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So What If....................... ..................?

This morning I was reading a forum post about heart symptoms & remembered someone else talking about abnormal kidney function & realized that these were some of many problems I have had in the past & are now resolved or are not symptomatic at the present time.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
And then I started thinking about my 30 year struggle with pain & ill health. <o:p></o:p>
Why was I so much better now, when it was quite clear that I had both symptoms & diagnosis of potentially serious health problems. (Diabetes, heart attack & stroke runs in our family on both sides).<o:p></o:p>
My eldest cousin died of cancer at the age of 47. My second eldest cousin died of a heart attack 2 weeks ago at the age of 59. <o:p></o:p>
I was shocked at this news. It was another wake-up call I am 56.
How many of my maternal cousins in this photo are left?</o:p>

<o:p>I am the blond haired child madly squinting into the camera (severely myopic at the age of seven).</o:p>
My paternal Grandfather died at 52 of stroke he was a heavy smoker & drinker. My paternal Grandmother died prematurely, blind & bedridden from diabetes, & then heart attack. My paternal Aunt died from renal failure associated with her diabetes.<o:p></o:p>
Not only did my maternal Grandfather died of heart attack at the age of 60, but late last year when I was undergoing heart tests, my Mother informed me that all 4 of his brothers died very young, of heart disease also. <o:p></o:p>
I believe that my interest in diet & study/application of alternative therapies for something like 25 years have contributed to where I am today - improved health. Not drinking alcohol (well, only about 6-8 glasses per year) & quitting smoking at the age of 30 may have been helpful also. <o:p></o:p>
Stress has triggered a downward slide over the past 15 years, but as I changed my diet, supplements & activities, and finally overcome the last hurdle resignation from a full-time stressful occupation, I have gradually come to the conclusion that being pro-active & self-educated have been winners all the way.<o:p></o:p>
I cant prove change in diet & lifestyle has been instrumental in improving my health. I cant prove use of Aromatherapy & herbal teas has been the catalyst for improved immune function. I cant prove that Food as Medicine resolves or calms down IBS symptoms & the inflammatory response my body automatically raises sometimes without any obvious provocation.<o:p></o:p>
I might add that further alterations in diet in early 2009, were the only things I changed when I was having regular cholesterol tests, so one can surmise that these were the prevailing factors in improvement of high cholesterol. But I, personally, cant prove it.<o:p></o:p>
My high BP (despite medication) is mostly normal now that I have deleted the major stressors in my life. In fact it improved dramatically about 9-10 days after finishing full-time work on 12<SUP>th</SUP> Feb this year. The first week was pretty stressful doing the rounds of Social Services assessments & worrying about finances, I have to admit.<o:p></o:p>
Last year, I wrote these words at the end of the Aromatherapy article I wrote:<o:p></o:p>
I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to cure CFS (or my own FM). But it only takes an interest, reading & research, to use essential oils & herbs in a supporting role to help ease some of our symptoms.<o:p></o:p>
A microbe is not always the cause of an illness; normally it simply bears witness to a deficiency in the organism under attack. The microbe is far less important that the site.<o:p></o:p>
Why are many CFS sufferers found to have multiple viruses, and healthy people living or working with them do not? If we were to give those with clinically diagnosed ME/CFS or FM, the best fresh organic diet, filtered water, fresh un-polluted air, adequate regular rest periods & deep restorative sleep, together with supporting therapies & herbs to restore their immune system & cleanse the toxins which may have accumulated in their bodies, would it be possible for their bodies to heal themselves? <o:p></o:p>
It is perhaps a fanciful imagination to suggest such a simplistic idea? CFS (& FM) have complex combinations of symptoms. Every patient is unique in both their degree of symptoms & genetic or predisposition to disease. There are so many factors which come into play environment, stress, diet, lifestyle, genetics & so forth.<o:p></o:p>
Are we giving our bodies the best chance of recovery by assaulting them with a plethora of potentially hazardous drugs?<o:p></o:p>
Once again, I am giving serious consideration to these words.<o:p></o:p>
So, what if..?<o:p></o:p>
I know many of you will be thinking that if it were this easy, there wouldnt be millions of chronic disease sufferers in the world, let alone Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue syndrome & Fibromyalgia patients.
If it was so easy, there wouldnt be cancers, plagues & epidemics.

