I found no references to use on animals.
But there are not many animals holding their head on top of their spine, most wear it in front, walking on four legs.
regarding "trolls": trolls are commenters who try to derail a conversation and try to get a raise out of people. They do not post genuine comments. Often they try to hurt and mock people. Or influence opinions for their own gain. It's cyber bullying really.
We have no trolls in this conversation, we're all genuine people
All view points and contributions are very much appreciated.
Cricket's story was what made me cautious before I had the AP. I decided to take the risk but was well aware that I too might be plunged into chronical pain.
Personally, woolpippi, i like to be fully informed you see, of a treatment before i consent which is why i like to hear everyones genuine stories.
The inclusion of a story which is not genuine, from a 'troll' would be a nuisance. Either touting positive or negative.
I see now the reference to troll was initially meant regarding the alien implant theory.... I wanted to just check though by initially asking.
still not got the full flavour of the word and language is always in a state of flux.
I thought someone who 'derailed' a thread was said to have 'hijacked' a thread - i guess then this could be due to a 'troll'.
As it happens, the alternative practitioners i trust, are really eagre to hear negative feedback. And are not scared, insecure, defensive about it fearing that if they focus or acknowledge it in any way then it increases it and so on!
Awareness is the key, here.
This could be a marker in fact of how good they are (they are very good in their area off expertise ) - I do have naturally high standards -
They also don't try to make silly excuses as to why something is not working - and GOODNESS ME!!!
Have I heard some silliness. I have heard practitioners have such disdain for their clients it is UNBELIEVABLE:
Some more common things said about clients :
1. They dont really want to be well
2. They drained me of energy
3. They are vampires
4. Its bad karma from their past lives
5. Its not my technique - the damage is just a healing crisis.
It warrants its own thread probably. I guess over the years I have built up my own good guide. II would have appreciated a head start.
I have already picked up on how your practitioner for the AP technique gave you the option - after walking you through the pros and possible cons - of walking away free of charge - with no bad feeling.
This is a very good policy. *
I was chatting about all this yesterday with my friend.
We ended up doing a spontaneous play about healers who metaphorically :
push you over and make you cry (the crying is the healing tears lol)
take your money
then make you responsible for not getting better!
Do I have a few stories !
I am 100% for empowering the healer within.
p.s. I am sorry but I don't understand reference to Hilary Clinton.