A Proven Treatment-Cure for Chronic Epsten Barr Virus


This is an update on my condition after following the natural CEBV program to eliminate the active viral infection:

1- Followed the above mentioned program since September 15, 2014 so thats about two months completed
2- Felt great after about one week of taking the daily supplements, but still felt some residual infection in the respiratory system that is a hallmark of my CEBV infection. After completing one month, did not feel any symptoms.
3- Have not felt any negative side effects for two months; just maintaining my very health oriented diet plus taking the supplements and getting eight solid hours of sleep.
4- I'm able to exercise at a higher rate of exercise.
5- Felt an infection similar to a light flu virus in mid October, but soon recognized that its just a standard type of viral infection that was going around town...others got it too. However this time something new happened; my body created a mild high temperaure for four days and i could feel the immune system fighting the infection just like it used to do twenty years ago. The virus lost after about four days of this.
6- Have not felt my normal CEBV infection symptoms since mid September. They usually come in one month cycles and i would never be free of the virus for two months straight and feel my normal healthy state of energy.
7- Conclusion: The treatment is working well and i will follow it for another six months then stop. In late December, 2014 i will make lab testing for the CEBV immune and PCR test markers .
8- If this CEBV program continues its success for six months straight, i will consider it highly successful; its like getting out of prison for six months...can't beat that.
9- For those who would like to try this, please read the thread thuroughly as there were many CFID related treatments that i followed in order to reach this new peak in health and energy. Its like climbing a very high mountain.
10- This CEBV natural supplement curing program may not work if you have not already eradicated all chronic bacterial infections, fixed your bowels through natural methods, and detoxified your body. Its a long uphill battle but its working for me.

Good luck to all,

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Hey, I was right!!! There is more than one strain of EBV......and this is why doctors have been 100% misled, they keep associating the active EBV markers found in CFS patients, to be one of those standard EBV infections that they found in their holy textbooks, so it cant be something important.

I am not saying that a dangerous strain of EBV is causing all of our various CFS disease symproms and fatigue, i'm saying its a major part of the puzzle;, which also includes Mycoplasma bacteria in many of us, parasite worms including liver flukes, CMV and HHV-6 herpes viruses. :Well, check out this posting from 2013:


1. There seem to be different strains of EBV. Some seem to be able to cause cancer. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131010124601.htm

Oct. 10, 2013 — You might not know it, but most of us are infected with the herpesvirus known as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). For most of us, the virus will lead at worst to a case of infectious mononucleosis, but sometimes, and especially in some parts of the world, those viruses are found in association with cancer. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journalCell Reports on October 10 have found that the difference between a relatively harmless infection and a cancer-causing one lies at least partly in the viral strain itself.
The results offer some of the first evidence for the existence of distinct EBV subtypes with very different public health risks. The researchers say that vaccination or other strategies for preventing EBV infection will need to be designed with these most pathogenic, cancer-causing strains in mind.
"EBV is an important but neglected pathogen," said Henri-Jacques Delecluse of the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, Germany. "We have made an important step in recognizing that EBV is actually a family of viruses that have different properties, some of which are very likely to cause disease. So, the consequences of being infected with EBV might be different, depending on the strain one carries."

Delecluse and his colleagues made the discovery by sequencing the DNA of a viral strain dubbed M81 isolated from a Chinese patient with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Their analyses revealed that M81 is highly similar to other viruses isolated from NPCs and profoundly different from Western strains in terms of its ability to infect and replicate within cells.
The M81 strain can infect epithelial cells and multiply spontaneously at a very high level in all cells it infects, including B lymphocytes, the cells in which the viruses hide, the researchers report. It remains to be seen exactly how infected epithelial cells become cancerous.
"Our results have made me radically change my strategy to address the problem of EBV-associated diseases," Delecluse said. "The current view is that the virus is essentially the same all over the world and that local conditions explain the different consequences of EBV infection. We now show that the type of EBV also plays an important role. By concentrating on the potentially pathogenic EBV strains, we will soon better understand how EBV causes diseases, and this will also help [in] designing prevention strategies."

Nice data which further confirms the conclusion that a dangerous strain of EBV is a part of our problem that must be attacked.
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Update by Abdulrahman, May 2015:

This program has failed to cure my Chronic Epstein Barr virus, i got a strong flare up in March and all of April 2015.

