Antivirals Effective Against Coronavirus?

Wow, should we order some Glucosamine? I'm growing rather alarmed, I share a common hallway with someone who's been coughing non-stop for a few days now. I keep finding conflicting information about how long this may stay in the air. Heres a paper, a malaria drug is showing promise:

It seems rather easy to order online? Does anyone have a good pharmacy source? I of course don't know how to dose it though


Senior Member
Does anyone think that perhaps one of these new antiviral drugs used for COVID might accidently put a person with CFS into remission if they are also treated for COVID? Super strong antivirals have in some instances caused remission (eg Vistide).

There are some uncommon drugs being used (emdesivir, ribavirin, favipiravir, etc.) that might have other effects.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Just received this email, which I found quite interesting. I've only perused it so far, but it looks like a very well done article...

In Western tradition, boneset is perhaps the single most important herb for combating the flu. There have been six major influenza pandemics (worldwide outbreaks) since 1889. The 1918 influenza pandemic (“Spanish flu”) was the deadliest pandemic in history. Approximately 5% of the …​


Senior Member
New York, NY
The attached study was published a day or two ago by a group of French doctors on the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat hospitalized Covid-19 patients.

The study has a number of problems, most of which the authors acknowledge:
  • It was not placebo-controlled or double-blinded.
  • The sample size is quite small at 36.
  • Six out of 26 patients in the treatment arm were lost to follow-up, three because they had to be put into the ICU and one because they died.
  • The outcome measure -- the percent of patients who tested negative by nasopharyngeal PCR for SARS-Cov-2 six days after study entry -- may not correlate that well with a patient's clinical outcome. It is plausible that a patient could clinically deteriorate and die because of a cytokine storm or a secondary bacterial infection after they test negative for the coronavirus.
On the plus side, the outcome measure was at least objective, so maybe less prone to placebo effects and observer bias than a subjective outcome measure. In addition, the patients in the treatment arm were on average older (51) and therefore presumably more prone to severe illness because of their age than controls, who were on average only 37 years old.

The authors found that 70% (14/20) of the treated patients had a negative PCR test 6 days after study inclusion, vs. 12.5% (2/16) for controls.

The authors also found that the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin appeared to be more effective in clearing the virus -- with 6 out of 6 patients testing negative by PCR on day 6.

Obviously, this is meant as an FYI post, not a recommendation to start taking hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. The best approach remains to "shelter in place" or to practice social distancing to avoid contracting the coronavirus.


  • Hydroxychloroquine_final_DOI_IJAA.pdf
    312.9 KB · Views: 21

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
From Chinese Traditional Medicine- the product Yin Chiao remains the Go To Antiviral....for flus and colds.

This product is: out of one online location......

Its likely disappearing off the shelves. Sorry I should have shared this- weeks ago.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
From Chinese Traditional Medicine- the product Yin Chiao remains the Go To Antiviral....for flus and colds.

From what I understand, a lot of supplements that boost the immune system, Increase IL-6 and TNF-a and could make a covid-19 infection much worse. Just something to be aware of. It's my understanding that a cytokine storm is what's doing most of the damage.

I have Astragalus, Reishi and Cordyceps extracts all on hand but don't want to use them for fear of increasing IL-6 or TNF-a. I don't know if Yin Chiao increases these cytokines but it might be worth looking into before anyone takes it or any supplement.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I have Astragalus, Reishi and Cordyceps extracts all on hand but don't want to use them for fear of increasing IL-6 or TNF-a. I don't know if Yin Chiao increases these cytokines but it might be worth looking into before anyone takes it or any supplement.

Thats important for people with ME to consider....many things under discussion may increase immune activity. What this means with autoimmune disorders- is complicated, and people should get good advice before launching any of these types of things.

I will be taking Yin Chiao for 36 the onset of suspected symptoms of virus or major exposure like if I had to go to a crowded place. I've used it for 10 years.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
After reading this article, I was even happier I've gotten into the habit of ingesting at least a bit of bentonite clay every day.

Bentonite Clay -- Snippet from below linked article below the link

12 Bentonite Clay Benefits — for the Skin, Gut and More By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS

In one study using cows, scientists found that bentonite clay molecules bound to bovine rotavirus and bovine coronavirus, two major viruses that contribute to gastroenteritis (referred to as stomach flu in people). Variations of both of these viruses can also be present in human beings.​
Thanks to its ability to neutralize bacteria in the gut and kill viruses, BC helps to alleviate many digestive problems. Some people use bentonite clay as relief for nausea and vomiting (including pregnant women), constipation, and to help with IBS.​

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
After reading this article, I was even happier I've gotten into the habit of ingesting at least a bit of bentonite clay every day.