Essiac is a non-toxic berbal cure for cancer thats been with us since 1922. its a formula made from four very common herbs. Why is the information on essiac not more widely known? The information is withheld because cancer is the second largest revenue producing business in the world. Money & power suppresses the truth? (Dec 1993).

This was a very old article, but my point is still in the wording - Money & Power.

Perhaps, it not that we can't cure disease, it's a case of we can't afford to cure disease. Ill health today, is a major money earner (for the Medical & Pharmaceutical Industries). Perhaps it's a wealth creator for the Western nations that benefit from the child & slave labour over raw botannical crops (in third world countries) that are used in the production of prescription pharmaceutical drugs.<o:p></o:p>
As Barbara Griggs, the renown journalist and researcher in the field of herbalism said, you cannot patent a plant, so there is little profit in plant medicine. She is talking about herbal medicine, not the extraction of alkaloids which are modified or synthesised in prescription drugs.
Researchers have believed for years that spices might help treat diabetes. Research has shown that cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, and turmeric have each exhibited good results in raising the action of insulin in the body. Recent studies have confirmed Cinnamon as a helpful treatment for Diabetes.

Few plants have generated as much recent interest among the scientific and medical communities as the Madagascar periwinkle, C. roseus (also known by its older name Vinca rosea). The interest began in the mid-1950s, when researchers, hearing of a "periwinkle tea" that was drunk in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>Jamaica</st1:place></st1:country-region>, began to study the plant for its reported antidiabetic properties. They found much more than they had hoped for; the plant, they found, contains two anticancer alkaloids- vincristine and vinblastine- that inhibit the growth of tumors.
Lemon essential oil is strong enough to kill germs related to such life-threatening illnesses as typhoid, pneumonia and diphtheria.
I have plucked just a few examples at random ..
There are literally thousands of examples, now being proven by scientific research.<o:p></o:p>

So, what if<o:p></o:p>


Pretty good Vic! Very informative. I didn't know these herbs until now. It's scary to think that this info isn't known because it keeps money going around. How awful. It seems that anything that can help is hidden. Not just for cancer but for so many illnesses. Hidden or not used. Stem cells being one of those things.
There may be only wages in herbal medicine, unlike the fortunes being made in pharmaceuticals, but the benefit to humanity is huge. How wrong it is that our treatment is driven by the profit motive, instead of the health motive. If it works, don't knock it.

I am not curing myself with lifestyle, herbs, spices and diet - yet - but this approach has been of more benefit to me than pharmaceutical medication. And it tastes better! The medication I have been offered so far has damaged more than it cured. So we wait, and watch, and listen to the experiences of others. Try one thing at a time, and hope that real understanding will bring a real cure.

So glad you're not working any more. I know you'd improve once you were allowed the time to do what you needed to do.
Good blog Victoria. I have come to the conclusion that not only are we gettting a whole load of wrong information and damaging `help` from medical science but also from the alternative stable who also have a lot of profit from the sick and vested interests in keeping them there with remedies which help but do not get down to the basics of healing at a celullar level.

We can sniff all the oils we like and take all the herbs we desire but unless we get to the root, we are still assailing our bodies with things which not only can cost a lot, but also are not giving us the tools to be free of them too. They are meant for people who do not want drastic change but are willing to make small to medium changes whereas pharmaceuticals are for those who will not change at all.

From my research and experience, we cannot just do a little bit here and a little bit there and get astounding results but what we need to really heal is a drastic change in our lifestyle and the most important is diet although removing pollutants including getting away from toxic people to allow us to heal is vital.

It seems that ingesting all grains and dairy products not forgetting bad oils and sugar are the the main culprits. Since I have gotten on top of these things, I am going full steam now with 4 X increase in energy and now able to exercise with increasing mental abilities whereas before I had to stop because of heart symptoms. I was really at the bottom 9 months ago with late stage Lyme with dementia developing so that I did not know where I was when I awoke, but the improvement is increasing and now I am back to where I was 7 years ago and getting better all the time.

It has not been easy to give up all the things I love like chocolate and coffee but the results are worth it. I believe more and more that the conditions we have are curable.


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