The reasons for failure may be that i stopped taking the required antiviral supplements at end of December 2014 because i felt well enough. In addition, i not only have CEBV but also CMV and who knows what other herpes virus i may have.
However the overall health program i have followed in the past ten years is still allowing me to feel at 90% energy during normal days, dropping down to 40 % during flare ups. I define flare ups as when the EBV, CMV are multiplying greatly, plus getting infected easily by a respiratory virus. The combination of these three active infections is very hard on the immune system and body.

Now the good news: I found the below discussion from November 2014, for a patient who was able to get rid of her CFS completely in just three days by taking a 10 mg tablet of isosorbide dinitrate [Isordil]. Since this didn’t make too much sense as to why it worked, at first I was not interested. Then the other side of the brain said: Why not try it, let’s think out of the box. Yea for experimentation….much of science came from careful experimentation…..

So I purchased double her dosage by getting 20mg capsules of slow release Isordil, and split the capsule contents onto my tongue. Yesterday took this twice in one day 40 mg total] , and i let the tiny crystals gradually break in my mouth for 15 minutes, using the teeth slowly.
Today I feel great, lots of energy [ about 95%], and will be completing another 40mg today. Will only do this for 3 days total.


Didn't curiousity kill the cat? And Isn't it bad enough that you have chronic fatigue?

I was planning to give an update, but thought its best to give it time and wait longer. Well its been about four months now, and thanks to god and all the expereince people have shared, i do not have the weakness and excessive infections like before. Am i 100% cured? Yes and No. I dont feel that the various Herpes family viruses are living in me because symptoms are gone now..... , but the only problem i notice is that my immune system is still weak from the past 20 years of attacks. Meaning i still catch respiratory infections,but not in a severe way.

I think i need to move away from congested areas and live far away for one year on an isolated island in the Bahama's or similar to get away from human trasnmitted viruses, so as to allow my body to rest completely. We humans are our own worst enemy......ha, ha

For now to confirm everything i will get PCR blood testing for immune markers to Herpes family visuses; that will be a strong evidence for or against success.

Please read all my messages on this website; if you want to learn from my success its necessary to read all my postings because i follow a wide program.

Best of luck to all,

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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I think i need to move away from congested areas and live far away for one year on an isolated island in the Bahama's or similar to get away from human transmitted viruses, so as to allow my body to rest completely.

Hi @Abdulrahman,

Thanks much for checking back in. Some friends recently told me they found it necessary to move to Port Townsend, Washington for a couple of years to be near the healing energies of the ocean. It's located in one of the "banana belts" where they only get half as much rain as the closely surrounding areas. They said it was VERY regenerative to spend that time there.

I want to thank you for the efforts you've made to share an extraordinary amount of information on this thread--some of the most valuable on the PR forum the way I see it. I guess it's up to everyone running across it whether to avail themselves of this information and your experience, or just nitpick it without making any efforts to see whether it might work for them. I've long believed we had better be our own laboratories in dealing with this complex illness if we're going to increase our odds of getting well.

It was interesting to me to see your post this morning, as I just yesterday ran across a very interesting book.(image below). If you click on it, it will take you to Amazon where you can do some fairly extensive reading by clicking on the image there. I think you would find Chapter 3 interesting, which you can get to by going to the table of contents, and then clicking on Chapter 3 entitled, "Epstein-Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia".

His take is that the primary cause of most "mystery illnesses" such as ME/CFS is actually chronic EBV infection. He claims there's about 60 different strains, with some being far more virulent than others. I suspect there's a lot of validity to his theories, and have to say that he seems to connect a lot of dots that make a lot of sense to me--perhaps the most integrated explanation for today's "mystery illnesses" I've run across.

Again, thanks for all your contributions--I especially liked THIS ONE. Good luck finding that remote location that's just right for you that you have in mind, and please keep us updated. -- All the Best, Wayne

titled, "
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Senior Member
@Abdulrahman , there's some information in mariovital's thread about endoplasmic reticulum stress that might help you figure out and get over epstein barr virus. I noticed you said lysine is helpful, and although it's good for some viruses, arginine is more helpful for stopping the replication of EBV. So you would have to try to stop whatever you can that is causing endoplasmic reticulum stress and also take arginine, to halt the heat shock protein which helps the EBV become immortal. Dealing with oxidative stress might be helpful, too.

This is the thread, http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...ponse-and-a-possible-treatment-for-cfs.37244/ but you have to read it all the way through and realize that mariovitali was dealing with stress caused by a drug, not a virus. Viruses are much more difficult and there is the difference of the necessity of not causing endoplasmic reticulum stress.


