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Maybe useful for an ME/CFS person who wants to write a book?

Just saw this via, you guessed it, Tumblr. 😁

That bit about struggling with the scope of large projects ...
... and easily handling bite sized bits ...
Maybe it's just me, but that sounds very ME/CFS ...
One time I was like "why must a book have a 'plot,' why can't I just string a bunch of random unconnected scenes together on vibes alone" and ? well, I mean. Until I watched this video, it never occurred to me that I can, in fact, do that.

I'm constantly working to identify and overcome arbitrary Rules I don't need to follow re: creativity. I think this is a big one.

Immediately after I watched it, I started mentally chopping up what I have of one of my drafts into smaller, self-contained scenes. I started thinking of finally writing the scenes I've been thinking about for ages and never wrote because I didn't think they'd fit into the plot of the story.

If you're like me and you struggle with the scope of larger projects like novels but can easily handle bite-sized chunks, maybe look into doing a novella-in-flash.

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I have a writing project myself but the irony is because of my health and other time issues it hasn't went very far at the moment but essentially what is, is a bunch of individual writings on various topics in no particular order without any connection to one another.
I dunno, maybe the connection is you, that you have thoughts and something to say. 🙂
I mean technically it weaves an interconnected network of viewpoints that form the basis of my perception. It would be interesting to see someone make a truly random book like one set of pages is a description of what they did one day, another is a review for some coffee they drank, the next is their views on a certain topic, and so on. You could go go on forever too, it would be the most baffling book of all time.
Hey there. Just back from a doctor appointment and then taking my apartment trash down to the dumpster.
Currently chilling out with two cats, and a laptop.
Georgie is bring distracting licking my mouse hand.
Who knows why, with cats.

Might be baffling, but at least I'd get to see what was in the writers mind at points.

And speaking of what was in the writers mind,

Last night I made some progress on my sci-fi story which has for several decades been under construction in intermittent fits of slow motion.
Another case of, Took me years to settle on how to present what I wanted to show happening.
Some note, and about 2/3 a page.
Buy, hey, that's 2/3 a page more than it would have been if it were 2/3 a page less than it is!

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