seemed shocked I was getting such good results. It kind of surprised me when he reacted that way. He said P4 was useless, and that the machine would have not looked right if it only went up to P3. That really blew my mind. P4 is for looks??? If I had not been getting great results, I would not have purchased the machine at all after talking to him.

I think the machine is worthwhile but it is impossible to get accurate advice on its use. Trial and error I suppose.


Senior Member
Yea I agree this machine almost borders on quackery ( :) lol ) that you really have to try it first before investing so much money into it. The science behind it seems decent enough to give it a shot.

I do like the intensive applicator too. It really helps with some of the pain in my arm. But then again I gave it to my mom and sis to try for their localised pain and they did not like it, even on the low settings.


senior member
Concord, NH
Hey Jasper- There is a lot of conflicting information from BEMER on how to use the thing for sure. Mr Cat seemed to have a bad experience on the high settings but I know that you seem to be having some success. I guess its about what works...

I was told to start at 4, work up to 6 and never go above 6. I was told to do a P setting in afternoon because it has peaks of 10. 10 is supposed to be the most stimulating to the immune system so some peaks of 10 would stimulate the immune system but not over stimulate. I was told that auto immune people should never go over 8. The intensive applicator has always helped me on P3 when I have pain. I was "told" that it is the most anti-inflammatory.

The BEMERS distribution head to the United States is right here in Florida. When I went to pick my BEMER up, the BIG guy that runs the United States seemed shocked I was getting such good results. It kind of surprised me when he reacted that way. He said P4 was useless, and that the machine would have not looked right if it only went up to P3. That really blew my mind. P4 is for looks??? If I had not been getting great results, I would not have purchased the machine at all after talking to him.

I think the machine is worthwhile but it is impossible to get accurate advice on its use. Trial and error I suppose.

Not a ringing endorsement by the BIG guy, perhaps he is not really knowledgable with the product? Some times the heads of things are not all that knowledgable of their products.



Senior Member
I do have to say though, regardless of the companys lack or organization and some bad reviews from Jaspers family ;), I do believe the Bemer absolutely saved me during the worst of my illness. I gave the machine back while trying it many times and it for sure was what was just making me feel slightly alive. I live in the Orlando area. Im not sure trying it a couple of times of week will really help but some people say it does. Of course I would be willing to let anyone try it. I DO NOT sell the BEMER so no need to worry about that!!


Senior Member
Also just because the BEMER does not work for you does not mean that all PEMF will not work for you. The other competing brands out there, MRS and the Q something or other have different wave shapes ( saw tooth or something ) that they claim are better. So you may just have to try all the brands to find out if it really works for you or not.

Another thing about the BEMER that I have is that in the manual it recommends the highest setting (10) for chronic degenerative diseases. I assume that CFS is in this category and treat it as such. I think that that was the reason why I probably dared go up so such a high setting in the first place.


Senior Member
I've been borrowing an iMRS 2000 and it seems to be improving my sleep. I'm considering buying one (hugely expensive) so I'm wondering if anyone has any recent information to update this thread.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Hi, Ember--just picked up your email. I am afraid I don't have much to add--I decided a long time ago that though these machines might do some good, it was more important for me (and much cheaper!) to move from the apt I was in, which was topped by a forest of cell and other antennae, to a place with lower RF radiation. I also became interested in this "earthing" business, and while back started barefoot walking on the beach near my new apt--which I liked, and it seemed to do me some good. So sorry--nothing to add about those Pulsed machines!

But I am doing "home orthostatic training" as outlined in Julia Newton's essay, "Home orthostatic training in chronic fatigue syndrome--a randomized, placebo-controlled feasibility study," and this has been making a difference to my OI very definitely--may write more about this soon. Hope you are doing OK, best, Chris


Senior Member
Thanks, Chris. I too became interested in "earthing" and barefoot beach walking over the summer. But lately I haven't been up to much walking. Hence my interest in the more expensive route.:( It's good to know that the "home orthostatic training" is working for you! I'll look forward to hearing more when you can write about it. Thanks again.

Mr. Cat

Senior Member
Nothern California
Hi Ember. Nothing new to report here. The last time I used the Bemer/MRS was 3 years ago when I made the above posts. I talked to my acupuncturist about this, and she didn't like the idea of anything that "pushes" foreign energy into the system, so I went along with this view, as my experience with both machines was mixed. I think if I could rent the MRS for a month and experiment, I would do so, but that does not seem to be an option where I live. I notice I seem to be pretty energetically sensitive lately, with things far milder than the Bemer/MRS, such as breathwork and chi gong, crashing my system. I am now watching this thread, though, so would like to hear of people's experiences.


Senior Member
Interesting to hear your acupuncturist's opinion, Mr. C. My naturopath has taken a dim view of of the iMRS 2000 too, but only because of the cost. I'm afraid now to give up on anything that might be having a good effect.:eek: But I can't be sure that it isn't a placebo effect, so I'll be watching this thread too for other people's experiences. Thanks for your post!


Senior Member
I'm currently renting a MRS 2000 and using it daily on the lowest "sensitive" setting. It makes me feel REALLY good immediately (or within 2 to 5 minutes actually) but Im not convinced about overall benefit because the last few months since I started it I'm feeling more sick in general. However I frequently feel worse when winter starts so it could be that making me feel worse rather than the PEMFing