Senior Member
I also have HSV (as well as EBV & CMV) arginine is contra indicated for this virus. Difficult to get the arginine/lysine balance right. Much easier to get a handle on stuff when just fighting one virus.
Yes, so true! Unfortunately they seem to go together, don't they?

I don't know why, but I haven't had a herpes cold sore in years. I am still afraid to take an actual arginine supplement.
Hi @Abdulrahman,

Thanks much for checking back in. Some friends recently told me they found it necessary to move to Port Townsend, Washington for a couple of years to be near the healing energies of the ocean. It's located in one of the "banana belts" where they only get half as much rain as the closely surrounding areas. They said it was VERY regenerative to spend that time there.

I want to thank you for the efforts you've made to share an extraordinary amount of information on this thread--some of the most valuable on the PR forum the way I see it. I guess it's up to everyone running across it whether to avail themselves of this information and your experience, or just nitpick it without making any efforts to see whether it might work for them. I've long believed we had better be our own laboratories in dealing with this complex illness if we're going to increase our odds of getting well.

Thank you Wayne,

Very kind of you to encourage and appreciate others. The contribution above was helped by the many who disagreed, because i wanted to respond in a logical and informative manner to their comments. However, all one can say is that success is the best advertisement, so to all readers i advise you to concentrate on those who are 100% or even 90% successful [ Many are out there], these will be your guiding light. I mean that was my natural instinct when first starting to find out how to whip this disease, and my mind declared: Let’s find and read the many internet board commenters on CFID and CEBV and choose those who i analysed as showing the highest intelligence, logic, self-experience, and success rate. It goes without saying that of course keep away from people selling products or gimmicks, this does not suggest true medical goals, but mainly profit.

To Wayne and others who would like to read my final words explaining this disease in high clarity, please read the below thread with its multiple responses, the comments capture all of my 20 years of knowledge on CFID:


Keep on believing you will cure yourself,
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Senior Member
I mean that was my natural instinct when first starting to find out how to whip this disease, and my mind declared: Let’s find and read the many internet board commenters on CFID and CEBV and choose those who i analysed as showing the highest intelligence, logic, self-experience, and success rate
I think it's wonderful thay you're feeling better. However, don't you think statements like this could be interpreted as self serving and a put down to others on PR, even if that's not your intent? I guess I would have to ask whose definition of intelligence as well as whose definition of logic.

There are many, many here with twenty plus years of knowledge/living with me/cfs, heck even fewer than twenty years. Yet these patients. probably 99.9% here are just as intelligent, even if it's by default because we all live with. this condition. We may end up with different perspectives and/or come up with different conclusions but that has nothing to do with intelligence.

Your theory may or may not be spot on, I don't know one way or another. It's to be expected to be enthusiastic when we feel better. But sometimes the devils in the details and the details are often much more complicated than at first glance, even if it seems like there is a simple solution or perhaps only one solution.

Maybe I'm just being a bit defensive or misinterpreting what you've written. Apologies if I have.

Then again it all might be moot, or I'm full of it and this is rather self serving on my part. The bottom line is the fact that you're feeling better even if there's disagreement about how you got there. Open debates can often be productive and illuminating and we don't always have to agree with each other.

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Hi Barbara,

We are all mice caught in a very, very complicated maze called CFID.

And if you can get out alone through your own thinking, experimenttation, and knowledge then you are a genius mouse and i would follow you out that final exit.......without a doubt. Would love to see you finding your own path that is shorter than mine I am sure there is another escape route better and faster away from this terrible disease, but my trail was the best i could do..

And yes of course i have to rely on those most intelligent, most knowledgable most innovative and logical among the patients and doctors ... lost hope in conventional doctors many years ago. Even the highly intelligent medical doctors who question everything, find strong resistance from their profession and peers..

Here is my view on intelligence, its a topic that interests me greatly: Imagine that the truth is an open Ocean.

The average person can see 10 meters of depth but cannot see further. He has reached his limits.

A highly intelligent person can see 100 meters below in the same waters, including the fish and rock structures clearly. His or her mind can visualize what is deep.

A genius can see 1000 meters below the water's surface, seeing things the average person can never contemplate or produce in hundreds or thousands of years of thinking and observation. This is because such humans brain posseses a computing power combining logic, reasoning, knowledge, creativity, and anlytical skill, that can be so powerfull as to see where no man has seen before.

Such people were put on earth with their gifts, so as to lead mankind to a better life and supreme human civilization.



