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If you pray, will you pray for me please?

I have covid pneumonia and was just sent home by ambulance by an overworked worn out ER.

If you know how severe my situation already was, you know I could use all the prayers.



Praying 🙏 🤍 (but u already know that..
What have they given u re hospital?

They offered teslon pearles, an anti nausea med and that was mostly it. If it turns bacterial then we have to try a antibiotic 😬😩🙏 I have not tried the teslon pearles because it’s a heavy duty med and my system has only had Tylenol and small amounts of Ativan for 5 years now after a allergic reaction to a beta blocker. And, not really good to suppress a cough during pneumonia. I’m violently coughing because of throat issues though. Possibly mast cell related. But dr didn’t want to look into it much. I’m not nauseous mostly so I did not try the anti nausea med.

I had a full body hives reaction to Tylenol suppositories 4 days ago. So over this mast cell crap.

2 bags of fluids this time around stabiles o2 and heart rate. For now. Had to go in for one bag 5 days prior as well.
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Can you do a skin test of the teslon pearls? My Mom used to take those and I think I did once or twice too. It did help and neither one of us had a reaction HOWEVER, I think you're about 20x more sensitive (MCAS) so you definitely need to be extra extra careful.

Creamed raw honey used to help with her coughing too if you can tolerate that.

Can you do a skin test of the teslon pearls? My Mom used to take those and I think I did once or twice too. It did help and neither one of us had a reaction HOWEVER, I think you're about 20x more sensitive (MCAS) so you definitely need to be extra extra careful.

Creamed raw honey used to help with her coughing too if you can tolerate that.


Thank you Judee. I’ve been trying honey, warm broths everything 😩 but it feels like a wicked rash in my throat. Nothing works. It’s truly insane. Breathing air sets it off. Anything.

I’m not very open to a cough suppressant. The actual cough isn’t too bad. It’s in my throat the issue is. I think suppressing coughs during pneumonia is danger ranger sometimes.
You made me remember Thymus glandular and ascorbic acid powder. Swanson sells the glandular and I would open the capsule and mix it with some vitamin c powder and a little water and gargle it.

There is also a sheep thymus but it doesn't work like the Swanson's does for me.

Another thing is raw organic garlic but that could possibly just upset your stomach more if you're already vomiting.

Yikes I'm sorry you're going through all that. :(

Edit: The other thing I used to do is to make a fruit smoothie with fresh pineapple as one of the ingredients. Fresh or fresh frozen has enzymes which can help break down dead diseased tissue so the body can heal those areas. (I think cantaloupe, kiwi, & honeydew melon may also have similar enzymes.)

Anyway just some thoughts. Of course please don't take anything if you think or know you react badly to it.
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@sunshine44....It occurred to me that rubbing Vick's into your throat and on your chest may help give you some relief. The fumes are often good for us.

If you don't want to do that, perhaps a vaporizer with Vick's liquid may help. I'm truly sorry that you're suffering this way. Yours, Lenora :heart: 🙏
Dearest @sunshine44

I am so sorry to hear you are so horribly sick.

I'll hold you, in my thoughts and prayers.

-I got horribly sick myself: acute gastroperesis, just intense tachycardia PLUS I had huge MCAS reactions I'm not even used to seeing happen, and also on top of it I have a lung and sinus infection, which for me is like impossible to even have.

So we are in a parallel universe of This Is Horrible.

My daughter left for three days, during which time I decided reality is a ske5tchy thing. It's all very WEIRDING.

My husband was here, and his nurses, but I just stayed in bed for days. He gets helped.

And why do we have to eat food? Why? Why do I have to digest this?

(I had somewhat fixed my stomach, my SIBO, my gut doing better and then all THIS)

Probably going back in tomorrow guys after just calling my insurance nurse hotline tonight. And my nurse friend.

