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ACTION TO HELP Karina Hansen.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Would it be appropriate to write something along the line that we hoped she would soon be released and allowed to get medical treatment?

Dont put in anything like "and allowed to get medical treatment" part. In cases like this anything sent to the person which is deemed to encourage them in what they thing are persistant delusions will not be given to them. So keep the card light and dont mention ME/CFS in it.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
She is daily exposed to physical retraining and sense-therapy. She is not asked if she can manage this or that, but is ordered to do it.

That's the equivalent of undergoing severe torture daily. If she didnt have any mental health issues before all this, she is bound to by the time she gets out of that place. (then they will probably use that to say..look she had mental health issues)

I think the thought of "sense therapy" is even more horrific to me then the physical retraining they are trying to get her to do as at least with that she can simply refuse still.

Sense therapy I'd assume would be to exposure her to stimuli she cant handle eg too much noise, too much light, too much brain imput on senses (eg brain overload which not only then affects ones ability to comprehend things eg hence she no longer being able to know her sister but also I find can majorly affect badly ones emotions too. How many of us cry or get over aggitated when we get "brain overload"? It is very overwhelming to expreience.

I find this whole "sense therapy thing" they are doing to her really horrific. Its horrific torture abuse.


work in progress
N. California
Dont put in anything like "and allowed to get medical treatment" part. In cases like this anything sent to the person which is deemed to encourage them in what they thing are persistant delusions will not be given to them. So keep the card light and dont mention ME/CFS in it.

I disagree. I sent the card to her PARENT'S address, not to the psych ward... which is the recommended place to send them. I don't trust anyone working with the shrinks to do the right thing.

I told her that she is not alone and that many people are working for her release. I told her to stay strong and know that she is loved, and that one day, hopefully soon, she will be able to get out of there and go home.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I disagree. I sent the card to her PARENT'S address, not to the psych ward... which is the recommended place to send them. I don't trust anyone working with the shrinks to do the right thing.

I told her that she is not alone and that many people are working for her release. I told her to stay strong and know that she is loved, and that one day, hopefully soon, she will be able to get out of there and go home.

But how will the parents even get the card to her as they arent allowed to see her (correct me if Im wrong with that), they arent even in control of what happens as far as she goes. Even her sister who saw her twice was under restrictions on what could be said to her (the letter said that).

Its the very reason why her parents and others arent allowed (or werent allowed) to see her cause they dont want people backing her thoughts up which they believe are wrong (they arent keeping people away from her due to her being too sick and tired as they dont even believe her symptoms are real). They keep others away as they are worried they will play into her 'delusions' and encourage her in that way. Why do you believe they restrict her having contact with others?

Anything which backs her thoughts of having a physical illness up (eg suggests she shouldnt at all be there eg we are going to get you out), could be said to be a threat to her treatment (trying to brainwash etc her out of those). I cant see they'd have an issue with the rest of your letter thou which was something which could be sent to anyone in a mental health place.
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work in progress
N. California
If you send them to the Psych Unit, they will supposedly be put in her mailbox, but I prefer to send them to her parents---those will be brought to her by her sister. I already sent my card so what is done is done.

"Dear Bente Stenfalk
Thank you for your inquiry regarding handling of mail on Tagdækkervej.
Letters brought by Post Denmark will be put in the citizens' own mailboxes that they empty themselves. If the mail is placed in the common mailbox it will immediately be submitted directly to the citizen. No mail is opened by anyone other than the recipient. If the mail has to be read loud, a guardian or one of the staff will do it depending on which agreement has been made.
Tove Stræde
Specialområdet Hjerneskade
Region Midtjylland

So everybody can send a postcard to Karina, and she will get it
Will you spread it everywhere?"
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Senior Member
Sth Australia
If the mail has to be read loud, a guardian or one of the staff will do it depending on which agreement has been made.
If family members arent allowed to see her which I believed was the case and will believe it as long as noone corrects me if things have changed there. This means one of the staff will be the first to see the letter.

Unfortunately it also means that the wording of letters may be twisted too eg they could even use these in their own so called therapy to try to brainwash her, they could add in things like "I hope you are following the treatment there so you can get well and out soon" etc. Its not a too far stretch to think at the lengths the hospital may go to true to "cure" her.

She's too sick to even recognise her own sister who cared for her, so there is no way while she's that sick that she would be able be reading things herself.

May I suggest to put things like funny photos or pictures into the cards..

