Interesting, but I had read elsewhere (here, a journal, the Internet????) that this drug has been used to help people with bipolar disease. I'm from a family where many members had bipolar illness. It makes me sad to think that they suffered what they did, led lives of "quite desperation" and made so many others suffer because of something they couldn't control. I would have been a member of that club except that it hit my brain in a different location, thus I ended up with ME and a host of other illnesses (having nothing to do with ME).
If Abilify could have helped them, I believe it's a choice they would have made. Do you know how horrible it is to live with frequent attacks of bipolar illness? To also be a member of a family where so many suffer and yes, you hate them for what they do at the time, and your mind is in several different places at once? Seeing them in State Mental Hospitals? It's pretty awful....all of it. .
I keep saying, and I mean this: No matter how many people take a drug, or even a vitamin, we're all guinea pigs and always will be. So are the doctors who prescribe the drugs, as well as the drug cos. themselves (and yes, there's a huge difference between a drug co. that knows it's causing danger and keeps it quiet because of what it will do for profits. That's not a co. we want to have contact with...and I hope the govt. does find them and fine them huge amounts of their profits.). Still, as I recall from whatever I read it in, we're basically talking about something along the bacterial line. Imagine if you had a mother, brother or sister who had something in the same family as your illness, but their lives were completely destroyed no matter how many degrees they had, how hard they worked and the horrors they imposed on others? Let science continue their work....nothing will ever be 100% side-effect free.
I take another neuroleptic to prevent serious seizures that only began late in life. Gabapentin, one of the earliest drugs we had for pain relief was mainly used for epileptic seizures, but in us it stopped the transmission of pain from the brain to the spinal cord. It was a wonderful thing to those of us who were suffering from pain that never ended. Please think about these things. Sometimes it comes under the heading of "progress." And if one has suffered enough, that's good enough. Yours, Lenora.