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During the winter, CFS seems to close in on me in a way that was not happening during the warmer months.

I am not as ill as I was last winter, but the day to day habits of my life become more closed in and insular.

While I dont have the distressing neurological symptoms from before, my energy level is lower. And I find that a certain hibernation mode seems to be what comes naturally. I liken it to the flowers and trees that cease to bloom; the animals that go to their nests; even my cat spends more time in the house sleeping.

I try to view this as a time of rest, waiting for the renewal of spring. Conserving energy. Regenerating.

It is a bit frightening, as it feels at times like I am failing (waning, not losing) at life. The strides forward of last spring and summer are mostly put on hold for now. I dont go out. I dont have any desire to.

But I remind myself that this hibernation, the time spent in bed reading again something I left behind last summer being so busy with other things is from choice this time rather than necessity. It is so that I will have the needed energy for my freelance writing, for my friendships on the net, for my family.

And it is so that when the warm weather comes again, I will be ready for it

I hope


Thanks for this blog entry. I love the positive take: [/I try to view this as a time of rest, waiting for the renewal of spring. Conserving energy. Regenerating. I]! I'd been attributing my "relapse" to overexposure to germs...which could be...but your blog gives purpose to it! Though my reading has been lacking...I'm praying for a renewed brain for January!
I believe we can always learn from animals.
Winter does the same thing for me and I also agree that your positive take on hibernation is the way to go.Most people feel that if they're not doing all the time then they're wasting time.We're geared to think that way as the workers.To sit and just be in your moment is wise.
RestingInHim;bt315 said:
Thanks for this blog entry. I love the positive take: [/I try to view this as a time of rest, waiting for the renewal of spring. Conserving energy. Regenerating. I]! I'd been attributing my "relapse" to overexposure to germs...which could be...but your blog gives purpose to it! Though my reading has been lacking...I'm praying for a renewed brain for January!

Thanks RestingInHim,

Whatever the cause of our relapses, our best way of handling it is to rest and regenerate. I figure, since I have to do it any way (no choice) I might as well enjoy it as much as I can, when I can.

LOL When I mentioned reading, that is just something I have started doing again ... I'm sure there are other ways people quietly pass the time. I don't think it's a requirement for resting and regenerating. :D I just hadn't been doing it for a long time, since last spring.

I'm pretty big on knitting too. Knitted a scarf and hat for my daughter-in-law, one for my mom, and am working on one for my son right now. Slow progress, because I put it down when I need to. I'm not setting any goals or deadlines for myself. They'll get done when they get done. :)
Denn;bt319 said:
Hi Jody,

"It is a bit frightening, as it feels at times like I am failing (waning, not losing) at life. The strides forward of last spring and summer are mostly put on hold for now. I dont go out. I dont have any desire to."

Absolutely! I so relate! Our cat is also into hyper-sleep mode. He is very active in warmer weather. However, he must be sleeping 20+ hours a day now and he always needs a warm lap to sleep on. Sigh. I usually try to read when he is on me but he doesn't like my attention diverted away from his total comfort and I do not have the focus anyway... He makes me feel useful ;) and I love to sleep!! Still, as you say, there is that sensation of things slipping away but, if a creature as wise as my kitteh can peacefully sleep the winter away, there must be something harmonious about it. Don't you think??

Sweet dreams,


These cats know something that we need to catch on to, don't they. :D

You sound very like my husband. He is not a pushover, ... except for the cat. If she wants to settle here or there, and if she is in his way or on him, well. He daren't disturb the cat. Anything but that. :D Nice for the cat though, goodness knows. And if being held down by the cat makes you more likely to snooze, it's gotta be a good thing.

Sweet dreams to you, Denn. :)
alice1;bt322 said:
I believe we can always learn from animals.
Winter does the same thing for me and I also agree that your positive take on hibernation is the way to go.Most people feel that if they're not doing all the time then they're wasting time.We're geared to think that way as the workers.To sit and just be in your moment is wise.


I have spent many winters being ill and being agitated and angry and frustrated about being too sick to do anything. And I was terrified that I was watching my life wash away. Mind you, lots of it has washed away. I wasn't wrong back then.:rolleyes:

But I finally have gotten to the place where I am okay with a season of solitude. I have had enough years where winters were slow and spring and summer were ... not necessarily great, but better, healthwise. I believe this year, better health and energy will come again, as winter turns to spring.

A big difference for me this year has been, that the isolation is not so total. I have a busy life on the net, with some work, friends, connections ... I can pursue them all when the energy is there and can take breaks when it's not ... with the reassuring comfort that ... they will be there for me when I'm rested up after a day, or a week, or more ... This makes a huge difference in how I feel this year. I feel very fortunate in this.
Hi Jody,

I don't do winter either.

Hibernation = Natural

Going out in the cold = Madness

I'm sure I was a cat in a previous life.

I have an electric blanket which I love, however I also have a persistent, pushy, demanding 19 year old cat with pin-point razor sharp claws.

He also loves the electric blanket too. Not good, LOL.

If I lock him out of the bedroom he screams the place down, it sounds like someone stepping on a baby. Its awful.

He'll even go out of the cat flap and scream the neighbourhood down, until I let him in the bed. LOL

I love my cat dearly, but OMG can someone please invent a cat safe leccy blanket for me.

Hope your sitting back and chilling out for the winter in a nice warm snuggly spot, as we all should. Even my cat I suppose. :rolleyes:
Fantastic Denn,

you just made my partner and laugh our socks off.

I will try your advice, and yes we have the same puncuture wounds, and they say it's nice to kneaded. LOL
flybro;bt347 said:
Hi Jody,

I don't do winter either.

Hibernation = Natural

Going out in the cold = Madness

I'm sure I was a cat in a previous life.

I have an electric blanket which I love, however I also have a persistent, pushy, demanding 19 year old cat with pin-point razor sharp claws.

He also loves the electric blanket too. Not good, LOL.

If I lock him out of the bedroom he screams the place down, it sounds like someone stepping on a baby. Its awful.

He'll even go out of the cat flap and scream the neighbourhood down, until I let him in the bed. LOL

I love my cat dearly, but OMG can someone please invent a cat safe leccy blanket for me.

Hope your sitting back and chilling out for the winter in a nice warm snuggly spot, as we all should. Even my cat I suppose. :rolleyes:


A 19 yr old cat. That is one ancient kittycat.

I guess at that age he figures he should get what he wants.

Apparently it works for him. :Retro tongue:
Denn;bt352 said:
That's me. The kitteh rules supreme. If he wants to lay down, I'm not moving :D

Sending you warm wishes,


Your kitteh has chosen his servant wisely.

He's got it made. :D

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