I have yet to find a domestic seller of xenon gas for human use. I found a Chinese one on Ebay but I'm not sure I trust the source. He told me it's human grade. I don't know how to use it. Do I inhale it?
I am not suggesting anyone inhale xenon gas for its NMDA receptor blocking effects; it's only in the list for completeness and curiosity. In any case, xenon gas is very expensive. NMDA receptor blocking can be achieved with high dose transdermal magnesium, and/or the drug memantine. Other NMDA antagonists are given
I know one ME/CFS patient who had good results with memantine, but then the benefits stopped appearing after some months of use. It's not unusual in ME/CFS for a drug or supplement to work initially, but then later stop working.
I have not tried memantine myself, but have used transdermal magnesium on and off for many years, and it always works for me (I find it reduces anxiety, mostly likely through its NMDA receptor blocking action).
I'm curious where you get your transdermal magnesium? Is it more potent than simply supplementing with 400 mg or higher of oral magnesium?
Yes, transdermal magnesium is more potent, because orally, when you take doses of magnesium much higher than around 400 mg, you get bowel flushing (diarrhea), which limits how much you can take orally.
However, if you apply magnesium cream to your skin from head to toe, you will absorb much higher doses, and it does not affect you bowels.
Myself, I don't use magnesium cream (which is just magnesium chloride in solution), but rather I make up a saturated solution of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), and apply that to my skin from head to toe. I find this less itchy than magnesium cream. More info in
this post.
I was told that 500 mg is administered if I'm not mistaken.
In studies, 50 mg of ketamine is the typically dose taken intranasally for depression purposes. 500 mg will throw you into a full psychedelic / dissociative trip. Some doctors in the US will prescribe ketamine, but it's use is still quite experimental.