Hi Rich,
Thankyou for all that info. As you are so well aware it brings up more questions than answers as always.
I intend to do a comparison in naked eye biological effects of mb12 injection solution which is exposed to varying amounts of different light sources with intensity and duration of exposure. I know of others with similar responses. This is possible now that I have available a sufficiently large and inexpensive source of mb12 from a single excellent quality batch. If you would be willing to help me with the experimental design I would appreciate that though I have no money to pay consulting fees. This is a question that only arises from use of mb12 injections by those sensitive to those differences. Somebody who has never experienced that would never think to ask the question.
I have been sure that there are multiple variations of severity of these problems. I was able to limp along as long as I ate enough meat. When I tried large amounts of dessicated liver the "lights came on" in a way I had never experienced in my entire life. When I was an infant I received cows milk formula which did include a small amount of natural b12 and had solid foods added early so, aside from delayed myelination, I did not have terribly severe consequances. I was never healthy but also never in severe trouble. People like me would never show up in their statistics on these problems. Before antibiotics I would never have survived infancy but cause of death would have been pneumonia or rheumatic fever most likely.
Most of the folks here and at another forum have definite and different responses to adb12 and mb12, even after sufficiency of one kind. Why?
This includes those who have gotten into trouble via known ways, ie vegetarian, and who do respond well to hydroxyb12. WHY? Even those who respond well to hydroxyb12 have a much larger response to unbound mb12 and unbound adb12.
I looked at the most recent papers on treatment of these mutations. Even the most recent of them do not discuss use of forms of B12 other than hydroxocobalamin, and the dosages are considerably lower than those you have used and are recommending. In addition, they report that not all cases are helped by these treatments. I think these people would benefit by knowing of your treatment and the success you have had with it. If they did, I think they might be able to help more people, particularly babies, who have the more severe forms of these mutations.
Did you happen to note down the correspondence authors and emails? Via Google scholar I found a number of McGill papers connected to cblC which is a place to start if you don't have specific ones in mind. Also, if you have any suggestions on how to approach them in a way that they might find credible I would find that helpful.
With this specific problem, lack of conversion enzymes, why would they even expect hydroxyb12 to work? It seems so obvious that one would use the forms that don't need conversion in that case specifically.
In some of the papers I've read the failure to respond rate was in the 40-66% range for some varietries of the mutations. This is about twice the rate of failure of response in the "normal" population. Why is a 20-40% failure to respond rate to hydroxyb12 normal? What is the failure mechanism? Even when methylb12 is used the failure to respond rate is up to 20% or so at the doses used. Unfortunately I have not seen any study using BOTH active b12s much less with methylfolate. This leads me to hypothecize that there is a separate transport or other mechanism separate from the lack of conversion enzymes that leads to a large scale failure to respond like this.
The glutathione (precursors) appears to affect methylfolate even more than methylb12. What could be the mechanism for that? Again, I have folate deficiency symptoms while taking folic acid. Many people have this response. It is not at all rare and has happened to multiple people on most forums. However, I was the worst affected for the longest time. A year afterwards I still have rapidly displayed deficiency symptom(s) if I decrease my methylfolate dose to 3200-4000mcg a day from 4800mcg. Previously I found 800mcg fully effective for several years.
So far, I have not been able to find any research on how B12 that is not bound to transcobalamin in the blood (as occurs when larger, milligram-level dosages are used) is transported into the cells, and what their pathways are once they are inside the cells. In the normal processing of B12 in the cells, it appears that the B12 comes in via a specific transcobalamin receptor in the cell membrane, and from that point on it appears that the B12 is carefully chaperoned during its processing and transport either to methylmalonyl CoA mutase in the mitochondria or to methionine synthase in the cytosol. But when the B12 comes into the cell by another route (perhaps by diffusion through the cell membrane), its pathways are likely to be different, unless chaperone molecules can bind to them directly. This stuff may be known, but if so, I haven't found it yet. My best guess at this point is that your treatment, with the several-milligram sublingual dosages of both coenzyme forms of B12, just bypassesl the normal absorption and transport pathways for B12, and simply diffuses through the cell membranes into the cells. Once inside, I don't know if chaperones bind to it or not. Based on your experience with glutathione, it appears that it is at least able to react with glutathione once inside the cells, but I just don't know the details of the pathways in this case yet.
