A report about anti-glycation supps Carnosine Beta-Alanine (=methylation?)


Senior Member
This is powerful stuff!
I have decided to lower the dose. I took two 100 mg Glycoxil capsules and turned them into 5 capsules containing each 40 mg Glycoxil, that is 4 mg carcinine.
Yesterday I felt very depressed, with burning eyes, as always happens when I am doing something right.
Treated this as if it were an oxalate dump, with a double serving of B6 and B2 and an Epsom salts bath. I felt much better and this morning all is fine after a very good night.
This morning when I woke up my eyebrows were tingling! :thumbsup::balloons::thumbsup:
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Senior Member
This is powerful stuff!
You can say that again :wide-eyed:
I have decided to lower the dose. I took two 100 mg Glycoxil capsules and turned them into 5 capsules containing each 40 mg Glycoxil, that is 4 mg carcinine.
I wasn't aware that Carcinine is only 10% of a Glycoxil dose... People are prescribed 100 - 300mg Glycoxil, and I took 10mg (i.e. one mg Carcinine :eek: ) - when I resume it, I will take only 1/4 of the cap 3x weekly :cautious: I can't handle that nervous energy, it exhausts my low iodine stores :grumpy:
This morning when I woke up my eyebrows were tingling!


Senior Member
After nearly 3 weeks on Glycoxil, it is time for a report.
I am still on the 4 mg dose of carcinine (40 mg Glycoxil), and DH too. We have very interesting results.

- more energy, but not in a manic way, as we had with folates. It is subtle,
- more strength in the legs, coming from a kind of awakening of deep abdominal muscles;
- the breath is deeper;
- very very good sleep, from one to two hours more per 24 h;
- loosing weight slowly but effortlessly;:balloons:
- nothing yet happening on the eyebrows, but more hair growing on the frontal hairline and between this line and the eyebrow just over the little hollow where you can put your thumbs to equilibrate neurotransmitters in the brain (don't know what this is called!),
- nails and hair growing very fast

- a kind of awakening of our powers to shape the world following our wishes :moneybag::trophy::star::star::trophy::moneybag:! This is extremely convenient, as it was sorely lacking for a time. It is starting to become a bit unnerving, because what if I could not control my fears? Could they become real too? Or is this a dream world, and as such safe enough : nothing really bad can happen and I shall wake up alive in the morning?
- more dreams;
- more fun (if at all possible...)
- the ability to initiate actions more readily (a bit the reverse of what happens with Parkinson patients). As a result, a few long-suffering projects that did not need much work, had been around for ages, were completed easily. They would have been completed easily anyway but we never had the stamina to attack the problem.

- we completely forgot to drink alcohol. Forgot to buy any, forgot there was wine in the cellar, and even forgot to serve some to guests when we had some! This "forgot" is very strange. I had a glass yesterday when I realized I had "forgotten" about alcohol, to see if there was a new or strange reaction. It was just as though I had drunk a glass of orange juice. Not particularly satisfying (I don't like orange juice) but not bad. And no bad reaction to it (mind you, I could drink a bottle of vodka with no bad reaction, so this is normal for me, but the carcinine has not altered that);
- every three or four days an oxalate dump, which might imply that some more vitamin K is produced or released or made use of,
- DH feels a tingling in his ankles signalling bone growth, so there is a vitamin K connection, maybe you can discover it?

