Moshi, I too, find Fred hard to comprehend. I've read the same info over and over. That was part of my impetus to compile it, as I haven't digested it enough to effectively answer queries from my own understanding.
* Freddd suggests once/week AdB12
* NADH: I don't know. you might search forums 'NADH + Freddd'. I know little about it, only understood recently it's activated niacin (?). If so, that suggests it might slow methylation.
* small amounts of NAC+gluthatione...well, I guess it's possible it through things off. Fred's comments re the group glutathione experiment suggest some people suffered for a long time afterwards. Don't know if small amounts would be a problem...
as of today daily amounts are: MeFolate 4mg, MeCbl 16mg, AdCbl 4mg....where should begin to adjust...increase MeFolate?
Looking at those ratios, yes, I'd suggest > folate. I was very cautious for way too long. When I finally followed Fred's advice, and began increasing 100-200mcg every day or 2, I really started getting better. For me the most obvious were CNS symptoms. I grew calm, insomnia stopped...
I will replace SAM-e with Methionine....any opinions Re:that?
Don't know.
* Yes, LCF might be a good switch.
MB12: what kind of absorbtion may that yield?
Sorry, I'd have to refer to Fred's notes...
RE Potassium...I'm taking about 1 gm (1000mg) AM/PM. This is w/ a stable Mfolate intake. When I raised folate, I frequently needed extra K+ in the short term. From what I recall (having NO recall

) this was pretty much in line w/ what others reported.
Also, when I raised folate, I occasionally got symptoms of 'over-methylation' or histamine response: itchy, weepy eyes, irritable. Whenever this occurred, I took a 1mg B12 and it stopped almost immediately. I never did the alternate suggestion, using B3 to slow it down.
*BTW, I don't know where this might fit in, but you might be like me, and Fred: I eventually found that my vegetable intake was blocking Mfolate. Veg folate is folinic form. When I quit my green veg intake, I was able to reduce Mfolate from 25mg to 15mg, w/ no deficiency symptoms. However, BEWARE: it threw me into galloping detox! I"d been very involved in ongoing detox protocol, and this push to my methylation, once it was unblocked, created a response it took all my wits to manage.