Senior Member
I think it's wonderful thay you're feeling better. However, don't you think statements like this could be interpreted as self serving and a put down to others on PR, even if that's not your intent? I guess I would have to ask whose definition of intelligence as well as whose definition of logic.

There are many, many here with twenty plus years of knowledge/living with me/cfs, heck even fewer than twenty years. Yet these patients. probably 99.9% here are just as intelligent, even if it's by default because we all live with. this condition. We may end up with different perspectives and/or come up with different conclusions but that has nothing to do with intelligence.

Your theory may or may not be spot on, I don't know one way or another. It's to be expected to be enthusiastic when we feel better. But sometimes the devils in the details and the details are often much more complicated than at first glance, even if it seems like there is a simple solution or perhaps only one solution.

Maybe I'm just being a bit defensive or misinterpreting what you've written. Apologies if I have.

Then again it all might be moot, or I'm full of it and this is rather self serving on my part. The bottom line is the fact that you're feeling better even if there's disagreement about how you got there. Open debates can often be productive and illuminating and we don't always have to agree with each other.


It's true, @barbc56 , we all may have tried different things and have different perspectives, and that's what's great about a forum like this. I appreciate when others share what has and hasn't helped them. I would love to hear what you have tried and found helpful.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Even the highly intelligent medical doctors who question everything, find strong resistance from their profession and peers.

1911 quote by Belgian Nobel Laureate Maurice Maeterlinck

"At every crossway on the road that leads to the future, each progressive spirit is opposed by a thousand men assigned to guard the past."​

I myself don't think conventional medicine--especially with its almost single-minded focus on pharmaceuticals and profits--is particularly well suited to find solutions to the complexity of MECFS, and other "mystery illnesses" like Autism, ADD, Tourette's, Alzheimers, etc..

Too many entrenched and biased interests which inhibit the deeper research that is needed to solve these diseases. Too many over-inflated egos, and of course, the all too human condition of resisting change, just for the sake of resisting change--as so well stated by Maurice Maeterlinck over a 100 years ago.

@barbc56, interesting introspections in your post. If only there were more of this at the CDC and other institutions that routinely deny the needed money to fund the kind of research we need. A quick perusal of Abdulrahman's posts would give them ample options for meaningful research into infectious pathogens and the immune system. But hey, what for, they would likely ask. After all, CFS is just depression.

So the waiting game continues, perpetuated by a thousand people assigned to guard the past.
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Very good question. I recall now. In Mid-December-2014 i started getting overall gum pain in the mouth that could only have been caused by one of the supplements, i suspected that Herpeze formula was the main cause, although i was also taking Larrea RX herb four tablets daily which are tablets made of Larrea Tridenta plus some vitamin-C. See below discussion on Larrea:


Now, the root cause of the gum pain may be excessive oxidization caused by these supplements, or an allergic reaction. Whatever the cause, i had to stop because my gums started to bleed lightly so i had enough. No long term health damage recorded, it’s not that severe. So i restarted the above program in January-2015, but after one week the gum pain returned and i stopped. Then in March did program for one week and then again gum pain so I stopped it. By then i had gotten infected again with heavy CEBV symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, poor sleep, upper respiratory and lower respiratory tract infection, plus a respiratory virus so had a very bad month of infections which proved that my CEBV virus was as healthy as ever.

As mentioned previously, In June-2015 I took the Iscordil, then after four days of that, started four week program of: Inosine 2 capsules daily and Rice Bran extract AHCC about 5 capsules daily for three weeks. Also used ImmunePro Whey protein powder 2 tablespoon mixed with Ice cream daily, Finally after that month i felt great. You can interpret these final results as you like, but i feel it’s the Nitric Oxide from Iscordil having strong impact on the CEBV virus, with an immune boost at same time from Inosine and AHCC and Immunepro. I still feel good now, just like a normal healthy human. Although i still catch frequent viral infections but the CEBV is gone, all its symptoms are gone. Have not had any gum pain since March.

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Senior Member
New Mexico
@Abdulrahman.......................I am currently on a protocol against EBV and am seeing improvement. If you are ever interested in the protocol let me know. I wish you continued success.


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
Plenty of ME and CFS patients have been trying all the types of things you recommend for decades now. There is nothing on your list that hasn't been talked about
Well no, actually the things on the OPs list need to be tried all at the same time. Stating that they have been tried and failed, when the people trying them only used one item at a time, isn't the same thing.