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ACTION TO HELP Karina Hansen.


work in progress
N. California
"AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Re Karina Hansen:It is Karina Hansen's birthday is on November 7th.
Karina has been moved from the hospital in Hammel and is now being held here: Tagdækkervej 10, 8450 Hammel.Karina has been placed in a home for people with brain-damage! No one knows why… Karina's parents are still not allowed to visit her and kept kept out of her ‘case’… and Karina Hansen still has a guard, who is not very talkative or helpful.We all dearly hope that Karina Hansen has not been injured by the treatment she has got in the Hammel Neurocenter..."

The best place to send cards is to her parents at the following address:
Per og Ketty Hansen, Kløvermarken 8, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark

Karina's parents will try to give all the cards they get from you, to Karina on the day of her birthday.So please show Karina Hansen and her parents that they are not forgotten by sending cards for Karina on her birthday on the 7th of November.

Also just as importantly, show the psychiatrists and the politicians that we still remember what they did to a severely ill young ME woman, and that we are a LOT of people, who hope something like this will never ever happen again.

It was illegal and wrong, and the psychiatrists hurt a young woman and her parents unforgivably."

Bente Stenfalk



Fine, thank you
Done - had a spare emergency birthday card lying around in a drawer so it's all written and stamped and ready to go in tomorrow's mail.

Thanks for posting about this.


work in progress
N. California
Apparently Karina's new 'care home' (according to Bente Stenfalk) is "more like a Stalag. A proper name would be a Mental Asylum. The only people who are allowed to see or talk to Karina are the guardian who is more like prison guard. The staff are not allowed to talk about the 'cases' in the 'home'. They have obviously caused Karina to have a mental breakdown the doors are locked day & night and all the others 'cases' are mental." (quote from Michael Evison's FB post)

Absolutely horrible.


Senior Member
Thanks @Dreambirdie for posting this.
It's an abomination. I'm puzzled as to why ME associations around the world and human rights activists seem so silent or absent. Or am I missing something?

They also need money to fund legal fees as the efforts to free her are ongoing. As of end of May they had received donations of approx DKK 20k vs legal fees amounting to DKK 500k!
Info on how to donate here


work in progress
N. California
This was recently posted on the Justice for Karina FB page:

Karina Hansen's 26th birthday is coming up on November 7th! We have been waiting to share an address with you to send cards until we confirmed that Karina has been moved to a new facility.

Karina is no longer at Hammel Neurocenter, but has been moved to Tagdækkervej, a different facility in Hammel.

Karina was moved in early September, the exact date is unknown. We do not have any information about how long she is supposed to stay there.

This new facility is within walking distance from Hammel Neurocenter. It is a facility where patients with different health issues live in small apartments for privacy, but have access to rehabilitation facilities and staff from Hammel Neurocenter. This facility has a special focus on patients with various brain injuries, but other patients are accepted.

Also, please note that we have no further information to share on Karina's current condition, as no one from the family has seen her for over a year.

We still recommend including Ketty Hansen's name as well as Karina's when you send mail as Karina is still assigned a guardian by the state. We have spoken with Ketty Hansen and she recommends this address be used. Thank you!!!
Karina's new address for cards is now:

Karina Hansen and Ketty Hansen
Tagdækkervej 10
8450 Hammel


Senior Member
the psychobabblers still want to prove that they can cure the poor girl with the Bio-psycho-social model. If the condition is just psychological why is she still at the facility after years of "treatment"? Is she any better?

If yes why is the family not allowed to visit her and why doesn't Karina send them greeting cards?
If no why is she forced to stay?


work in progress
N. California
"The BDS (Bodily Distress Syndrome) definition was introduced in 2010 by a Danish doctor, Prof. Per Fink who heads The Research Clinic for Functional Disorders and Psychosomatics in Aarhus. As far as he is concerned, functional disorders are psychosomatic (in the mind) and patients (including those with ME) are treated with antidepressant medication, graded exercise therapy (GET), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). A major concern of the many critics of this approach is that physical exertion is known to be harmful to those suffering from ME."

Read more at http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/parli...t-karina-hansen-tomorrow/#DXfXYFf8Agq13Jj6.99


ME/cfs 1986
To those who are more informed on this case : What happened to the appeal to Amnesty International to get involved ?