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Today's big question ...

Hey Y'all;

A little bit ago got done vacuuming/hoovering the living room, dining area, entry to hallway, for something like the first time in a month.

Had long ago set vacuuming time as "2 on Tuesday".
Have been increasingly frequent, "Ehh, I'm not up to that today. Maybe tomorrow or next day".
And then it seems I just forget about needing to do it.
Until another instance of, "Oh, that still needs to be done. I'm not good for doing that today."
Sometimes wonder if there may be a bit of ADD or something in play along with the rest of my health.

British English term for vacuuming is hoovering, and this machine is an actual Hoover brand vacuum bought several years ago with either some pandemic money or some gift money from parents.
Has been well worth the money.
Is next down from top of the line model in their specialized for pet hair series.
Top of the line one had a number of movable accessories that my logic said "Ya know, if that doesn't exist it won't break."
So I decided the one rated as second best was the functional best for my needs and desires.
And it has proven to be. :)

Canister only had 1/2 that much in it before I vacuumed/hoovered.

➡️ Anyway ...
Am looking at that 2 inch long scrap of Evergreen Styrene structural shapes "L" "angle iron" ...
and thinking ...
... do I want to raise the cat hair/litter dust/normal household dust from how it gets so dusty around here ...
.. and retrieve it?

Well, hey, I Paid For The Package Of It. 💵 💰
Plus, the challenge of retrieving it is growing more, and more, and more, appealing ...

What's that famous line by Billy the Bard?
"To retrieve or not to retrieve, that is the question."




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