HIV/AIDS combination treatment will work for those with activated HERVs who can tolerate the side effects.
HERV's are increasingly associated to many chronic disease states, not just HIV (HERv's are found in HIV brains!).
The matter of numbers (of CFS patients) taking antiretrovirals at this point in time doesn't matter any longer, other than the fact that it's a thing (real) and not a story.
I used to think ARV's in CFS was a story, until a trusted source told me in person it's real who wasn't a patient. I thus upgraded my 'source' of truth from an internet rumour to reality, and felt a certain sense of relief: initially for other patients getting some help (a subset I should add), and also then for myself and people like me, that there is some real hope coming in the future.
Future treatments for organic CFS ME appear to be (potentially):
Mitochondrial support based on cutting edge research
Antiviral and antiretroviral therapy for ME - based on cutting edge pathogen research
Autoimmune therapy (inc for POTS) + B cell depletion for subset of CFS autoimmunity
At the end of the day, for patients with evidence of (clinical signs), e.g. biomarkers of (chronic retroviral infection), then in this case, the use of Antiretrovirals, in my opinion , is nothing controversial or even huge, it's just it's huge to us as patients when people with CFS could have been offered to them a long long time ago if the CDC crew handn't of silenced De Freitas. (We have all been brainwashed into submission, due to lack of 'evidence' of how we feel - we feel infected, or do if we perform minor exertion) - what happens when you have a germ, what doesn't happen is us is a temperature. We fail to mount a chronic fever, hence no on believes we have an infection. I should add the mini sepsis theory, which if you read up on this can happen even with fatal sepsis. In sepsis (full blown) the patient CAN fail to mount an increase in core temperature.
To me, the core 'feature' of ME CFS, is the lack of fever/increase in core temperature, that pre ME CFS, we used to have. To me that is a giveaway, a 'trait' of our disease. It doesn't mean we don't have an infection, it means we have an incorrect immune response, thus allowing the infection to propagate and hide, aided by the psych lobby who did the same thing by blaming our minds, on a 'belief' of an infection.
NB: Measure your NK Cells, T killer Cells, B Cells, (inc BAAF), Chemokines (same as in HIV), Cytokines, LDH (cell damage) IFN-g in severe ME, and you soon see a chronic infection - now exercise and see what it does, they go up - as they would, due to inflammatory response from infection. Some ME sufferers have muscle damage markers present also (Aldolase, Myoglobin). We are all denied these tests, because of how CFS is diagnosed, or should I say, planned to be diagnosed by people who denied chronic infection and needed you to have no evidence, so by using standard exclusion (not inclusion) derived tests, we have no proof we are infected because of our lack of:
Sweating (Dysautonomia can cause lack of sweating!)
Ampligen is one such drug that can be used, in effect a sub optimal drug for cancer and HIV, that works for some with viruses, such as CFS, hardly surprising Ampligen can work, when you consider Toll Like Receptors (TLR) and CFS pathology and that Ampligen is basically synthetic RNA, and retroviruses are RNA viruses that reverse transcribe to infect you for life, (DNA infection). Thus theoretically, pumping yourself with uninfected RNA which the body thinks is real (Ampligen), may re-start your immune response. It would also thus work for other viral infections, and hey presto, people propose Ampligen for Ebola, so it has broad-spectrum antiviral effects.
So that was puzzling to me, when Ampligen helped PWCFS decades ago, but it only made sense once I found out that Elaine De Freitas and Holmes found RT in CFS patients in America (decades later) and Australia too (different ends of planet earth),but both with white people (race based infection obviously) and critically, vaccinated people mostly of the same genetic heritage too (Australian and American whites are from the same European stock). England, Scotland, Ireland - prisoners sent to Australia by English law makers when England basically ran the world by invading territory and seizing it.
It's thus rather obvious why CFS is so huge in prevalence with white people in:
UK, Auz, Nz, Europe, North America (US, Canada) - because they are mostly the same people, genetically. As if, of course: Germany, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, France etc - all of these 'white people' have similar genetic heritage, and critically, exposure to common vaccines, mix with each other sexually, and emigrated. Around the birth of vaccines, the disease 'ME' then turns up at different ends of the earth, by chance in the same racial heritage, but misses countries with little or no mass vaccine programs, misses countries with war (ME said to be stress induced by psychs) and misses Africa with no sanitary conditions, appalling levels of nutrition). Not possible in pysch disorder, but very possible if these people are linked, genetically. (I'm talking about severe ME, post 1970, and not Chronic Fatigue Fukuda).
I then discovered the MRC (UK) who did PACE hid knowledge that patients came down with ME post vaccination, the details are still redacted, because of the name of the vaccine that triggered ME, where it was, and what company produced it. (Vaccines don't have to be infected directly, via NFK-B cascade, they cause a huge inflammatory event, which to the body, is little different than having a serious infection). This 'stress' on the human body has the potential to activate latent retrovirus in children, as does a flood of androgens that happen at the time of puberty. Puberty is a common time for those who develop life long severe ME for it to 'turn on'. Puberty also means the patient is at School. School environment has a lot of immune suppressed people waking around, passing on infection (massively increasing your risk of contagious spread of pathogens). School teachers, kids at School and Nurses have a high reporting rate of ME - not stressed Bee Keepers out in the woods, and not Eskimo's seal hunters out on the ice. Everything about how one 'catches'; ME suggests: contagion, environmental, genetic - mixing tragically.
