Atlas Profilax treatment


Senior Member
I so wish i'd had the gumption to do a before and after shot because i've noticed something odd. My head now looks straight rather than a slight tilt to the left BUT my shoulders are now at different heights!! :confused:
I pinned my hair up to see better and the 'corner' of my neck where it bends into the body is now higher on one side, and the whole of that side of my body higher than the other o_O

View attachment 6759

I wouldn't worry :)
the top of your spine is now alligned with your head (or vice versa) and that realisation has to work its way down to your hips, one vertebrea at the time. Literally: the way gravity is countered throughout your skeleton and the muscles supporting it has changed. Your muscles are still locked into the memory how it used to be, that's what's causing the heigh difference. Is my guess.

I myself now got a persistent muscle inflamation in the right shoulder cap because for years and years that muscle has been tightened too short (for the position my bones are in now). The tightening blocks waste to be taken from the site, causing inflamation.

Just to illustrate: muscles need some time to adjust and play all kinds of games in the mean time.

impressive thing you did! the travel, the endurance, telling those people about this forum etc. You are resourceful and impressive!
-insert warm handshake-

-insert some correct spelling while you're at it-


Senior Member
I wouldn't worry :)
the top of your spine is now alligned with your head (or vice versa) and that realisation has to work its way down to your hips, one vertebrea at the time. Literally: the way gravity is countered throughout your skeleton and the muscles supporting it has changed. Your muscles are still locked into the memory how it used to be, that's what's causing the heigh difference. Is my guess.

I myself now got a persistent muscle inflamation in the right shoulder cap because for years and years that muscle has been tightened too short (for the position my bones are in now). The tightening blocks waste to be taken from the site, causing inflamation.

Just to illustrate: muscles need some time to adjust and play all kinds of games in the mean time.

impressive thing you did! the travel, the endurance, telling those people about this forum etc. You are resourcefu
l and impressict spelling while yit-

I was told that the electrocution device (forget its name now) clears all muscle memory.

So are you saying that this hasnt worked, I wondered?

Best, Golden


There is a decent amount of PR members done this now... i would be interested to gain your feedback on short/medium and longterm results. Also, it would be really good to gain feedback from the other M.E. people in your group too... If possible what type of M.E. or C.F.S. would be cool too...


Senior Member
I was told that the electrocution device (forget its name now) clears all muscle memory.

So are you saying that this hasnt worked, I wondered?

Best, Golden
No, it has worked. My skeletal is more aligned and gravity flows differenty to the ground now. (I noticed this in the surgical site in my knee, through which gravity flows. Also my shoulders and hips are level now and my torso is not rotated anymore)

My practitioner did not claim a waiving of shoulder muscle memory with the device (jack hammer like thing), au contraire, he explains my lasting inflamation as muscles that need to readjust after decades. My pain is in the muscles that cover the shoulder blade. They were not touched with the device.

Best to you too.


Senior Member
No, it has worked. My skeletal is more aligned and gravity flows differenty to the ground now. (I noticed this in the surgical site in my knee, through which gravity flows. Also my shoulders and hips are level now and my torso is not rotated anymore)

My practitioner did not claim a waiving of shoulder muscle memory with the device (jack hammer like thing), au contraire, he explains my lasting inflamation as muscles that need to readjust after decades. My pain is in the muscles that cover the shoulder blade. They were not touched with the device.

Best to you too.

sorry wool pippi, i hadnt even noticed you saying you now have persistent right shoulder inflammation...

i was actually referring to your comment to HHNF:

' Your muscles are still locked into the memory how it used to be, that's what's causing the heigh difference. Is my guess.'

I hope i can explain properly now.

your picture of symmetry was in stark contrast to HHNF. Even i noticed the uneven shoulders hhnf :)

The machine i refer to is not the pneumatic drill but the electrocution device - which is claimed to clear all muscle memory - perhaps you didnt get that second treatment with this device.

I must say the AP seems to vary wildly between practitioners.

