Rich: Also noted with interest some threads on inability to gain weight (my issue as well), and possible heavy metal toxicity complicating all of this (also a possibility for me). Might not have CFS, but seems like some of the symptoms.
Rich: Thanks for the quick reply. I'm floundering a bit, as I'm not sure what questions to ask. I'm not a CFS patient, althogh my wife struggled with symptoms for many years and is doing well. I did have a bone marrow bioposy a year ago as the hematologist was trying to determine why there were high levels of nutrients in the serum (besides, B12, folate, and iron), and low in the red blood cells. Also slightly elevated MCV for a few years prior. Not too much else abnormal in the blood work that I know of. It's a year later, with constantly rising MCV, and I'm waiting for a B12 blood test to come back this week (some kind of involved testing -- two weeks worth -- where I think they look at the entire cycle of B12 production).
If the hematologist has no answers after receiving the test back, and the B12 is getting lower in the red blood cells, I was trying to determine and get suggestions as to what to do next on my own or with an alternative doc. If you can make any suggestions, much appreciated.