When I was extremely sick with ME, people talking to me was a torture as it was too overwhelming on my brain, too stimulating and I was struggling to understand language (it was like russian and I dont speak that). Someone reading stuff to me would of been torturous back then

I had severe noise sensitivity too on top of it being too much on my brain

I really hope Katina doesnt have the same issue with things being sent to her. Please people do consider that this may be the case if doing her letters or cards, it could well be part of her torture..

Part of the "sense therapy" could well be reading the cards to her in her completely overwhelmed brain state, and unfortunately one cant turn off ones ears.

So I strongly suggest to send pictures to her. at least she can shut her eyes and doesnt have to look if they are trying to overload that sense and it probably will be far better too on her brain in her current state of being. She's way on ME overload so please consider that when sending to her. Im sure right now she would be having trouble in understanding language from just what we've heard with the sister thing.

When I was bedridden and very bad, I got down to 1-2 word communication as I lost ability for phrases eg by the time one gets to the end of the sentence one has forgot the start due to the very slow processing of the brain (trying to get brain around what each word means), leaving one completely unable to understand a sentence even if the person spoke slow. And if a person spoke faster so I didnt forget start of the sentance, my mind couldnt keep up so that's when I'd get what im going to call the "russian" or unknown language effect which just scrambles the brain.

I have my doubts that they (mental hospital staff) would be even trying to read to her in a way she may be able to understand. I get frustrated on the phone a lot due to people when I say to "slow down so I can understand you better" (last 3 sales people have hung up on me with frustration) they just dont, and this poor women is dealinf with people who dont even believe her symptoms, so they wouldnt be doing anything for there to actually try to help
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work in progress
N. California
I am now "friends" with Karina's mother on Facebook. So far they have received 50 cards at their home for Karina. She said it would probably be better to censor what you write on the card, because anything that supports the ME diagnosis will not be read to her. She will, however, be allowed to see all the cards.


I have sent a Mr Happy card to try to cheer her.

My belief is that the psychiatrists involved do not want her family to see how much their cruel psychiatric 'treatment' has damaged her.


Senior Member
Brainwash as therapy? They must be nuts. And how about the fact that Karina is diagnosed, on the basis of the international classifiction system in the ICD? Anyhow, I censored my card, but I did it for Karina. I did not write, you are in the hands of crappy folks, I wish you much power to survive this abuse of power - though it would be the truth - but simply that I think of her, that many people do, that I know what she is going through and that I so much hope she will be better. If the card is read to her and she is in the mental condition to grasp the content (if they haven´t ruined her cognition with all of their treatments), I want to give her hope and warmth.

I think she knows very well that she is in a shitty situation, I did not want to point that out any more. I think, you can do much to an ME sufferer, but as long as he can still think he will always know by his symptoms and pain etc that he has ME and nothing different and that what they do is very wrong. I don´t believe they can overwrite this conscience in her. They may claim it´s a false illness belief - but we all know that it´s a real illness state, a terrible one, without a break. And if after all that isolation from ME info they didn´t manage to make her get better, well, ... what does this tell to a rationally thinking person? They failed.

Still with Galileo here: The one who doesn´t know the truth is just a fool. He who knows it and denies it is a criminal.


Senior Member
They may claim it´s a false illness belief - but we all know that it´s a real illness state, a terrible one, without a break

Even if it were a false illness belief would it be acceptable to lock her up for forced treatment?

Something must be very wrong if they believe just because they are right they can do it.

I find this whole "sense therapy thing" they are doing to her really horrific. Its horrific torture abuse.

what is "sense therapy"?
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Senior Member
Its the very reason why her parents and others arent allowed (or werent allowed) to see her cause they dont want people backing her thoughts up which they believe are wrong (they arent keeping people away from her due to her being too sick and tired as they dont even believe her symptoms are real). They keep others away as they are worried they will play into her 'delusions' and encourage her in that way. Why do you believe they restrict her having contact with others?

they believe she is infected with a dangerous belief and having contact with her familiy or others who "believe" in ME will re-infect her because it is so highly contagious. strange idea. words can influence a person and be powerful, but THAT powerful?


work in progress
N. California
I must confess that I felt a touch of disappointment when I read "50 cards"...

50 is a start, but we really do need more cards to be sent.

That's why I keep bumping this thread up and requesting people to send them.

IT'S REALLY EASY to send a card from home... so please just do it.