Good luck to all!
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Senior Member
there is a vitamin K connection, maybe you can discover it?
I noticed it unlocks several blocked pathways, not only but especially the use of fatty vitamins. My vit D 25 OH (storage form) had been like 40-45 ng/mL ever since consistent supplementation for 4-5 months in 2013. I stopped supplementation because it made me feel very poor. So after taking carcinine it fell to 25 ng/mL, and my conclusion is I finally got to actually use it. Stored vit D must be sulfated to become active.
https://mthfrgenehealth.com/vdr-gene-mutation/ (thanks @Lolinda )
We also see that many people with viral overloads, autism, cancer and lyme are GcMAF deficient. They may even have D levels close to 100 but they are not sulfating their D3 because of the following:
  • Eating GMO’d Roundup ready foods. Glyphosate converts into glyoxylate. Oxalates share the same transport system as sulfation. I call it oxalates “hogging” up the transport system. This causes poor sulfation of D3 where it cannot sulfate D3 into GcMAF.
  • Zinc is needed to sulfate D3
  • DAO is needed to sulfate D3
  • Lysine is needed to sulfate D3
  • P5P is needed to sulfate D3
  • B6 is needed to sulfate D3
VDR problems / Symptoms
Reduced tolerance for methyl donors in some VDR varients such as:
  • 5-MTHFR
  • Methyl B12
  • Caffeine
  • SAMe (S-Adenosyl methionine)
  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
  • DMG (Dimethylglycine)
  • TMG (Trimethylglycine) or Betaine
  • CoQ10
  • Melatonin
  • Quercetin
  • Carnitine
  • Theanine
  • Curcumin
  • Green powders / smoothies
VDR & Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency signs – Joint pain or stiffness, backache, tooth decay, muscle cramps, hair loss, osteoporosis, rickets, seizures, immune deficiency, cancer risk.

I am very happy about your report :hug: I plan to reintroduce it soon and take it for life. DH needs it too. For many years I didn't feel happiness and I felt it again.

The roadblock right now is that we still have metal in our mouths. Soon we will take it out since now our insurance covers dentistry. After I stopped taking carcinine, I felt metal being pulled out of my teeth, and so did DH (he only had 1 dose of Beta-alanine). It clearly activates endogenous detoxing systems.
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Senior Member
@Asklipia have you tried Carnosine? How do you compare it?

Essential oils have anti-glycation properties ( @ahmo )
Res Pharm Sci. 2014 May-Jun; 9(3): 179–185. PMCID: PMC4311282
Inhibition of protein glycation by essential oils of branchlets and fruits of Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica

Oxidative stress and protein glycation play pivotal roles in the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and its vascular complications. The present study aimed to investigate the anti-glycation properties of essential oils obtained from different parts of Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica. The branchlets of male tree (BMT) and branchlets of female (BFT) tree, and fruits of J. communis subsp. hemisphaerica were extracted using steam distillation method. The oils were phytochemically analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Anti-glycation properties were evaluated using hemoglobin and insulin glycation assays. Overall, 18 volatile components were identified in the J. communis subsp. hemisphaerica oils, amounting to 82.1%, 100.0% and 96.4% of the BMT, BFT and fruit oils, respectively. Promising inhibitory activity was observed from all concentrations of the tested oils in the hemoglobin and insulin glycation assays. The inhibitory activities peaked to 89.9% (BFT oil; 200 μg mL-1) and 81.0% (BFT oil; 600 μg mL-1) in the hemoglobin and insulin glycation assays, respectively. The evidence from this study suggests that essential oils obtained from the fruits and branchlets of J. communis subsp. hemisphaerica.
A huge caveat to the following is I need to take an anti-glycation supplement in order to tolerate garlic
Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 4;7:39613. doi: 10.1038/srep39613.
Aged garlic has more potent antiglycation and antioxidant properties compared to fresh garlic extract in vitro.

Protein glycation involves formation of early (Amadori) and late advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) together with free radicals via autoxidation of glucose and Amadori products. Glycation and increased free radical activity underlie the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. This study investigated whether aged garlic has more potent antiglycation and antioxidant properties compared to fresh garlic extract in vitro in a cell-free system. Proteins were glycated by incubation with sugars (glucose, methylglyoxal or ribose) ±5-15 mg/mL of aged and fresh garlic extracts. Advanced glycation endproducts were measured using SDS-PAGE gels and by ELISA whereas Amadori products were assessed by the fructosamine method. Colorimetric methods were used to assess antioxidant activity, free radical scavenging capacity, protein-bound carbonyl groups, thiol groups and metal chelation activities in addition to phenolic, total flavonoid and flavonol content of aged and fresh garlic extracts. Aged garlic inhibited AGEs by 56.4% compared to 33.5% for an equivalent concentration of fresh garlic extract. Similarly, aged garlic had a higher total phenolic content (129 ± 1.8 mg/g) compared to fresh garlic extract (56 ± 1.2 mg/g). Aged garlic has more potent antiglycation and antioxidant properties compared to fresh garlic extract and is more suitable for use in future in vivo studies.
Same caveat for zinc
Int J Biol Macromol. 2015 Aug;79:601-10. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2015.05.028. Epub 2015 May 28.
Zinc inhibits glycation induced structural, functional modifications in albumin and protects erythrocytes from glycated albumin toxicity.

