air hunger/shortness of breath

I am going through old emails and came across this thread on air hunger. I would love updates on how your air hunger is doing. Have you discovered the cause or what helps? I know that my air hunger involves high cortisol and low adrenaline/epinephrine levels. I can explain how I know this if anyone is interested. I look forward to hearing from all that posted on this thread.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I can explain how I know this if anyone is interested. I look forward to hearing from all that posted on this thread.

I'd be interested in hearing more about how you figured that out.

Its definitely a concerning symptom that intensifies when I get ill or extra run down. Yet my blood shows high levels of oxygen.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I am going through old emails and came across this thread on air hunger. I would love updates on how your air hunger is doing.

Looking at earlier posts...and of course we all differ- but I don't think the air hunger symptom is about a lack of oxygen per se. If its just breathing shallow (which I know I do)...well I always have high oxygen blood readings.