I just initially thought all the stress of the treatment made a shoulder go tight - hence the picture and would right itself once recovered....but onky hhnf knows :)

i didnt have the sense to look at my shoulders before OR after ha ha let alone take excellent photos :)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I myself now got a persistent muscle inflammation in the right shoulder cap because for years and years that muscle has been tightened too short (for the position my bones are in now). The tightening blocks waste to be taken from the site, causing inflammation.

Hi WoolPippi,

I was wondering if you're familiar with "cupping", which is an ancient oriental therapy. The YouTube video below demonstrates this technique, specifically for a shoulder issue. At the end, it's revealed how one particular area of the shoulder was most affected.

I've had a bit of experience with cupping, and hope to get a cupping kit(s) for myself someday so I can use it on a regular basis. I mostly have it in mind to help with detoxification, but also to relieve areas of pain and congestion in various parts of my body. The following is a link to a thread I started on my own cupping experience:

Novel Therapy (Cupping) Unexpectedly Reduces Neck Pain

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Senior Member
I had my Atlas realigned on Tuesday. Since then my wired symptom has got worse, felt quite bad fatigue, mild depression and unexplained anxiety which I've never experienced before.

Is this normal?
How long usually does it take for people to feel improvements?



Senior Member
My chiropractor said realigning the Atlas can bring about quite a drastic physiological change in both your mind and body, and said it can take about a week before you start to feel better; its now been 5 days.

This morning I was experiencing this horrible chlostrophobic and anxious feeling but with no thought processes behind it to trigger the anxiety, just a pure unexplained anxiety feeling, I've never experienced anything like it before.

I also experienced for the first time ever last night an inability to control sudden racing thoughts and anxiety, something of which I have never experienced before, I presume what you would associate as the beginning of a panic attack, the thing is I wasnt thinking about anything and I wasnt panicking, just a constant uncomfortable, restless and strange feeling.

Is it normal to experience such a significant change in mental health when going through a "healing process"?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Senior Member
sorry fogbuster,

i was going to reply initially.

there is no 'normal'

if you read this full thread there is the full spectrum of results.

the PR survey i think is 50% helped somewhat to a lot by it - though it is small.

@Wayne has some good aftercare suggestions.

But also, in keeping with the Atlas Philosophy - it says a couple of chiropractic adjustments maybe needed after it.


Senior Member
having technical hitch - can a moderator please edit my above post as i meant to say the survey done witj PR members (it sounds like an official PR survey - which obv. its not)


Senior Member
still cant edit...

but i had finished my post with good luck and fingers crossed its a good sign of healing.

@Hellhathnofury was the last person to most recently do it, maybe they have some better feedback



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Fogbuster,

I'm sorry to hear about how difficult it's been for you since getting the AP done. I too had some difficult times afterwards, and wrote about them on THIS POST. Thankfully, my most intense symptoms began to diminish within the first few days.

Everybody is an individual, so all our experiences are going to be unique. I do believe however that pwCFS are probably much more likely to have intense experiences than normally healthy people. The primary reason being that healthy people will likely have a greater resilience and ability to integrate and adapt to changes occurring in the body, whether for the better or worse.

I would recommend you do anything that you've found in the past to have a relaxing and/or harmonizing effect on your body, especially your nervous system. I've read many accounts, and have discovered for myself from direct experience, that castor oil packs are especially soothing. Castor oil packs are normally applied to the liver, but they can be applied anywhere in the body. Perhaps putting some oil on the neck area, and then applying some external heat could help. I myself found a homeopathic remedy to be especially helpful (nux vomica), which relieved a great deal of the vertigo I was experiencing at the time.

I hope things are starting to improve for you. I do recall a woman over on the ProHealth board who experienced some trying times for several weeks. Hopefully this won't be the case for you. Please let us know how you're doing.

Best, Wayne
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Senior Member
Hi thanks @golden for getting me in touch with @Wayne. @Wayne thanks very much for your kind and comforting words. :)

It's really bizarre, its like my emotional control has significantly changed since I've had this correction done. I've never had issues with anxiety or lack of emotional control, such as an inability to quieten negative/racing thoughts before, also never woken up feeling anxious, like this morning for example, but strangely most of the time I just feel anxious for no reason at all. I woke up this morning and for the first time ever I woke up in a pool of sweat and just felt horribly anxious, again for no reason at all.... but almost the weirdest part is there was no physiological response such as increased heart rate, breathing etc to accompany the anxiety, its like my mind is racing but my body is not aware of this.

