Atlas Profilax treatment


Senior Member
Thanks Leela :)

If anyone could clarify the alien implant philosophy being originated from oficial source or practitioners or simply client theories I would appreciate the info.

I have confused the main Atlas profilax website - which doesn't make any claims or testimonials - too with practitioners websites which do make claims of 'no pain' and testimonials - sorry about that.

I am not particularly bothered about the form these things come in, alien implants, negative entities, spinning reiki symbols and on and on and on..

it bothers me the lack of truthfulness and assuming my informed consent is being there in front of them.

I have always liked the grounded approach of chiros cos their psycholigical model always comes back to the spine and its position.

There isn't much nonsense.

Consider though the time when Doctors were operating on women and they would decide spontaneously to do the woman a favour and whip out her womb.

Its not acceptable to me and nor is going to a practitioner for one thing only for them to be messing around in my aura doing whatever their particular brand of insanity encourages them to do.

I am not adverse to the idea of alien implants per se.
I likes my T.V :)



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
@WayneI can see you are passionate about helping people by sharing your good experience of this technique. :) I am only commenting on it because I have had an experience of it too.

The AP t was quite forceful when I was 'requested' to sign all my legal rights away and release the practitioner from any responsibility or else the treatment couldn't go ahead. I think hospitals do this too and its also not really on.

Intuition. This is a biggy subject. Peoples intuition can be manipulated in a multitude of ways. From within and without. I had high hopes and invested a lot to getting to the treatment. But maybe when I got there I would have preferred to walk right out again! maybe this was intuition- maybe not! of course this incurrs a financial penalty Where was the intuition before booking :) ?

Hi Golden, just in case there's any misunderstanding, I think your posting here on your AP experiences is invaluable in helping others give their own intuition more to work with. That's kind of how I look at it; we go through life taking in input, looking at things from various angles mentally, emotionally, psychologically, etc. And I believe we need plenty of this kind of input until we're ready to hand things over to our intuition. --- To your point of "where was the intuition before the booking".

A number of years ago I made a "Herculean effort" to make a trip to S. California solely for the reason of getting some difficult dental work done by someone who was making some big claims about how safe and effective his laser treatment was. As I was "registering" in the hour before the appointment, I noticed my communications with the staff were less than harmonious. Somehow we got on the topic of dental records, and it was revealed that my dental records would only be released if I paid their "release fee", which was over a $100. Immediately alarm bells went off! I asked why so much (politely), and was told that it takes staff time to handle these requests. When I mentioned that it was hardly more than pushing a button to print them out, she became annoyed and irritated.

I had about 10-15 minutes before going in to see the dentist, and decided to go for a quick walk to assess this "new information" coming to me. After a few minutes, I went back in, canceled my appointment, and took off. The first couple miles down the road, I felt a gut wrenching reaction of feeling I was making a wrong decision by driving all the way (about 500 miles) to do this, and was then backing out. And I seriously wondered if I should go back and try to make my appointment. But over about the next five miles, I started to feel like I was coming out from under a fog or cloud, and I began to experience a sort of jubilation. I somehow KNEW I had made the right decision, and realized I was saving myself from a path of dubious results for ENORMOUS amounts of money.

I agree we are always vulnerable to getting sucked into things that may not be in our best interests, especially if our health is compromised making it difficult to make good decisions. So I've tried to learn to bypass my initial mental and emotional assessments as quickly as possible, and get right to the energetic, or intuitive level. For me, that has meant when I first walk into the aura of a health practitioner and/or their office, to do a quick gut check. What I've learned is that when I tune into it in my own unique way, I usually discern not only whether this person might be able to help me, but how much. I've found this to be very helpful for me, and very reliable. I walked out on another practitioner without ever having gone in to see him. The appointment time was badly abused, and the doctor looked harried when I saw him. I quickly realized I didn't want him even touching me, much less working inside my mouth.

Don't know if any of this address some of your points. If not, I hope you didn't mind my rambling. ;):D

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Senior Member
Thanks Wayne.:)

precision post.


p.s. didn't notice any rambling . Good to receive practical feeeback like this encountering real life situations... empowering. Good to remind ourselves its OK to walk away and not endure it due to some conditioning.

But ultimately each situation is afresh...


Senior Member
My practitioner was trained in Switzerland, by the AtlasProfilax people.