The present work aims to investigate the concentration and time dependant effect of zinc on the in vitro non enzymatic modifications of albumin by diabetic levels of glucose. Further, preventive and curative effect of zinc was studied by adding zinc before and after initiation of glycation respectively. Glycation of albumin was done at different concentrations of zinc (125, 250 and 500 μM) at different time intervals (21, 28 and 35 days) with appropriate controls. The antiglycation potential of zinc was assessed by estimating different markers of albumin glycation (fructosamines, carbonyls, bound sugar, AGEs), structural modifications (free amino, thiol group, β amyloid, native PAGE, ANS binding, fluorescence lifetime decay and CD analysis) and functional properties (antioxidant activity, hemolysis). Zinc at highest concentration (500 μM) significantly reduced modifications of albumin which was comparable to aminoguanidine and also protected secondary and tertiary structure of albumin after 28 days of incubation. Zinc exhibited significant protective effect on erythrocytes by inhibiting hemolysis. Thus the present study indicate preventive mode of albumin glycation inhibition by zinc.


Senior Member
@Asklipia have you tried Carnosine? How do you compare it?
I have taken Carnosine 500 mg with no effect. Maybe there would have been after some time, but it did not seem a good idea given the fact that we had immediate noticeable results with the carcinine.

The aged garlic part rings a bell. The fact that is was developed by a Japanese firm is significant for me. I have noticed that most of the supplements that I have used with very good effect had been developed by Japanese firms (vitamin MK4 by Eisai, Clostridium butyricum by Miyarisan, fursultiamine by Takeda). It correlates to the fact that the Japanese were the first to introduce fake folates heavily in the food for everyone (think Ajinomoto), they have their way to counteract this poisoning.
I'll research this further, thank you!


J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
@Gondwanaland & @Asklipia
thanks for posting on carcinine!! :)
I put carcinine on my list of things to try.... :) I want these too:

After nearly 3 weeks on Glycoxil
- more energy, but not in a manic way, as we had with folates. It is subtle,
- very very good sleep, from one to two hours more per 24 h;
- but more hair growing on the frontal hairline
Good luck to all!

especially the "non-manic energy + more sleep" is the combo that is so hard to get!!! :heart:

Btw, I got a good step into this direction already by:
  • taking B5 (➞increases my low-normal 24h urinary cortisol to mid-normal)
  • Gundry diet (= lectin & A1 casein avoidance. I am in the process of finding out why it worked in me... Candidate Nr 1: It is not the A1 casein, because I tested A2 casein (100% sheep feta) and have seen sleep getting worse + white undigested cheese crumbs in the brown stool :woot::woot::woot::alien:. avoiding casein, even butter, may have generally helped to reduce undigested stuff go down the gut. I may have pancreatic trypsin deficiency. (Researchers use casein to test trypsin effect or lack thereof :bulb:). Candidate Nr 2: I eat too much food containing trypsin inhibitors.
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J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
B5 impairs protein digestion by competing with Biotin, which could be your missing ingredient to better fat & protein digestion
You are my biotin-guard :D :D
Seriously! :D Your warnings about biotin always come at the right time, when I have just changed sthg about my nutrition but certainly forgot to check if my biotin is enough... My otherwise beloved Crono doesnt have biotin data... :( :( So this time, I set out to geek-cure the problem :nerd::nerd::nerd:: First, here are my best sources of biotin contents: this, this and this. Would anyone have further ones, in particular reliable sources based on science? Then, there is a handy function in crono to define one's own foods by simply copying and editing existing food. In case of a similar previous request, the admins even changed my foods backwards for all times in my diary, so I could watch my intake in the past with different diets.
Fortunately, it turned out that my biotin intake is sufficient. :)

You mentioned that biotin and b5 compete for the uptake via the gut. This would be no issue in me as I take b5 transdermal. But I just found that they also share the transporter for cellular uptake.