Last night I was listening to Jon Kabaat Zin attempting to do a Body Scan, I lasted about 4-5 minutes...I was completely unable to relax and focus my mind on what he was saying. I just had this overwhelming urge to give up because of how uncomfortable I felt. So, I was like ok, lets make my life a little easier by just doing deep breathing exercises and following the sensation of my breath, i would do it for about 5 mins but this was only about a 1-2 min temporary fix and then i'd go back to my uncomfortable state. This sounds like anxiety right?

Anyway, so this is day 7 and I'm having another appointment this afternoon. I'll obviously talk to her about it and ask if any of her patients have experienced anything similar before.

Update: Wayne I clicked on your HU youtube video and wow the effect on from doing I guess about 2 minutes of that HU practice has been pretty profound, I feel very calm, so thanks!

Wish me luck!

Best wishes
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Sorry i've been a while updating. Its been a few months now and i guess my intuition is bong on this one as i really thought this would help me especially with being a migraine sufferer too but alas, after the first week of agony wore off. There has been zero difference to any symptoms and my neck/shoulders appear to be lop sided permanently now :( I'm considering going to a chiro to see what they make of my blatant wonkiness.

The other two girls who had it done with me have had no positive long term effects either :(

Its not like we can try another practitioner as theyre few and far between in this country and we were lucky enough to have one that travels the country to save us travelling.

I really thought that was gonna help but its done nothing for any of us :thumbdown:


Senior Member
I agree with this Chiroprator on the Atlas profilax:dr michael flanagan"The video is an interesting dipiction of the importance of the upper cervical spine. Atlas Profilax, however, brand new method and based on
the work of one person who is obviously unaware of and way behind in the
science and practice of upper cervical correction. Specific upper
cervical chiropractic methods have been around for a long time. It is
based on the work and input of many highly trained professionals and is
continuing to evolve. The presentation also greatly oversimplifies a
myriad of complex issues related to the upper cervical spine such as
congenital malformations (AO assimilation, occipitilization, basilar
invagination, platybasia, Klippel-Feil etc.) as well as permanet
connective tissue injuries and tears resulting in loss of motion or
joint instability. It also overlooks even more problems in the lower
spine such as irregular or fused segments, spondylosis, scoliosis,
kyphosis, stenosis, misaligned pelvis (pelvic obliquity), congenital leg
length discrepancies, leg fractures, degenerated hips, excess Q angles
and pronated feet to name a few. I am not an advocate for top down
theories. I believe the lower spine is equally important to the upper
cervical spine. Misalignments of the pelvis can cause problems in the
upper cervical spine just as upper cervical misalignments can effect the
lower spine.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I believe the lower spine is equally important to the upper
cervical spine.

Hi @wallace,

You might find these links interesting, as they focus (in a very gentle way) on the lower spine area.

5-min. video -- very good introduction and description:
The Egoscue Tower - Supine Groin Progressive

Series of about 30 Egoscue videos covering a wide variety of very specific topics...
Series of Egoscue Videos

Brief, but very good non-video introduction and description of the Egoscue tower and supine groin progressive:
Embracing the Tower
I just discovered this 13-min. video which goes into greater detail:
Egoscue Tower
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Senior Member
AP is not a fix for everything, but it was really useful for me.
A recent dynamic neck Xray confirms that C1-C2 remain in the correct position.

There are other neck problems (like the lack of curve), as well as osteoarthritis impinging on the foramen.
But I wasn't looking to AP to fix those things.

The dental splint that I had at the time of the AP fit drastically differently after AP treatment. This was a clear indicator to me that the AP
had had a significant effect. As per my neurologist I needed to correct C1-C2 so that my brain could drain its accumulating fluids.
So while I agree with @wallace that the whole spine is important (CNS!), in my case I was specifically seeking to address C1-C2 and I found AP to be a
very useful intervention for that purpose. YMMV.