He did not claim it would be painless, quite the contrary. It's different for everybody he said. Just let me know, we can stop at any time and take a break.
He did not claim any guarantee of results.
He said: "I will align your atlas. Nothing less, nothing more."
He spend 45 minutes discussing with me possible consequences of this alignment, including negative ones.

Then he friendly asked if I wanted the treatment or not. It was up to me, I was free to say no and leave, free of charge. I've known people who have done this, get up and leave. They are kept in high regard.

I then signed a contract that I was informed and that it was no miracle cure. Then I had the treatment.
I paid 180 euro for two appointments together: the first with the alignment and the follow up in a few weeks.

This is how all Dutch practitioners who are trained in Switzerland operate.

Alien implants? not from the original source.

I felt intuitively this would aid me, but not with the ME. It would relieve body burdens for me, is what I expected.

In time I'll report back with more results I notice. I do have the same hunger Wayne mentioned, I'm ravenous! The honeymoon is over though, I now have to work to keep a souple and straight body. Yoga, stretching, dancing in the kitchen.

here's a scientific study measuring atlasses before and after treatment. Conclusion: practitioners need to know what they're doing, especially be trained in massage techniques. Then it's safe. Results are measurable. All rotations are to the left somehow. (114 test subjects)
But they need to be trained properly!


Senior Member
Hope this link wasn´t already posted. Good model of the upper columna, vertebraes and of the atlas vertebra.



Senior Member
Thanks woolpippi.

I am sure its of benefit to folk hearing your story. It will also be a marker of higher standards. Therefore should practitioners in the UK be falling below that , it can be recognised.

I have come across other healing modalities with claimed links to aliens and so on, I am suprised the alien implant isn't part of the original founders philosophy. since its so prolific. Thanks for pointing that out.


I came across 'crickett ' on a forum. Terrible pain from the procedure for weeks. I cant see if years later they felt it waw worth it. But lots of great advice in the thread.

I wonder if people ought to be more prepared - have money aside for loads of manages/puncture/reflexology ?

I would add in a homeopath if thats your thing. If its to be thought of s like an operation , an insult to the body, there are remedies for that...

Be prepared but dont be scared seems to be the motto :)



Senior Member
edit : sorry that link to Cricketts story isn't working. If this one doesn't it can be Google - Crickett Atlas Profilax ...

its on the prohealth forum...


For Crickett the pain went from bad to worse:

" know its only been 4 days for me. And i have been experiencing extreme head neck and back pain and yes at times really severe?? My question is did it cycle for weeks or just only a few days??? I know from all the website posts i have read alot of the testimones said how great they felt after their treatment. And of course beverly did tell me i would feel worse before i would feel better. My husband ask me tonight he thought my conditon had turn worse since my treatment than what i was before i had it done. I tried to call beverly and ask her about my neck and back how the pain at times feels like its unbearable , and to see if others had infact had this type of healing crises. I know you are not a atlas profilax practioner. but you too have experienced it first hand also. I guess i try to analize my conditon and try to keep optimystic at the same time. hubby said hes afraid i have made myself
worse. any imput on your theroy i would be greatly appreciated. thanks crickett"


" *
* I am having a terrible time. My fibro pain has increased along with the debilitating headaches and pain at the back of my head where the machine was used. I am experiencing some nausea at times. I called and talked to beverly and she said that maybe i was still detoxing ??? She did tell me to keep documenting which i have been. I rode with my husband in the truck today for the 1st time and felt as if i was not going to make the short trip to the health food store. My right side of my head hurts alot. Tommrow will be 1 week. I have been using ice on the back of my head to help with headaches.OH please tell me this is going to get better!!! Have you ever heard of anyone get worse from having this treatment??? I was in better shape before i had this treatment,but i am praying for a miracle to at least get me back to treading water again. any advice i sure would appreciate it . thanks crickettAug 10, 2008"

Now a poster did mention that they new someone who had a terrible time for three months but then all their health issues resolved and they were healthy again.

I don't know as I said about Cricketts long term health result as the posts dried out. Fingers crossed she all better now!

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Senior Member
Hi all,

After Waynes positive report of improvements he received after the above treatment I decided to try it myself.

I had the treatment on Thursday last week. It lasted about 20 minutes. FOr me, the treatment was very painful, but not unbearable. She did have to stop and start though for me to stand it. I went back and reread Waynes report and it was not painful for him, so I"m not sure if the pain reflects the amount of imbalance I had or something else. She did say the distortion of my atlas profilax was in the top 10%. I did have a bad fall when I was 12 and in a car accident when I was about 22 so this didn't surprise me.