Before I think of pouring in sthg new such as carcinine, I find it important to correct preexisting imbalances such as in my case, b5, and even more importantly, b1. @Gondwanaland and @Asklipia and anyone else, do you have information if carcinine drains other nutrients? carcinine cofactors? natural sources?

perhaps this is why Biotin is hard on my pancreas o_O
I do not know about biotin and the pancreas, but I do know about lack of thiamine reducing pancreatic enzyme production. (However, as an alternative cause, a too fast transit through the small intestine should cause similar symptoms as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.)

Update: I just stumbled over this: biotin resorption needs protease.
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Senior Member
Before I reply to your super interesting comments @Lolinda I must go a few posts back to add something about vit D.
So sulfation is needed to convert D3 into GcMAF, but to convert storage D3 into active, calcium-retaining vit D Boron is needed (boron is the same to parathyroid as iodine to thyroid).

here are my best sources of biotin contents: this, this and this. Would anyone have further ones, in particular reliable sources based on science?
Fortunately, it turned out that my biotin intake is sufficient.
I am sure mine too, but among other things blocked in my system (probably by glycation) is biotinidase, the enzyme that extracts biotin from foods (Accutane blocks it). Oats's biotin seemed pretty bioavailable to me last time I tried it 2 years ago... no way I can eat oats. So I must pursue a tolerable amount of biotin supplementation (it's unbound).
do you have information if carcinine drains other nutrients? carcinine cofactors? natural sources?
Yes, plenty :ill: I suggest you to read the whole thread, esp. the files I linked and attached about Carnosine. You will also find info on how Carnosine is formed and degraded in the body. Carcinine is a synthetic form of Carnosine built in a way that the body can't readily degrade it.
I do not know about biotin and the pancreas
I meant that since trypsin is the enzyme that cleaves proteins at the lysine bonds, taking biotin (which is lysin-ophile) would put pressure on pancreas for more trypsin.
I do not know about biotin and the pancreas, but I do know about lack of thiamine reducing pancreatic enzyme production. (However, as an alternative cause, a too fast transit through the small intestine should cause similar symptoms as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.)
Update: I just stumbled over this: biotin resorption needs protease.
Studies on its bioavailability have been conducted in rats and in chicks. Based on these studies, biotin bioavailability may be low or variable, depending on the type of food being consumed. In general, biotin exists in food as protein-bound form or biocytin.[22] Proteolysis by protease is required prior to absorption. This process assists free biotin release from biocytin and protein-bound biotin. The biotin present in corn is readily available; however, most grains have about a 20-40% bioavailability of biotin.[23]

The wide variability in biotin bioavailability may be due to the ability of an organism to break various biotin-protein bonds from food. Whether an organism has an enzyme with that ability will determine the bioavailability of biotin from the foodstuff.[23]
BTW I think carcinine fixes biotinidase as well. Would it be possible for biotinidase to be glycated?
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Senior Member
@Lolinda please do not forget that nutrient intake and nutrient availability are two very different things.

EDITED TO ADD - most foods high in a specific vitamin are extremely high in the anti-nutrients that vitamin is used to digest, e.g. spinach is high in B2 and B6 but also extremely high in amines and oxalates, and if one has the digestion pathways blocked (by glycation for instance) supplemental vitamins will be needed in order not to have an adverse reaction to the food. Another example is the pumpkin family: rich in B2 but also very high in amines.

Another example I can give you is from my own experience: in the past I used to eat a TON of fruit which are high in Boron. This caused me a B2 deficiency since excess Boron binds to B2 and excrete it from the body via urine (boron can buil up in the kidneys). Read more about it here.

My otherwise beloved Crono doesnt have biotin data
BTW I stopped using the app to track nutrient/energy intake after starting carcinine because I was eating tons of nutritious foods, much more than before, I was tolerating everything and needing much more calories than before. A confounding factor is that I was taking a mix of digestive enzymes at that time too. Before the carcinine, when I was on digestive enzymes only, I felt that I was absorbing more energy from food than usual, so the enzymes were working. After having taken carcinine, since it puts sulfation and transsulfuration into full action I think it used up or broke down my thiamin stores, and I felt the bromelain I was taking was destryoing my meager B1 intake.

