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Your Voice on Public Service Announcement: Need Feedback by 3 April on the PSAs!!!!

Your Voice on Public Service Announcement​

Posted by Tina Marie Miller Tidmore 28 March via Muffin.

The MCWPA team is pleased to announce that five entries have come in for the public service announcement contest. We are now inviting the patients to go to the Patient Discussion Board and give their feedback between now and April 3 at midnight EST.


You will find it under Print and Video Advertisements with each entry having a separate thread.

After April 3, the contestants will decide what, if any, changes they will make. And then you will be able to vote on which one you prefer.

This PSA is going to be distributed to T.V. stations around the nation. A letter is being prepared now to be given to patient organizations asking for help in getting the PSA to the cable companies. We would also like to have print advertisements in newspapers across the nation that is designed in a similar look and message to the PSA that wins the contest. MCWPA will be giving $150 per advertisement in co-op money with local organizations pay the balance.

Our goal for the print ads is $3,000 for 20 of them. At this point, we need $1,400 more.

Action request 1: Please post this message on Facebook, message boards and every other place on the Internet you can find to get more input. We would like to see this blasted everywhere.

Action request 2: Please donate at least $10 toward this cause.



My favorite one by far is #2.
It's very well done for a 30 sec. ad.
Music is appropriate.
Just enough info to make one want to hear more.
It gets my vote.
Nielk: Please provide your comments on the www.mcwpa.org website so that everyone can see and read and think about your ideas.
We have not yet started the voting but are just in the feedback stage so when it is time to vote I and others will ENSURE that you and everyone else is aware and can vote for your favorite!!!

Please just copy/paste your comments to the Forum site. We LOVE Feedback!!!! thanks!
muffin;bt4631 said:
Nielk: Please provide your comments on the www.mcwpa.org website so that everyone can see and read and think about your ideas.
We have not yet started the voting but are just in the feedback stage so when it is time to vote I and others will ENSURE that you and everyone else is aware and can vote for your favorite!!!

Please just copy/paste your comments to the Forum site. We LOVE Feedback!!!! thanks!
Muffin- I tried to do that but I'm not sure how and where.

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