I do wonder about these passive absorbers.... When do you take your clay dose?

Seems to me it would absorb- the first moist things it encounters which would be the stomach acid. (similar to charcoal?).

So how then is it- absorbing in the gut? And....isn't it just going to absorb everything? digested food, bile, stomach acids, mucuous...- indescriminantly?

I have some excellent Pascalite clay here...but its not for consumption....but thats tempting to ignore.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Without reading the study, 'this' coronavirus is mostly found and affecting the lungs. Any clay bindung to it in the bowels wont do.

Its possible that absorption of break down products in the digestive system might reduce the severity of the symptoms of the virus....viruses are growing and then dying and being broken down and thats also a stressor on the body.


Senior Member
Aside from iodine mouthwash & sinus rinses, swabbing inside of nostrils with iodine may be helpful too. Before finding this article, I saw online postings of some people doing this with qtips during flu season.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I do wonder about these passive absorbers.... When do you take your clay dose? ... Seems to me it would absorb- the first moist things it encounters which would be the stomach acid. (similar to charcoal?). ... ...isn't it just going to absorb everything? digested food, bile, stomach acids, mucuous...- indescriminantly?

I do what's generally called intermittent fasting, where I average about 16-18 hrs/day without eating. However, I do enjoy a "fasting drink" during this time, which is not only healthy, but makes the intermittent fasting super easy (BTW, one of the best habits I've ever gotten into). The recipe for my favorite Apple Cider Vinegar Drink is on THIS 6-MIN. VIDEO

2 tbsp ACV
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp stevia
Add to 1 quart water

Experiment with the above for your own personal taste... I make up a big batch of this, and add charcoal and bentonite clay. I usually only drink one glass a day, and that's after I haven't eaten for 16-18 hours. So I don't believe I have to worry about things in my system getting absorbed that shouldn't.

I also usually have a tumeric drink as my first beverage of the day. Below is a link to a turmeric drink recipe that is not only super healthy, but quite yummy as well. Both of these drinks make my intermittent fasting more effective and enjoyable (and easy).

The Easiest Golden Milk Recipe (Golden Milk Latte) | Mama Natural


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Without reading the study, 'this' coronavirus is mostly found and affecting the lungs. Any clay bindung to it in the bowels wont do.

Hi @pamojja -- If bentonite clay didn't affect the coronavirus directly, I think there's good possibility it just might have the potential to treat it indirectly. It was thought for quite a while that the one distinguishing feature that set apart coronavirus symptoms from regular flu or cold symptoms was the associated respiratory aspects, like shortness of breath, tightness in chest, etc. They're apparently now aware that GI symptoms often arrive before any other symptoms. There's much in the article I linked that connnects bentonite clay to improved gut function by addressing various pathogens causing those problems.


Senior Member
It was thought for quite a while that the one distinguishing feature that set apart coronavirus symptoms from regular flu or cold symptoms was the associated respiratory aspects, like shortness of breath, tightness in chest, etc.

I don't think that this corona virus is that distinct from the usual influenzias & pneumonias, which in an average year cause 3,177,204 deaths. We are now at 11,286.

GI symptoms may be there or not, before one dies of pneumonia.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
There's much in the article I linked that connnects bentonite clay to improved gut function by addressing various pathogens causing those problems.

I"ve launched a serrapeptase experiment, with great caution, to improve the lungs.

one serrapeptase taken before breakfast. Around 5 pm, my lungs started to decongest, tightness thats been there recently started to loosen, I was clearing out some was really outstanding and amazing to see this effect from ONE proteolytic enzyme...I could also taste some metal around 6 pm on my tongue, which I tend to notice whenever I take one (which is rarely).

This does a type of detox in me. So I am proceeding VERY slowly- I am going to take the next one in, say three days. And drinking alot of water to flush. Just drinking more water is a major- thing for me, I sip. So PEM is happening from that, but its not too intense.

Proteolytic enzymes may also have positive effects on the gut lining as well.

I have also gotten chinese herbs to moisten my generally dry throat and lungs. This is- for me, I feel working on that now will help- should I get corona. While working on the immune system feels like: a crap shoot.