You might also want to look at HMB supplementation, I think it might act likewise as an anti-glycation element, but since it is a methyl donor I would be unable to tolerate it without the carcinine.

Another reason why I stopped using cronometer is because I wished to track boron, molybdenum, sulfur, iodine, biotin, silica which are unavailable to be tracked, plus vitamin A is treated as equal to carotenoids which is just wrong. I don't mean the app is useless, it is actually really helpful and showed me that my calorie intake is usually really low.
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Senior Member
Thank you and thank you gain. :bow::bow::bow:
Your posts have given so much light. My way is different from yours but I feel that we are kindred souls.
I had more energy today, a temporary blessing maybe, but I prayed for you. As my wings are feeling their strength, I wish yours will spread taking some of my might, never mind if it is only temporary.
Boron, yes I had warned here that it may be a problem.

Something definitely is happening with the fat soluble vitamins. Today I am high like on opium, this feeling is the high of K/D/A vitamins. I am starting to understand! This is the dry/thick sperm state!
Lots and lots of :hug::hug::balloons::hug::hug:


Senior Member
A little extra!
Yesterday DH took a whole 100 mg (10 mg carcinine), as there were no small capsules left, the last one being for me. He spent the day in stupor, had a very long siesta, slept like a log all night. This morning he sees the colours very bright!!!!
= less cataracts!


J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
Hi @Asklipia I liked your hopeful message regarding cataracts. Though, if an honest opinion is welcome, I have doubts a cataract can be reversed this fast. I wish, it could. I want to be wrong! But I have red all about cataracts and they are caused by slow accumulative processes over long times such as protein denaturation, free radical damage, deposition of pigments, etc... I am sure I dont tell you anything new... Just want to point out that these are not that type of things that come or go soon... And most of all, seeing things more colorful occurs with some drugs... On a positive note, however, my mom just called me yesterday that her cataract improved so much that it does not need an operation any more (the doctor's perspective "your cataract cannot be operated any more".). She was already scheduled for the OP. We do not know yet the mechanism how the improvement happened. I had her do a list of tests months ago, concluded that she likely has a fatty liver (no MRI or biopsy evidence, though), initiated treatment. Now we will see when she repeats the tests if her parameters really improved, so we learn about the mechanism. In any case, no more OP needed. Happy as a bird :angel::angel::angel: This was a slow process over months...

I hope, my partially happy, partially unhappy message is welcome. ... We will see if your husband still see more colors in the days or weeks to come...
@Gondwanaland thanks a lot for your post! Will read these things from the beginning and come back ... I plan to go verrry careful...first, test all the cofactors / drained nutrients of carcinine in me and only then take it...
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Senior Member
I have doubts a cataract can be reversed this fast.
Rephrasing what I read somewhere, eyes are made of carnosine. I was stunned that my turkey neck was completely gone in 3 days. This thing really knows how to fix collagen & other soft tissues.
"your cataract cannot be operated any more
:balloons: Please tell us what interventions your mom did, this is just great news :thumbsup:
Will read these things from the beginning and come back
Don't be shy to post comments as you go, your input is very welcome :nerd: Plus, I need some memory refreshment, esp. regarding copper utilization for cartilage build up.


Senior Member
I did not say his cataracts were completely cured.
Just that he sees more vivid colours, which may indicate a link with cataracts.
But it could also be neurological I suppose.
To be continued...


Senior Member
hopeful message regarding cataracts
As well as stabilizing blood sugars in diabetics, Carnosine also protects against the many complications of diabetes, such as organ failure, hearing loss, osteoporosis, eye problems, heart damage and more (R, R1, R2, R3).
25) Carnosine Promotes Eye Health
Russian studies have verified that Carnosine prevents cataracts, probably via a combination of its antioxidant and anti-glycating properties (R).

The use of Carnosine-containing eye-drops for 2 to 6 months reduced vision deficiencies (measured by lens opacity & visual acuity) that are usually a side effect of cataracts (R, R1).