I've not noticed any improvements since Thursday (but wasn't expecting any this early). I am noticing I am sleeping more.

I'll report any improvements or lack of in this thread as time goes on.


@globalpilot ,

Do you have an update at all on your results of this treatment ?



Senior Member
@golden, perhaps the alien implant theory, as it pertains to AP is not so much prolific as much as you happened to stumble into the threads in which it was being discussed by those who like to discuss such things?

also, are you aware there are paid trolls that go to chat rooms, comment sections and forums for precisely the purpose of creating opinion/doubt/slander for just about anything from politics to medicine to products? the quackwatch guy is one such.

there are even twitter bots, posing as people, to try and influence peoples' opinions about candidates etc. there are push polls wherein they ask people over the phone leading questions like "Have you heard Hillary Clinton is a lesbian?" or something, in order to trick people into thinking something they haven't actually said.

so i say, trust your own experience and let the rest just float :angel:

as for me, i sincerely hope i am making a good investment tomorrow. my neck has been so screwed up for so long, and my neurologist (among others) has confirmed C1 and C2 are perpetually out, so fingers crossed this practitioner knows his stuff! i am heartened by the fact that this is an hour appointment with gentle approach, and not just 15 minutes of brute force, which i wouldn't have been up for.


Senior Member
Hi Leela,

I had to look up the definition of prolific in case I used the wrong I just stumbled on iword. It may be that i just stumbled on threads discussing it more - i just did a random search.

I am not 100% clear on the troll definition I admit. It gets bandied about much like the scam word. Obviously if someone is getting paid to promote or disparage something without disclaiming a vested interest this is trolling ?

I guess the next level down would be to promote or disparage something whilst not declaring a vested interest but without being paid for it?

I believe the word troll can be used if someone doesn't like what someone has said?

So no, not really up to speed on the new terminology.

I mean I dont think Global pilot is a troll? I dont think wayne is a troll? it doesn't look to me like crickett is a troll.

Perhaps you could clarify. as 'going to a chat room with an opinion' is perhaps something lots of people do.

I agree with you on the subject of influence.


p.s. With the thread title being Atlas Profilax treatments and an implied experience of, I presumed it was for The Good The Bad and The Ugly. Although this is only 33% positive - The Good, the beautiful, the Bad, the Ugly maybe more balanced :)

Perhaps if people only want to hear positive feedback , this could be made clearer ??


Senior Member
@golden, perhaps the alien implant theory, as it pertains to AP is not so much prolific as much as you happened to stumble into the threads in which it was being discussed by those who like to discuss such things?

also, are you aware there are paid trolls that go to chat rooms, comment sections and forums for precisely the purpose of creating opinion/doubt/slander for just about anything from politics to medicine to products? the quackwatch guy is one such.

there are even twitter bots, posing as people, to try and influence peoples' opinions about candidates etc. there are push polls wherein they ask people over the phone leading questions like "Have you heard Hillary Clinton is a lesbian?" or something, in order to trick people into thinking something they haven't actually said.

so i say, trust your own experience and let the rest just float :angel:

as for me, i sincerely hope i am making a good investment tomorrow. my neck has been so screwed up for so long, and my neurologist (among others) has confirmed C1 and C2 are perpetually out, so fingers crossed this practitioner knows his stuff! i am heartened by the fact that this is an hour appointment with gentle approach, and not just 15 minutes of brute force, which i wouldn't have been up for.

Once one has chosen a course of action and discerned using whatever methods they find works - left brained thinking/ right brained thinking/ gut intuition / intuition beyond the 5 senses and so on...

I think its best then to erase all doubts etc. and hope for the very best :)

I always hope for the very best for people.

But it does seem there are some preperations which will help the AP technique and some prudent questions have been established for any prospective practitioner For example: how long is the treatment.

Plus some aftercare advice which perhsps may suit an ME/CFS /Fibro community more than the standard client.