I’m really sad. I’ve never had to call an ambulance 3 times in one week. Please pray I find the strength to do this. It’s so hard for me to do when I’m so unwell. Sigh. 😞🙏🙏
I cannot understand why we send home a bedridden, possibly immuno compromised individual amongst other things to battle pneumonia all on their own. Like if this were going to happen to anyone, it would be me. I’m so tired of fighting for help you guys. Even when it’s so obvious I need it. Even the emt the other night were talking about what hospital I was going to bc I was most definitely going to be hospitalized they felt. I feel like an invisible girl. So f****** over this crumbling medical system.
I'll be praying for you sunshine. Your feelings on this are totally justified. Please make sure you have an advocate staying on top of things for you.

You are indeed in the midst of a great winter. I trust that your invincible summer is in there -- somewhere. You've endured a lot, orders of magnitude more than your share. I pray for spring, then summer.
I cannot understand why we send home a bedridden, possibly immuno compromised individual amongst other things to battle pneumonia all on their own. Like if this were going to happen to anyone, it would be me. I’m so tired of fighting for help you guys. Even when it’s so obvious I need it. Even the emt the other night were talking about what hospital I was going to bc I was most definitely going to be hospitalized they felt. I feel like an invisible girl. So f****** over this crumbling medical system.
I hear u sunshine loud and clear and where my thoughts when they sent you home in the first place. I know it feels personal my God how wouldn't it BUT the system is fucked. I'm assuming because your vitals were stable and they weren't giving u any treatment that made their decison. The nhs here whilst I feel it's better than some usa stories I've heard they are so crammed full and people do get 2nd 3rd best or whatever. Stories of people get left in corridors, sent home, long serious operations on endless waiting lists. It's scarey..
Since the pandemic the system can't cope.
But hey if u are back in then surely they will keep u there now! Please keep us updated as u can and I pray someone in your world can be a strong voice for u.. Xx 💜 🙏
I'll be praying for you sunshine. Your feelings on this are totally justified. Please make sure you have an advocate staying on top of things for you.

You are indeed in the midst of a great winter. I trust that your invincible summer is in there -- somewhere. You've endured a lot, orders of magnitude more than your share. I pray for spring, then summer.

Thank you.
I really appreciate the prayers because it’s about all I have going for me right now.

No, unfortunately I do not. My husband is very put out by me being ill. He did go to one of my er trips but was not a happy camper. My family is MIA this entire saga. I did receive s few texts wishing me well in the beginning from them. Like 3 texts. Like, hey you are super disabled and have been rejected by most drs but good luck.

I have s friend that always tells me she will be there to help advocate for me. But she has been very strange during this entire ordeal and is mostly not coming around. I asked her to go with me to the hospital today but she said she’s busy. It really makes me feel feelings because she gave covid to me. I feel for her. I know it wasn’t on purpose but I was so uneasy thry day she wanted to come over. She reminded me cdc said it’s just fine and she’s not contagious. They were wrong. She was wrong. And now she’s being avoidant. Perfect timing.
She sends me scripture prayers though, so at least I got that going for me.

I cannot make up how bizarre it is that no one wants to physically help me around me…. If you know me, I’m fairly pleasant. And even when in distress the emts always take a liking to me…. It’s like, I must endure so much alone and I cannot figure out why. Most people with Covid pneumonia are not fighting their family, friends and medical establishment to help them.

Anyways. Vent over. For now.

I’m quite angry about this round.
This is a potentially dangerous situation…. And everyone is too busy.
I hear u sunshine loud and clear and where my thoughts when they sent you home in the first place. I know it feels personal my God how wouldn't it BUT the system is fucked. I'm assuming because your vitals were stable and they weren't giving u any treatment that made their decison. The nhs here whilst I feel it's better than some usa stories I've heard they are so crammed full and people do get 2nd 3rd best or whatever. Stories of people get left in corridors, sent home, long serious operations on endless waiting lists. It's scarey..
Since the pandemic the system can't cope.
But hey if u are back in then surely they will keep u there now! Please keep us updated as u can and I pray someone in your world can be a strong voice for u.. Xx 💜 🙏

So, so true Emma.
The nurse practioner said my vitals were fine after iv fluids 🙄 and I said but it keeps being not fine and she just said they have lots of critical patients and I’m not one of them and there is no reason for me to be there.

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