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Wild be the flower

“All right

Wild child, full of grace
Savior of the human race
Your cool face

Natural child, terrible child
Not your mother's or your father's child
You're our child, screaming wild

An ancient lunatic reigns
In the trees of the night
With hunger at her heels
Freedom in her eyes
She dances on her knees
Pirate prince at her side
Staring into the hollow idol’s eye

Wild child full of grace
Savior of the human race
Your cool face
Your cool face
Your cool face”

The beautiful thing about humans, is each of us holds this omnipotent key to our part of planet Gaia. As we can, will or want to. It’s always waiting. For each of us to tap into no matter how dark we are or things are. So, thank you for being here. Truly. Depending on what eyes we use, it’s truly astonishing watching others reclaim and remember their own power.


Let’s talk about SOULutions.
In 2007, I had some strong anxiety return suddenly after a triggering event. When I was looking for reprieve and trying lots of things, I went to visit family and while there booked a massage with my massage therapist friend from high school. She worked in an acupuncture clinic and on my way out she said you need this and opened my hand and placed this little bottle in it. I loved the idea of flowers helping me. I really did. But I was resistant. I was getting ready to enter the beginning of my demise with psychiatric labels and medications. I was beginning to think I ‘needed’ super strong medications for my super strong panic disorder.

Boy, was I wrong. Oh so wrong. Live and learn right?

One evening though before I took that path, I was needing assistance out in public. Zoning out. Shutting down. Lots of fun panic symptoms beginning and I grabbed the little bottle I forgot about, put a few drops on my tongue and seemingly continued on with my evening as though that situation did not just occur. I even felt…. Secure. Which was a strange feeling for me. Later, I couldn’t help but think it was those drops that assisted me out of that panic attack. Usually quite difficult. But, I eventually said no way flowers could be THAT powerful. Dismissed it and moved onto super powerful drugs like lamictal and daily Xanax and ssris and others… oh joy.

When my world fell apart and the damage was done to me by psychiatric drugs, guess who returned to the flowers? I did. And these little bitty essences have been helping me heal lifetimes of layers of emotions.

Immense gratitude.

If you are someone looking to heal from thick layers of emotions whence from b.c. Or a.d. this illness …. I invite you to explore flower essences. I only used transdermally the first year. I now can take non alcohol drops internally.

They are helping me develop my intuitive guidance more as we work in sync. Meaning, I listen within and it assists me to know which ones I need and when. And you can too. Or maybe you already are? Would love to. Hear your journey below 🧡

Here’s a bit about them as explained on. Their website:

“The original Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Bach in the 1930s in England. They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred, and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.”


“Dr. Bach separated the 38 Bach Flower Remedies into 7 emotional groups.

The 7 Bach Flower groups makes it easier for us to separate the Bach Flower Remedies into feelings, such as fear, despair, loneliness, uncertainty etc.
When we ask ourselves, how do I feel? Do I feel fear, what kind of fear? Do I feel despair, what kind of despair? Then the groups can aid us and determine which of the Bach Flower Remedies will help us get our emotional balance restored.

The Bach Flower Remedies are so simple to use that no science, no knowledge is necessary apart from the simple method described above.

~For Those Who Have Fear
~For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty
~Insufficient interest in present circumstances
~Over-sensitivity to influences and ideas
~Despondency or Despair
~Over-care for welfare of others”

Here’s a sample of one of the groups:

“Despondency or despair.

Larch: Helps you to regain self-esteem and confidence in yourself.

Pine: Helps when you feel guilt and self-reproach, often for other people’s mistakes or just anything that goes wrong. You are never content with your effort and results.

Elm: Helps when your responsibilities overwhelm you. You feel depressed and exhausted and may lose self-esteem.

Sweet Chestnut: Helps you at moments when the anguish is too great and seems to be unbearable. Your mind or body feels as if it has tolerated the uttermost limit of its endurance. It feels as there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face.

Star of Bethlehem: Helps when you experience trauma, serious news, loss of someone dear, the fright following an accident, etc. The distress and unhappiness feel unbearable.

Willow: Helps when you have suffered adversity or misfortune and find it difficult to accept. You feel sorry for yourself and when you feel self-pity and sulky.”

If you are interested, here is their website and I will link a questionnaire they provide to help one select the proper flower essence. There are also some small ma and pa farms that make their own fyi.



Website for further exploration~




I've always liked Bach Flower Essences and had an herbal store make up my specific combination based on questionnaire. Are you presently taking them Sunshine?
I've always liked Bach Flower Essences and had an herbal store make up my specific combination based on questionnaire. Are you presently taking them Sunshine?

Oh that’s awesome Tammy! Do you stay in the same formula each month after month or shift around and take new ones?

I am. I started to really dive into them 2 years ago. They have been incredibly helpful for me in ways I couldn’t have imagined emotionally.
For the first year I intuitively felt into what I needed, then a homeopath helped me find good ones for me and now I sometimes use my Healy device to scan what Bach flower remedies best suit my body, mind and soul right now.

It’s been an incredible journey and it’s really a fascinating mode of healing in my eyes.
Oh that’s awesome Tammy! Do you stay in the same formula each month after month or shift around and take new ones?
I would reassess after taking the formula and sometimes would stay with formula or change. It has been some years since I've taken them. The story of how the Bach Essences came to be is fascinating.
I would reassess after taking the formula and sometimes would stay with formula or change. It has been some years since I've taken them. The story of how the Bach Essences came to be is fascinating.

Same 🧡
I just go with whatever I feel drawn to. Sometimes it’s 8 drops a day, sometimes it’s one. Sometimes it’s over my thymi’s heart area, sometimes wrists, sometimes internally.

I don’t think I’m thoroughly familiar with dr. Bachs history. Are you referring to his travels to different dimensions? 😜
Sunshine..........I couldn't find any info on Bach's travels to different dimensions on-line? Did you read that in a book?
Sunshine..........I couldn't find any info on Bach's travels to different dimensions on-line? Did you read that in a book?

Yeah, a book on homeopathy.
My nurse friend is here to help me wash up after a long absence… I’m SO excited right now!!!! Will try to find name for you later 💗
Hi. Hope you don't mind me commenting.

I used to take Bach's sometime ago. I've just caught a respiratory infection and my anxiety has ramped up. So I dug out the Bach's had a dose and the anxiety dissolved.

An internet search informs that Bach's is approximately 40% brandy. I know that alcohol reduces my symptoms, but I'm not to tolerant of the hangovers!

I think next time I'll just have a small squirt of alcohol and see what happens.
Hi. Hope you don't mind me commenting.

I used to take Bach's sometime ago. I've just caught a respiratory infection and my anxiety has ramped up. So I dug out the Bach's had a dose and the anxiety dissolved.

An internet search informs that Bach's is approximately 40% brandy. I know that alcohol reduces my symptoms, but I'm not to tolerant of the hangovers!

I think next time I'll just have a small squirt of alcohol and see what happens.

The more the merrier ☺️
Always welcome.

Ha, it’s funny, I used to always think it was just weak flower water and all pharmaceuticals were superior to it eons ago but I was quite mistaken.

A product of a very conditioned society to not see the true nature of things.

Hmmm, I’m not sure. I buy the alcohol free Bach versions for myself so that is not the case for me.

In any event, I’m happy you had some relief

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