I dont know.
Best Wishes


Senior Member
@golden, it seems so clear that we are all wholeheartedly welcoming all perspectives here. I am glad to consider all points of view as i have come to my own decision regarding treatment.

if it seemed otherwise in my post, i'm sorry--that's not how i meant it.

when i spoke of potential "trolls" i was referring to people who may (i have no idea) be deliberately trying to discredit AP for some other agenda (not you! not any of us!). they may in fact simply be people who sincerely believe AP is doing something with alien implants. in fact, if you believe this yourself, (i had not understood that, if that's the case, sorry) i am not trying to make you wrong. it's just that i do not share that belief based on what i have read thus far. i was posting with the presumption that you had simply read about the various implant theories and were sharing them here for our collective consideration, and maybe they had freaked you out a little :eek:

again, let me emphasise that i have really been enjoying this thread and all its participants, and in no way meant to offend, but just to contribute along with everyone else.


Senior Member
I am sorry you had to explain to me ...I thought that it was all feedback welcomed thread ...but then became uncertain.

I too have no intention of offending... but am aware that with your appoitment being so soon - its probably not the best time to be reading cons. Having said that, the Hospital scared my Mother to death making her read all possible complications including death right before a procedure :(

I try to keep a flexible mindset and don't mind if people feel they have gotten better after the removal of their alien implants. I was listening to a health food shop lady many months ago who was telling me all about it. We joked that its not something one ought to pop into the G.P. surgery for :)

IThis sort of thing doesn't freak me out. But violating my informed consciuos consent troubles me :)

I had initially thought in the one week training at the AP headquarters - they were teaching this esoteric method. And I hadn't been informed.

However it seems like it is possibly some practitioners , and more client theories.

I am perfectly capable of having a proper discussion on this with the intention of learning....if i get into the right frame of mind :) I don't entirely rule out the possibility :)

I thought its been a very helpful thread too...btw I have learned a lot.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I felt intuitively this would aid me, but not with the ME. It would relieve body burdens for me, is what I expected. --- I now have to work to keep a souple and straight body. Yoga, stretching, dancing in the kitchen.

Thanks much WoolPippi for your update. Amazing that ravenous feeling huh? :)

I was planning on taking a day off from posting, and just relax and read a book. But then... :rolleyes: I ran across a reference in a book I'm reading entitled, "The Oil That Heals". The book relates a lot about Edger Cayce and his many recommendations to use castor oil for a variety of ailments, usually applied outwardly, but occasionally taken internally.

In one of his readings, Cayce was asked if he should take castor oil internally. Cayce's response said that depended on whether he had a "castor oil consciousness". --- Won't elaborate unless asked, but thought I'd put this out there for anybody consider doing the AP; Do you have an "atlas profilax consciousness". ;):) Thought I'd post this because it touches on intuition, and the importance of tuning into it when considering whether or not to do the AP therapy.

P.S. WoolPippi, given you have plans to be dancing in the kitchen, perhaps "Soulple" would be a more appropriate word than "souple". Ya think? :)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I try to keep a flexible mindset and don't mind if people feel they have gotten better after the removal of their alien implants. I was listening to a health food shop lady many months ago who was telling me all about it. We joked that its not something one ought to pop into the G.P. surgery for :) IThis sort of thing doesn't freak me out. But violating my informed consciuos consent troubles me :) I had initially thought in the one week training at the AP headquarters - they were teaching this esoteric method. And I hadn't been informed. However it seems like it is possibly some practitioners , and more client theories.

Just a quick mention; Golden, I've not really focused in on what you've been referring to when I saw your references to alien implants. I still don't know exactly, but thought I'd at least mention that I've never heard anything about this in all the years I've been following the AP story.

I've heard some strange explanations for atlas misalignment that were kind of "out there", but when I asked Michael Hane about it, he just sort of rolled his eyes, as in, "don't even want to go there, NOT part of my practice". --- I think Leela was spot on when she was referring to people who post on blogs for the mere purpose of creating doubt and confusion, usually for their own nefarious reasons, whatever they may be.

OK, back to my book!:)


Senior Member
Does anyone know if this AP technique is being used on animals?

Is it the Founders philosophy that all the animals are born with the AP out of alignment?

I have searched but can only find a possible reference to it being used in race horses.

As people may know Osteopathy and Chiro is often used gently on animals with good success.

Whilst I would Never use this on my animals, I am just asking out of curiosity .



Senior Member
Found an updated thread on 'Crickets' progress. To summarise she felt she e had 'two months of hell but now is better some'

and indeed recommends people to try it. I stress I dont know if that is still the case now - this is just another snapshot in time .

A curious thing too that she states the actual treatment was not painful. Esp. given she has fibromyalgia.

i found the treatment very painful and have not been testee for fibromyalgia.