There appear to be two distinct levels of this penetration, body and CNS/CSF. I too have favored the diffusion hypothesis. An abundence of methylfolate appears to facilitate/augment this diffusion/penetration in some way. Also, adb12 and mb12 appear to be additive in this diffusion effect at the CNS level.
Several of us were searching for a paper that would explain how it goes outside the HTC mechanism but haven't found one either. This is an example how work with largely inactive cobalamins has affected the assumptions behind the research. I have not found any papers on the effects of an abundence of unbound active cobalamins. The only hints of it appears in papers in which the protocol explores the differences in response between low dose and high dose methylb12 (ie 120mcg and 1500 mcg) and in which a dose proportionality is demonstrated without exploring the "why" of dose proportionality.
I think your protocol will work for people with a wide variety of B12 issues at various steps of absorption, transport and processing. It's just that I think your case is different from that of most PWCs, and I think these numbers support that.
As far as I can tell most of the difference is in severity, but not types of reactions. Everything hits me harder quicker and lasts longer. I am immediately aware, within hours any way, of qualitative differnces between different batches of mb12 injection solution. Before I started injections or after being off them for 3-5 days I can tell the differences between sublingual brands qualitatively within often less than 1 hour.
Here is at least one article that appears to go to the heart of matters. It's too new to be free.
Nature Chemical Biology 4, 158 - 159 (2008)
Delivery of tailor-made cobalamin to methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
Vahe Bandarian
- Vahe Bandarian is in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, 1041 East Lowell Street, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA. e-mail: vahe@email.arizona.edu
Methylmalonyl coenzyme A mutase (MCM) catalyzes the adenosylcobalamin-dependent isomerization of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA. Adenosyltransferase, an enzyme that carries out the final step in biosynthesis of adenosylcobalamin, is shown to be involved in delivery of the cofactor to MCM.
And another article with bearing, this one available as a free download.
Journal of Perinatology (2003)
23, 384–386. doi:10.1038/sj.jp.7210955
Potential for Misdiagnosis Due to Lack of Metabolic Derangement in Combined Methylmalonic Aciduria/Hyperhomocysteinemia (cblC) in the Neonate
Presented in abstract form at the Annual Meeting, American College of Medical Genetics, March 8–12, 2000, Palm Springs, CA, USA. Published as: Gibson K, Steiner R, Grompe M,
et al. Potential for clinical misdiagnosis of combined methylmalonic aciduria/homocysteinemia (MMA/HCYS) due to absence of acute metabolic derangement. Genet Med 2000;2:62.
Cary O Harding MD
1,2, De-Ann M Pillers MD, PhD
1,2, Robert D Steiner MD
1,2, Teodoro Bottiglieri PhD
3, David S Rosenblatt MD, PhD
4, Jason Debley MD
5 and K Michael Gibson PhD
- 1Department of Pediatrics Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA
- 2Department of Molecular & Medical Genetics, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA
- 3Institute of Metabolic Disease, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
- 4Departments of Human Genetics, Medicine, and Pediatrics, McGill University, MUHC, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- 5Department of Pediatrics, Legacy Emanuel Children's Hospital, Portland, OR, USA
Correspondence: Cary O. Harding, MD, FACMG, Oregon Health & Science University, 707 SW GAINES Road, CDRC-F, Portland, OR 97239-2998, USA.
Top of page Abstract
We report two infants with an inborn error of cobalamin (vitamin B
12) metabolism whose clinical presentation in the first month of life strongly suggested bacterial or viral sepsis. The absence of any acute metabolic derangement (acidosis, hyperammonemia, hypoglycemia, or ketosis) in association with clinical features suggesting sepsis (lethargy, obtundation) could impede the correct diagnosis of cobalamin C (cblC) disorder. In addition, this is the first documentation of cerebrospinal fluid hyperhomocysteinemia in cblC defect that was highly increased and is likely to be associated with neurotoxicity in cblC patients.