Naturally, the government exploited this mutli national disease exportation and twisted the story of ME into CFS in fatigue of unknown cause. Fatigue can then be a myth in the media about wealthy white women only, women actually have a much higher rate of autoimmune disease, but the public with CFS weren't aware of this and they also aren't aware that infection and autoimmunity development go hand in hand. Later on, psych's then (disgustingy) pretended 'ME' was massively more prevalent in ethnic minorities (absurd). They are actually talking about phoning ethnic minorities (like in CDC phone surveys) and asking if they suffer from Chronic Fatigue, this is NOT a Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is it or a medical diagnosis of a crippling chronic disease!
Conversely, find the severe ME patients, classic Ramsay ME, and they are almost always white people, and for a reason. Autoimmune diseases like MS, love red haired genetic Northern Hemisphere people (E.g Scotland and MS prevalence), and ME loves white northern Europeans too (some who genetically emigrated to Canada/US/Australia/Nz). All these people's parents were VACCINATED in these developed, Western Societies, in the same time frame (or came into air-borne contact with people who were), which of course, poor, uneducated impoverished non whites (who never have ME) and live in war zones or extreme poverty, weren't vaccinated!!!!!
In my view, this is ultimately why Ampligen and now Antiretrovirals are still considered taboo for CFS, because they validate the historic time frame viral nature of the disease, and make a mockery of the CDC (who created CFS as their own) and all allied nations (UK, USA) who copied this bonkers idea that people get CFS due to fear of activity, from beliefs in a virus.
I believe this is why we can't get treatment, because to treat ME for what it is, you must admit, that you CAUSED the epidemic of ME in the first place, and then spread it (by refusing to acknowledge it), by claiming it was biopsychosocial disorder based CF.
I know for a fact that you can detect these exogenous gene sequences in humans by:
Very Long culture (20-30 days)
Next Gen Sequencing
You can also indirectly prove a retroviruses in CFS/Autism/Lyme also by testing blood for Reverse transcriptase (RT), however this is pointless if:
*The assay cannot detect RT because the antibodies it detects are not calibrated to you infection.
*The amount of RT you express falls below the detection limit of the assay.
*The pathogen you have is not detected by the assay because it is in your tissue, e.g. brain and not in blood!
Thus if you have tested negative on RT (if you have ME CFS), because of the limitations of using a generalized RT assay, it does not rule out retroviral infection.
Look carefully in the next few years and watch the fusion of MS with CFS and also Autism.
ME/Chronic Lyme/FMS/POTS etc was vital to contain (through the ruse of CFS), because so many people are now disabled, far more than with HIV/AIDS and Cancer is out of control. Once these people are validated (which they will be), FMS, Autism and Chronic Lyme will follow as infection based autoimmune/autoinflammatory brain diseases, subtle, but still neurological.
Think what will happen when the CFS/FMS/Autism families/Chronic Lyme patients find out the trash therapy of CBT/GET/Antidepressants was always known to be a lie, and they always knew about the pathogens, hence they buried the details in the MRC files that fully show that psychs wrote to the UK government begging them not to accept ME, but to promote CFS as a sensible reaction to ME, and that CFS should be given disability payments, and ME should not.
To my relief, that day is coming, not be selecting 300 tired people and saying 3% have SFFV but by selecting people with non Lipkin disease (ME), who have huge Cytokine expression driving symptoms, and proving that by prescribing combination antiretroviral therapy, by proving multiple class HERV's are in these patients and many other pathogen (Dr Lipkin says he can't find any existing pathogens in CFS blood (bizarre) but De Meirleir and Montoya find tonnes of infection - correlating with decades of CFS biomedical research), the patients can get significantly better in some cases.
Then all financial hell will break loose and what a great day that will be. Financial hell for the people who put us in physical hell by not treating a torturous post infection event autoimmune, immunesupressive disease. A most deserved fitting end to the liars and cheats who stole our rights to:
Love and partnership
Having Children
Making friends
Leaving the house and seeing the outside world
All of the above is abuse of human rights. When medical agencies and allied 'researchers' are the cause of this, think how much money is going to change hands in 'out of court settlements' with literally thousands of hospitals being sued, who prescribed CBT/GET/Antidepressants, universally, to CFS patients - telling them all, these therapies were safe, evidence based, and would enable a return to life!!!!
Antiretrovirals, Antivirals, IV Antibiotics and other immune modulators, will actually allow a return to life for some. This is why even if I'm the last person to afford ARV's, I'll support people who are pioneering patients and risk everything (under close expert medical supervision) to try new drug therapies that may help them,and others in the future.
HIV/AIDS drugs are just one part of the puzzle to validating the many conditions within 'CFS' which will happen and never did (or could happen) with CBT/GET.
Shame we had to find out 30 years later when our lives are ruined, (some indefinitely as CFS can be fatal), but medical genocide tends to do this.